Does a more inelegant game exist?

Does a more inelegant game exist?

new patch is okay btw

i can't tell the motive behind these threads

is it league of losers shills shitting themselves, or old school dotards who are just now realizing that valve never gave a shit about their game and are just making millions off of it?

if valve never gave a shit why the fuck are they getting a new patch and remodels

kill your self kike, the new patch has made everything to easy/noobish like LoL

they outsourced the patch to Blizzard.
Valve doesnt develop anymore. Just collect water vapor shekels.

how? it's not like they gave everyone 20 damage at level 1 and a get out of jail free blink


fucking talents ruined the depth and copied the casual bullshit of HotS
the game is fucking ruined

god damn this thread is a mess

I mean that question in the OP.

Regardless of whether you've wired the game's ridiculous contrivances like a team AoE reveal ping or a tower invulnerability active or whatever tacked-on nonsense into your head, I can't think of any game that is more bloated and inelegant. None of it makes any aesthetic sense at all.

we had Hots and LoL casual bullshit.
Dota 2 did not fucking need to be made easy/noobish
now Am, Lion, difussal blade are pointless against WK ult. the new update his ult doest require mana anymore,
Nigma reskin is pure lazyness

Im sorry for whoever plays this game

It's pretty contrived, yes

You're baiting with a shitty example.

WK is still counterpicked with AM Lion and Diff Balde but now WK isn't useless when he hits 25 and can actually do something because he was countered so hard before. In other words you have 24 levels to fight him with an advantage.

>ruined the depth

how? it's not like they removed last-hitting, warding or any mechanics to the game, they just removed passive attribute bonuses from skill points, also they didn't add global leveling if that's what you're saying about casual bullshit.

dota doubters btfo desu

>spent my life learning this game and loving it
>the game fucks it up completely by changing the game completely and releasing a garbage patch that panders to an audience that I have diverged completely from

idk whether to feel liberated or angry

possibly a mixture

>assfaggot garbo

literally kys

>AM is dead

I dont know why anyone is surprised. The game never managed to gain a big playerbase so something like this would obviously happen.

LoL still has a huge playerbase and now chests too, HotS is starting to pick up and getting more popular each day and nothing changed for Dota 2 in the last 2 years. I would have counted Smite a year ago but its dying right now and Hi-Rez had it coming. Valve just wants some of that LoL and HotS audience.

>The game never managed to gain a big playerbase
what the fuck are you smoking
What constitutes as a big player base for you if 1m conc cap doesn't apply

>never managed to gain a big playerbase

nigger it's #1 on steam stop being ignorant

and HotS is dead in the water they let go of their competitive teams already

RIP Techies before level 6.

I use my green mines most of the match but the red mines are to get me to level 6 easily and the suicide was my get out jail free card.


dumb delusional hotsbabby

game literally needed an injection from OW to keep it alive for a moment, otherwise no one cares because the game is so boring and blizzard keeps forcing their esports meme on their games

HotS is the only tolerable clicker MOBA.

For anyone who has any aesthetic sensibilities and an income, there's Paragon.

Dude the red mines are fucking broken now
You can oneshot creep waves by level fucking SEVEN, and the new leap suicide thing is like the easiest fucking kills of your life

When one of the competitors still has 10m+ after 3 years and the other one managed to pass 2m in 2 years soemthing needs to be done.

Too bad many weebshit mmos and other moba games arent on Steam.

Why do you assume Im a hotsbabby?

I feel like getting attacked by dumb Russians who dont know what they are talking about. Oh wait its a Dota 2 thread.

HotS is the only tolerable hero brawler*

They will just decrease the numbers on them to "balance" them.

True but consider the following:

>Takes 1.6 secs to charge up
>Has 1 health
>Not invis unless there isn't a hero inside the radius
>Takes an additional 1.6 secs to explode

Also add on the fact that the leap takes 50% away from your current health, it's a Techies death trap. At least with Suicide, if you fucked up with calculating damage, you denied yourself. Now if you fuck up, you fuck up hard.

Trust me, it sounds awful in paper but it works really well in-game.

The fuck icefrog, stop trying making the game more accessible to people who don't want to play it. Let the leeg babies enjoy their shitty game. I thought he would stop after the leeg update but this shit is even worse

Just put them in places the enemy team doesn't have vision.
Navigating a Techies minefield is harder than it's ever been before.

How did any of this make the game more accessible?

>Make game more complex
>More accessible

So what's the next meta going to be? Both teams rice farming for 50m until all their heroes are level 25?

Can someone make an OD, Lesh or Silencer

>tfw to intelligent


Already been done, just go to /d2g/ or /rdota/ if you want to see that shitty ass meme everywhere.

To be totally honest most of the talents are shitty stat buffs that don't make up for the 20 all stats you got from leveling that are gone. If anything all it does is make supports even more sad that they'll literally never get their 2 later talents

Red mines are only for last hitting now
and the suicide kinda did need a rework, it always reached a point in every match where it stopped being a way to get a potential multi-kill and just started being a way to deny yourself if you know someones gonna kill you, the new suicide has much much more teamfight potential and basically means that good techies players will be more active in fights and such instead of trying to avoid them like the plauge

>tfw too intelligent to know how to play Dota 2

sorry I'm pretty behind on what anons are into these days

Does a more stupid thread exist?


the garbage shitstain hud is the only problem i have with the patch

>and the other one managed to pass 2m in 2 years


>ruined the depth
They didn't ruin shit, they just made it so you can't spend any points into attributes when leveling. Putting points into attributes didn't do shit all in terms of depth, they gave your character a negligible boost in a stat. At least now with talents there will be somewhat of a noticeable difference in playstyle which is already a fuckton more depth than spending points on attributes ever had.

TB nailed it on the head saying higher skill ceiling does not necessarily equate better gameplay.

It's so true. It's just like with the fucking kuldra courier and a courier that's shared between teammates at all.

All it does is it creates dissent among uncoordinated teams where it's obnoxious to deal with and nothing more. And in comp games, they sometimes have a kuldra courier and learn how to use the courier efficiently, but there's no satisfaction from it. It's just a dumb limitation when everyone could have a separate courier, and the advantages of not having a courier limitation could be made up for in other ways.

Kudos to valve for deciding to move forward with their game instead of stubbornly clinging to outdated mechanics.

So wait a second, now besides skill points you also have talent points?

I still team fight but I used stasis traps and green mines.

Actually, most of the time I eventually go lane denier placing aghs green mines down the lane so they have no creep waves to push.

Not sure how I'm going to play nuTechies.

>That new hud
Oh fuck yes, finally i can actually play the game without a quarter of my fucking screen being blocked by a needlessly large UI and pointless wastes of space.

Higher skill ceiling does equate better gameplay. I wish faggots like you would go play lol and leave dota alone.

Talents replace spending points into attributes when leveling. A number of talents for certain heroes are still massive stat dumps though.

>Ruined the depth
>Isn't even out yet
You faggots are the worst. You can't seriously suggest that the old system of throwing skill points into useless marginal stat buffs was better.

You faggots will complain about any major change, just fuck off and go reinstall warcraft if you want to be like the counter strike faggots. I've got over 3100 hours in DotA 2 and am glad it's actually doing something fucking different for a change instead of just being the same boring as fuck chink-strats shit for year after year. Chinks will find a way to make this shit boring too but at least we have a window of experimentation for a change.

I'm all for a cleaner hud but this minimalist shit needs to fuck off, you're missing so much information now. And it's harder to see what you still have.
And they put mana and hp on the bottom for no fucking reason.

>Adding more variables and as such making it more complex makes the game more casual
Someone explain this meme to me

No, man. The game is just full of obnoxious mechanics. Like with predicting when to last hit a creep under the tower. The remaining health is so poorly telegraphed that you keep mistiming the last hit. It's incredibly difficult to predict it and there's in the gui that helps when it's such a basic thing and yet takes dozens of hours before you can naturally see when to last hit.

Things like that aren't satisfying. They just stop being utterly obnoxious after you finally manage to learn to read the poorly telegraphed cues after hundreds of hours.

>they'll literally never get their 2 later talents
>+60 Exp/Minute

Jesus motherfducking christ you need to be a human encyclopedia to memorize everything you need to know to be good at this game now.

>items, their bonuses and mechanics
>heroes, their abilities and mechanics
>hidden mechanics
>now also have to remember talents, which are unique to every character

You completely misunderstood him. He said that a higher skill FLOOR doesn't necessary equate to better gameplay.

its a decent mechanic some of the lanes will be without it for a bit on both sides

>this minimalist shit needs to fuck off
I'd take this minimalist shit over a stupidly large and bulky hud any day.
>you're missing so much information now
Attributes and lasthit/denies, and even then you can see them by either going to the scoreboard or pressing alt.
>And it's harder to see what you still have.
>And they put mana and hp on the bottom for no fucking reason.
You are used to seeing a stupidly large hud, you will adapt.

>change is bad

sums it up

I'm pretty sure he said ceiling, but the wording doesn't fucking matter anyway.

I get what he's saying and I agree completely. Games can have mechanics that are absolutely hard to master, but they aren't necessarily fun to learn or satisfying enough to pull off in the end to warrant their existence, and that's what has to be filtered from legacy dota into modern dota.

Yeah that and balance are my only issues with Talents, the game is going to be so fucking imbalanced for the next few patches until they get talents into the right groove.

When did you guys start to realize that icefrog doesn't work on dota 2 anymore?

>he game is just full of obnoxious mechanics.
I stand by what I have already told you: go back to fucking league of legends, not everything is meant to be easy, accessible and well telegraphed, people like dota as it is for a good fucking reason.

>The guy from Terminator 2

nothing "needs" to be filtered from dota to make it more accessible to shitters like you, just stay the fuck away from dota.

The game is less elegant than any RTS I've played, which is really saying something. In an RTS game everything you can do comes naturally from something you built and stacks intuitively (like upgrades and tech). Dota pretends to be about controlling a single hero but half the buttons on screen have fucking nothing to do with that and the actual movement and control of that hero is sluggish and horrid.

I don't know how you can fuck up a character action game this badly, but I wish it hadn't poisoned the well for good games with actual graphics like Paragon.

i thought the man is glasses was fighting poop and some of it got on his face

1. I don't play LoL. 2. You're clearly one of those diehard dota fans who refuse to welcome change despite your shit being obtuse and not interesting to learn. Grow the fuck up.

>Ruined the depth
>By adding more options and play styles for all the heroes.

New patch is bad. Worst one since dota2 came out.

>So wait a second, now besides skill points you also have talent points?

man I haven't played since earth titan got released, but everytime I look over the notes I just get more and more confused.

Right, kiddo. I bet you'd love it if they reverted the hotkeys back to being unique for every hero.

No, you're also missing base hp and bonus hp split, the base armor and bonus armor split, and they're faint white that easily becomes impossible to see on various terrain.

It's shit.

Oh yeah I forgot
>all those item reworks
I spent 296 hours just learning how to play and now I feel like I'm back to zero.

I'll just wait for you to realise how much xp that actually is.

lich is gonna get nerfed, hes gonna be first pick/ban tier

The only reason dota is balanced is that line of sight is a balanced mechanic.

if you lose a fight, you lost because you didn't have good map vision.

it's stupidly easy to balance around vision, it doesn't matter if a character kills in 1 or 2 seconds instantly. the game is lost when wards aren't placed.

I refuse to welcome change that would make the game I spent over a decade learning more casualized and streamlined. People learned dota even back when there were no guides, strams and a big community to help you learn, you just want the easy way in. instead of having to sit down and learn you demand that the game is made more simple, and when people tell you to fuck off, you play the "stop living in the past, embrace the change" card. Literally fuck off away from dota.

So is Lycan now viable?

Also Monkey King sounds great, like an almost better version of a PL and Chaos Knight hybrid.

>and the actual movement and control of that hero is sluggish and horrid.
That's because some of the balance revolves around fucking turnspeeds
It's silly and makes the game feel like shit if you've played HoN or something before

>bara enigma
>monstrous slardar
Dear fucking god help

Talents are really really bad.

They don't add anything to the game really, you could have made them into items or built them into character stats.

Their not choices because #NEWMETA dominates the game, and because heroes are being more and more gated into filling specific slots (carry, support, ect) rather then being allowed to be their own things the game will continue to devolve

Also over time the pace of gold and exp has increase to -em levels, and this is not a good thing, many heroes who have been reworked are designed around -em.

Load up practice a few times a day and buy everything aka put some focused effort into memorizing all the items. It took you so long because most of the time you weren't being given a chance to memorize them due to getting stomped or other reasons and not being able to finish your build in any given game.

Thanks for confirming how much of an actual baby you really are. You can't have an objective opinion on the game anymore - you're simply full of bias.


you're an idiot that honestly thinks +2 stats was a better alternative

>"his ult doesn't require mana anymore"
>not picking FREE 20% lifesteal
At that level you don't need to worry about mana anymore.

>objective opinion
I bet you think you have one, someone who can't sit down and learn the mechanics like everyone else, and obviously doesn't understand that the depth is what made dota be what it is today.

People like you are actually the worst casuals because you're trash at every game that isn't Dota, because all you play is fucking Dota. Nothing more casual than that. Too casual to even get a fucking job so you can build a real PC to handle games with actual graphics like Paragon.

Dota originally became popular because people were too trash to play Warcraft 3 proper for fuck's sake and only liked controlling the heroes.

Everyone obsessed with this game is a casual, full-stop. Trash at fighters, shmups, has never 1CC'd anything, trash at FPS, trash at appreciating the artform in general because all they fucking play is one shitty clicker MOBA.

>Like with predicting when to last hit a creep under the tower.
>It's incredibly difficult to predict it

Yes, it is harder to predict, and that is kind of the whole point. If you're farming creeps that are right up on your tower it's incredibly hard for your opponent to punish you without diving on you with a bunch of teammates, taking a shitload of damage from the tower, or getting fucked by your teammates if they decide to teleport in. If it was ezpz to consistently farm like that the whole game would be fucked.

I don't think this is even exclusive to dota, I'm pretty sure it's a bitch to farm under a tower in the early levels of League, too.

>wolves have cripple
Damn straight

depends how much manabreak there is

Actually all those hours were on practice against bots.

I used to pick co-op vs bots and then pick random to be forced to learn about a new hero. I never played against humans because I'm a huge faggot pussy.

Still coop will be getting pretty fun with the introduction of community bots.

And the game should be even further controlled, you dumb fuck. The whole idea of unending gold farming in a game where objectives matter the most is absolutely horrendous and only encourages poor gameplay and abuse.

The time for randomly screwing around in a wc3 mod is long gone. People want a game that doesn't have a fucking joke a community.

What archaic mechanics are people having trouble with, exactly?

>More casualized
>By adding more complexity
Do please explain how talents are more casual than putting points into +1 to 3 stats whenever you can't upgrade an ability.

No really, explain yourself you whiny bitch. This shit literally changes the capacity for how you can play a hero, and opens up options you didn't have before. How the fuck is that more casual you dumbass nostalgia-fag?

In what situation would you ever need to see the base and the split?

Why can't I move while attacking?

I think you are right, but also that the the people you are talking about have a point to. Not a good point, but things like removing the ability to skill stats in favor of the ability tree takes out some of the nuance to leveling certain heroes that only a skilled player would be able to really get. In regards to leveling your hero this update does increase the total skill of the game since there are more significant and impactful choices. Lets be honest, even for heroes like AM, skillling stats over Mana Shield doesn't really have much of an impact.

There is just so much more variation to the game with the new ability tree system that has to be learnt now that it is crazy.