Meet one of the VAs of this game in a lobby

>Meet one of the VAs of this game in a lobby.
>Pretty cool dude, can kind of tell he's losing hope with the game.
>He only ever starts to log on when he's drinking to play with everyone, patiently waited for others to get into the lobby with us no matter how long it took.
>Earlier this year the developers pretty much announced Stage 2 was the end of evolved, it's completely free to play but dead now.
>VA dude hasn't been on for 23 days.

It's a shame they tried to balance the game too much.

I hope he's okay. ;_;

it's a shame they fucked up the game from the start.

I wonder how many VAs actually play the games they worked on?
Do you know any examples, Sup Forums?

I played with Church back when Halo 2 on Xbox was a thing, does that count?


McCree's VA played on Overwatch a lot. I actually got to play a game with him. Pretty cool dude. Also the voice of the Scout plays Tf2 regularly, even did streams and videos of it.

Lucio from OW.

Oh yeah, that guy, Matt Mercer. He's pretty cool.
Although I was thinking more of single player, story focused games.

>>It's a shame they tried to balance the game too much.

Yea. that's what killed it. Late life BALANCING.

i thought the game looked really cool but i was too poor to buy it. When a game has a lot of dlc it puts me off the whole idea of even scrounging to just get the base game. Because even if i do buy the base game i feel like ill be missing out on too much for not getting the dlc so i may as well just forget the whole thing. same thing for total war warhammer. I love warhammer and i love total war games but im not willing to fork over 80 dollars if i will be missing out on half the content unless i buy the 4-5 dlcs they offer too. Warhammer went on sale 25% off and i was about to buy it but then i realized how much dlc i would need to get so i said fuck it. im waiting for it to hit 50-75% off like i did for the previous games.

From RvB? That's kinda cool but of course the people who made a machinima with Halo played it

Guy Chihi has done a few Silent Hill 2 videos.
But more than voice actors I think it's neat when devs go through their own games. I always thought Conker's Bad Fur Day was just really low effort and edgy for no reason. But it's actually downright hilarious and I'm just not English enough to understand their sense of humor.

I met the dude who voices the Sniper from TF2/Odessa Cubbage from HL2 in person, if that counts.

I regret buying TW:Warhammer as well. Not because I think it's a bad game. (That feeling you described)

Well, Cihi only provided commentary. He didn't actually play it and IIRC, he said that he never even seen final gameplay before.

An example of a dev playing their own game would be that dude who worked as a producer of republic commando. Lots of good shit on how lucasarts shat itself back in the day

>this was the devs passion project
>the devs had many years of experience in the genre
>the devs have gotten AAA funding

How many times do all these things happen at once? Once in a million maybe.

>publisher bankruptcy
>new publisher making several worst possible descissions
>horrible launch date and pre-launch advertising

Evolve is the strongest argument that making games is mostly about funding and marketing and not about the actual craftsmanship.

It makes a good case for that conclusion given the DLC's.

Sam Witwer who played Starkiller in the Force Unleashed games has played them because he's a huge Star Wars fan. He actually streams on twitch playing assorted games from time to time.

They deserved it for flaunting off those pat on the back awards that this game got. Funny how your game can win so many awards, yet it's fucking garbage in the end, huh. Really makes you think.

I was hyped to buy this game too. Saw the pre launch DLC and noped out

>Evolve is the strongest argument that making games is mostly about funding and marketing and not about the actual craftsmanship.

>Let's just fucking forget that Evolve's advertising campaign tried to hype this shit up as the next fucking big GOTY contender of its year.

No. The game was garbage, and Turtlerock are frauds. No amount of advertisements could salvage their turd. Maybe if 2K hadn't decided to sell their tiny ass game for such a large price ontop of all that stupid fucking DLC then maybe it wouldn't have completely tanked like it did. Stage 2 came too little too late.

It wouldn't matter if they had lifesize statues of the monsters erected in every major city. It's not going to make running around in a circle for 15 minutes any more fun.

Although, on the flip side, it was the marketing campaign that pretty much sold that snakeoil of a game. So that point is right.

not our fault they fucked it up with all the bullshit DLC

The game wasn't fun either, though. I played it both in Open Beta and after F2P, and it just wasn't a good game.

The concept and aesthetics were top tier, but the mechanics were very shallow and every fight seemed to be either unwinnable or too easy. It was hard to tell when you were genuinely outplaying your opponent or who was contributing to a fight.

Most of the time in monster fights I had no idea what was going on. Once a hunter goes down it's impossible to get them back up since the monster can just foxguard them until they die and there's no way you can stop him, especially if it's the medic or support that went down.

What they really needed was more map interactions, way to block off paths, ways for the monster to ambush and trap hunters instead of just running away and kiting until Level 3. The environment was such an important part of the game that they should have done more to make it interactive and alive.

A soldier from RvB

Keep in mind the game started off extremely jewish and IMO wasn't very fun, you hardly ever feel like you're doing much as a hunter and as a monster you either win in 2 minutes because they suck or they have good teamwork and you can almost never down anyone and you just feel like a fucking angry tard with 4 weaker kids kicking the shit out of you. Playing the monster feels terrible half the time and playing a hunter feels like you're doing nothing.

From when I played it, it was either a stomp on the monster's side or a stomp on the hunter's side. There was no inbetween and no game ever felt truly satisfying or like I deserved the win. The balancing was also hot garbage ,and I believe a main reason as to why the game died a second time when it went free to play. They were trying to balance for the nonexistant pro playerbase with full comms and of course the casual people coming into the game are going to have no idea how to play the game. I'm not one for casualizing but realizing that you need to re-establish a concurrent rookie playerbase foremost is something that TR did not do. It's not like the game was incredibly skillfull to begin with. The shit servers also did not help. How after a year and a half the servers are still shit is mind blowing to me.

Adam Jensen has a full playthrough of Human Revolution on YouTube.

The dev LPs of the Ratchet and Clank games are endlessly fascinating.

I wonder if he liked Mankind Divided?

I felt the exact same way. One game my team would wipe to a level 1 monster 30 seconds after dropping, and the next game the monster would get to level 3 and still not be able to do anything to us. I couldn't tell any difference between the two from my perspective except that one game we lost and one game we won. There didn't seem to be any meaningful strategy on the Monster's part except for "run at them and swing and maybe you'll win" or "jump behind shit until the dome goes down and then run away"

I suspect vocal coordination with your team adds to the strategic element, but I didn't have a team to queue with, and that shouldn't be necessary just to understand the basic appeal of the game.

Then I got dropped in a game with the Wraith, which I had heard people complain about but never seen myself. It was at Level 2 and my team started fighting it. Suddenly there were copies of it everywhere, shooting them did nothing, and there were gigantic fucking AoEs that just wiped my whole team in seconds while the monster took no damage.

That was the last game I played of Evolve.