Enemy pleads for his life

>enemy pleads for his life

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>still shoot because it's a video game

>Enemy pleads for his life
>Show mercy
>Enemy stabs you in the back

>don't shoot
>he runs
>returns 10 hours later to give you a useful item

>Bandit is mortally wounded
>Plead for mercy

>enemy begs for death

I've had a couple of chances to spare some pleading asshats in Witcher 3. I've come to realize I am pretty unforgivingly brutal when I don't have a morality bar hanging over my character screen.

>shoot pleading enemy anyways

>enemy pleads for his life
>let him live expecting an extra cut scene or dialogue
>he vanishes when camera moves away
>never let another live

>try to go full edgy in a game
>can't do it, end up picking the nice options


>enemy begs for death
>kill him
>immediately regret it

>Lesser enemies try to defend a weakened boss character as he is trying to escape, wounded.
>If he escapes and you kill his men he will curse you and show up later in the game to try and defeat you.
>If you kill him his men fall into despair for failing to protect him and you kill them without resistance.

does this ever happen

i feel like modern games love to punish you for playing this way

Every time. My friends brag about how they always choose the route where they can be a complete cunt but I can't help but pick the helpful and nice options.

ow, the edge

literally me in KOTOR 2. I can be the biggest asshole in KOTOR 1 but in 2 I have to be good because everyone expects me to be evil.


I typically play as a very nice and understanding person but eventually the stress gets to my character and they by the final boss are a tired cynical mess who just shoots the final boss because his voice is a pitch too high.

I remember GTA 4 had a mechanic where wounded police would be dragged to safety by their co-workers. GTA 5 kinda sucked on those details.

>Let him live only to have him attack you 5 seconds later because the ai is shit

never should of come here*

>good options choices always result in negative consequences
>evil choices always end up giving you some extra reward or allow you to complete the mission faster
What is infamous

>underlings plead for their lives

>Implying anything of value was lost

>the ghosts of all the dead enemies become a boss fight later in the game
I'm looking at you, MGS3

not really

I used to have a Tommy Pickled plastic coin bank with this exact head

>NPC in dying slowly and painfully
>Can't mercy kill them because they're invincible or your shots go through them

This is how it should be

Same here, I just can't do it

>shooting people who beg for their lives for the first time in the dayz mod
>still feel bad for some of them to that day

you can say whatever you want about the game but the mod gave me fuckin ptsd

>shoot enemy who's carrying a shot gun
>he drops his gun and it goes off and shoots and kills the dude next to him
I loved GTA IV for the little things

>Your "reward" for doing something right is the game skipping a whole section of difficult (fun) gameplay

>go with evil dialogue options
>causes you to miss all the side missions

Is there a template for this? The hands and gun, obviously. Not the cat.

I spare anyone, except those fuckers in skyrim. I mean, I did at first, but now they conditioned me to just mercilessly slaughter them without question.

>no game that actually addresses you surviving possible odds, adapting to things no person possibly could on their first try and seemingly unable to die


>Shoot enemy who's carrying a gun
>He drops it
>You can't pick it up until your character finds one in a cutscene

Hey easy with that edge

>i feel like modern games love to punish you for playing this way
>implying that isn't all part of the plan

>enemy plead for your life

>Fallout 3 evil playthrough
>Fuck you [sidequest failed]

SCP containment breach has that, they even say that you were and unknown SCP in one of the endings




fucking quake 2

>Invading another country
>Cutscene shows farmers taking up arms to protect their homeland
>Think "This is moving and all but it's a video game and like the 17th mission, those farmers are gonna be buff as fuck at like level 45 with tons of hitpoints"
>Actually no

There is two type of persons.

>let the enemy escape
>he returns with his army and attack me


>Boss has two phases
>First phase is you fighting them like normal
>Second phase they're still alive but basically crippled and can do nothing but you have to beat them to death to proceed

What games does this except for MGSV? I know they exist but I can't think of any

>Asterisk at the end
That triggered me more than your joke.


Yeah fuck you man

well yeah, the point is that the 'good' choice isn't always the most beneficial to you

There is a bird in there, he know what's good.

I played HITMAN the other day and fucked up so just started killing everyone, aimed at a civilian female and she started begging me not to shoot and then she mumbled some kind of prayer/biblical passage or something under her breath.

I think civilians in GTA IV generally start screaming and running away or draw their own gun on you, but in that one mission with Darko he begs you to kill him.

I remember this in hitman blood money
>bad day in school
>playing hitman
>casino level
>going full shooting
>kill everyone in sight
>woman asks for mercy, saying she have a family
>didn't kill her
>turn my back
>she picks up a gun and shoot me in my back

As a guy who almost always goes the goodie two-shoes moralfag route, I wish more games did "Punish" you for doing the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard and gets you nothing, but games are super big on making your choices feel valid regardless of how you play.

For instance, and this is just off the top of my head with no idea how it would affect overall game balance, if I were designing the original Bioshock, I'd make it so if you refused to harvest little sisters you'd never get to use any plasmids. In exchange for bypassing bizarre powers that make the game easier, you get to live with not being a child murderer.

retard thats only in gta 5 and not 4


Dishonored kinda does that. It rewards you with money/runes if you take out your main targets nonlethaly. Which is good because doing a nonlethal playthough of that game is annoying as fuck.

Fucking Patches

>refuse rewards when given the option
>wonder why I can't afford anything

>play swtor as dark side trooper
>quest for finding a group of soldiers from that prison planet
>find them holed up with a prisoner
>they refuse to leave with me because they have to guard the prisoner
>pull out a blaster and execute the prisoner, problem solved

Made me feel like real piece of shit to be honest. Maybe that guy deserved it, who knows why he was incarcerated in the first place, but unceremoniously executing him just because he was a hindrance somehow stuck with me.

>he gets back up and starts attacking you again

that's pretty realistic actually

>enemy cries for his mother

thas wat u git fukkboi

this is why you don't show mercy to normies

>enemy pleads for his life
>you get the choice to spare him or not
>still kills him

>enemy pleads for his life
>spare him
>becomes hostile again

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark had the best AI out of any FPS. So many different behaviors and death animations that today's developers never bother with.

>goldeneye had the best AI out of any FPS

I love the N64 but that's not the reason why those games were good lol


>Enemy immediately commits suicide before you can spare him

fucking kekd


He has too good items to sell in DeS to kill him

>Dismember and mortally wound enemy
>they still try and fight you
>you can just watch them bleed out

>tfw this guy's channel got removed
Too bad, I really liked his shit. I wonder if there's a mirror of Pizza Time somewhere

>Throw the main bad guy out the window
>The fall doesn't kill him but he's well on his way to it
>you can either shoot him to put him out of their misery, or watch them bleed out
>the weapon you have at the time has the least amount of ammo available so most don't shoot him
The first time I didn't even look out the window and realize he was still alive

It's pixels, grow up.

That one guy in mission 43 in MGSV was pretty cool.

what game?

I wasn't arguing that they were good, I was saying they had the best AI, and I'm correct.

never should have* come here.

oh you mean condemned criminal origins?

*should of

>Hey guys, let's go pick on this jaded looking motherfucker who can clearly kick our ass

>enemy begs for death
>it's obvious that sparing them would be a worse outcome
>kill them
>the other NPCs go apeshit "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!"

>playing KOTOR 2 in full edgelord mode
>get mission where I'm asked to either save this rookie Mandalorian or at least recover his shit
>guy is trapped inside a ring of landmines
>get option to intentionally detonate them and take his stuff to complete the mission
>press the button
>guy screams NO PLEA- and is cut off by the explosions
>immediately shut the game off and almost cry

I have absolutely no idea why this hit me so hard, especially since I was edgy as fuck as a teen back then. A decade later and I remember that shit plain as day.

Sure, he just beat the shit out of two other groups of people who tried to fight him less than 50 metres away but I'm sure my gang can take him.

>objective: run

I think they did a good job with balancing that out. Can't remember if on higher difficulties that changes but they do give much less Adam for each little sister. Completely taking the plasmids away is a bit too harsh and a lot of parts require you to use specific ones to move forward.

What's the matter? I thought you wanted some of this!?

They don't though, they ask you to kill them

>all those fuccboi hosts wanting to start shit because of your clothes

I like how.
ruins any kind of tone this moment might have had.

Fuck MGSV sucked so hard. wtf Kojima.

Oblivion's Gray Prince after you do his quest

Crysis 2
You take Commander Lockhart's Gauss Rifle before you throw him, but it only has 4 shots with only one spare mag in reserve