you're not a no-life loser that plays on hard mode right Sup Forums?
You're not a no-life loser that plays on hard mode right Sup Forums?
Sadly I am
I only do if it rewards me with something wortwhile. if its just for achievements or something stupid then no.
Always start on normal but if it's too easy to the point where it gets boring I'll up it to hard
>tfw I always play on campaigns on easy and am still one of the best online players on most games
I do because Im not a shit stained casual
I like a challenge.
>tourist mode
enemies can't see you
>easy mode
enemies can't aim for shit
>normal mode
like it was meant to be played
>hard mode
enemies have better weapons
>extreme mode
more enemies
>bullshit mode
pistol and melee only
I am, with two conditions
1) I am incentivized to do so. A lewd pic, a gold star on the title menu, a trophy, even an additional line of dialogue is enough, provided the following is also true
2) The game is good enough to warrant me putting in the effort. I don't give two shits about beating hard mode in some shitty grindfest jrpg when I'm only in it for anime titties
Always unless I'm playing a game from a genre I'm bad at.
I will start on hard and tone it down if I end up frustrated
Usually I am patient enough to work through it but some games are just too much. I'm playing video games to have fun, not to get angry.
I also have to avoid multiplayer games when I'm stressed because of this, it always ends in me typing profanities to some tryhard neckbeard.
I'm playing through Shadow Warrior 2 right now and I picked Normal.
game's pretty fucking good
I usually play normal, unless the game has unlockables after beating it on hard mode. Games that give you the ability to change the difficulty on the fly are the worst, though. Instead of pushing myself to beat a hard boss I can just switch to easy and pretend I'm not a scrub.
Sure why not? Why would you play RPGs on ultimate baby bitch mode? Is the story really that endearing, that is can hold up on its own? I can't fathom playing Persona on Normal, the only goddamn effort required would be to correctly manage your social life and dungeon crawling, and also the skill of not falling asleep every time you do dungeon shit.
>implying playing on Hard is equal to being a low-life loser
OP confirmed for incapable and mouthbreathing fag, once again.
Sage and fail.
Git gud normie.
be sure to put that on your resume
>the easy mode has a harder final boss than normal mode
Do you need to run away ever? I olayed it on normal at first but I just sliced and diced thriugh everything and never died. I changed the difficulty one step harder and now I keep having to run away. Shit's tense!
What a fucking virgin
If i enjoy a game, it's generally worth playing on a higher difficulty than default.
If i'm replaying a game, i'll up it from where it was before.
I just play on normal.
Sorry hard mode fags, I want to feel like a goddman superhero. Easy it is.
Enjoy being a substandard human being.
You get some satisfaction out of taking the easy path, men enjoy a challenge.
If higher difficulties actually change things like more enemies, different AI, etc then I'll definitely play them after becoming proficient enough on normal. If they just increase the damage enemies can take and deal then I'll probably just move to a different game.
that's just it
life after you wake up is a constant battle against invalidation
if you cant validate yourself even through something simple like fucking video games then youre just gonna keep stepping closer to the edge
being patronised with artificially power doesnt make me feel like a superhero. It feels like I'm doing chores.
Always pick the hardest available. In good games it just makes everything more fun, while games that turn tedious and boring in hard mode aren't really worth playing anyway.
Not being challenged by the game and just passively breezing through it is ultimately a far bigger waste of time and waste of life than playing the game properly.
I don't play on the hardest but I play on the difficulty above medium/normal
What games mock the player on Easy difficulty, or just in the description of the Easy difficulty setting?
Why is rabi-ribi so hard on hard
I dunno but tfw you finally get good and can dodge master all the bosses on BEX.
post games whose higher difficulty settings are legitimately difficult.
I like playing on hard, but not the "harder than hard" difficulties.
If you're insecure enough to feel that by playing on higher difficulties all you're doing is proving something then aren't you the loser
playing games on hard or above is like shitposting, it's entirely elective and only you are impressed or amused by it
>tried mousing over the translation
Normal for the first time round and then pump it up next time if I feel it will add anything to the experience.
I don't get a kick out of being some hot shit gamer but if there are greater rewards then why not?
>play game on harder difficulty
>nothing really changes, except now there are an endless amount of grenades being thrown at you
Someone getting an Ikaruga hard mode 1cc is pretty impressive to most people who play the game desu
Easy mode is a joke in most games and just not fun.
If I want to feel powerful I will mod/cheat a game I already finished
You haven't seen any impressive shitposts yet. Don't be a frog in the well.
Wow, a surprisingly good answer.
Modern Warfare in a nutshell. Also exploding cars. Can't forget those.
FPS games generally seem to me to be worthless to play on hard mode unless they pull some clever shit that actually makes the game more fun.
I always play Stalker/Metro on the highest difficulty, since no one being able to tank shots changes how you play the game when compared to scrublord mode. I gave the Bioshock remaster a go on hard, and turned it off when I got tired of dying in a few hits and going through my whole ammo/health/eve supply every encounter.
>"Hehehe... Now I'm gonna make you feel good."
>uses a male personal pronoun
i think it has a dick, user.
>He posted it again
Imagine being this much of a fucking baby
depends on game and genre, usually normal, sometimes hard, too games hard is just inflated difficulty turning enemies into harder hitting damage sponges
if the only challenge in your life comes from a videogame, you are one sore loser-neet
Hard is 90% of the time just a less fair, shittier experience that devs haven't really tested and is basically only good for drinking games.
Shining examples include
>Call of Duty: World at War
source pls, I play hard modes
More like lazy versions usually numbers are just adjusted, enemies are health sponge doing stupid amounts of damages nothing else change.
Some little girls are tomboys and say boku.
I start on normal
If normal is too easy I play hard
If hard is too hard I kill myself
>tfw when games higher difficulty means higher realism and makes it more immersive but not cheap
>tfw metro 2033 had this
>tfw the last of us had this
>tfw max payne 3 had this
I've been playing Far Cry 2 on hardcore (not the highest difficulty, just the equivalent of hard mode) aje I've been having buckets of fun. Instead of spraying and praying against paper enemies I actually have to sneak around, take cover and trade lethal shots.
My only complaint is that since enemies are so much more lethal I have to take out checkpoints from afar, instead of driving right past them.