ITT:we create the perfect RPG

ITT:we create the perfect RPG

tell me what to add to pic related

Mein Kampf

Need at least six or seven bars for various things like health, mana, libido, hunger, etc.

neep a minimap

fire sword


there you go

Needs more dead niggers.

hub world design instead of open world

can we get a dragon

You need waypoints, magic spells that don't consume mana (shouts), minimap and a teleport remote for fast traveling

Cute Succubus healer girl

A tophat with a wizard cap pattern. Mutton chops wouldn't hurt either.

Horse armors and cinematic boss battles

added spells like
>fire sword
>health potions

WTF dude

no minimaps and no quest markers

good job you've ruined the game already with health potions

You need an enemy and a quest waypoint

We need party members

Like a childhood bro and a busy anime gril

she is your waifu

girl doesn't look busy enough. put a cell phone in her hand.

quicktime events, everywhere


by the way spoiler the hero and archer at the end of the game get married

you can make bread
You can use diapers to knock out enemies

ok,we reached the castle and the king told us that some baddies are in the forest and we need to defeat them

the king is clearly an impostor

smite this demon with your fiery blade

tell him about the reward
we'll need his daughter

Where are the big fuck off numbers OP?

we could,but all the guard would attack us,not a good idea
we will talk about the reward after the quest is complete

we reach the forest and oh no ! there are thieves ! what do we do ?

defeat the the thieves in a fierce connect four battle

oops, wrong number

we did it !

we defeated the thieves in the connct four battle

time to head back to the castle and get the reward


xfire messenger built into the ui




oh no ! we head back to the castle and we find out that the king has been assassinated !

the king's daughter is crying ! what do we do ?

kill the daughter next and go down the chaos route

Why not kill the waifu while we're at it

and so,you use your fire sword to kill the king's daughter,she falls to the ground,the archer looks shocked by what you just done

the guards are coming ! we need to run away !

take valuables and fucking gungine outta here

Do we have a speed elixir?!

Take the king's crown and proclaim yourself king

you manage to rush away from the castle and reach the forest again

you decide to stay there for the night

meanwhile the archer talks to you tell that she is disgusted by your actions and she runs away

what we do now ?

Rape corpse. Looking at the guards. Asserting dominance.

Kill her.

Umm...Find a demon to make a pact with to gain power? Sounds like a good idea to me. (We can probably betray him later)

grind levels on those weird frog-trees

Look for her. She knows too much

rape time

Add pauldrons.

So the childhood bro and the waifu are one and the same. That might just work.

too late,the archer already ran away,the night has come,trying to find he in the dark would too dangerous and you are way too tired to do anyhing

it's night and you made a campifire,now what ?

Masturbate while weeping

Hero is probably hungry, but since he's tired sleep would be good

Like Soulsborne but with more elements of Survival Horror.

Kill self

sonichu medallion


study necromancy and resurrect the daughter back as a new party member

let the fire get out of control while you ponder why you made a fire when you already had a fire sword

fuck the worgen

Seduce the monsters with your girly (boy) charms

good options,but for now is better sleeping,tomorrow we will think about what do to with archer and where to go

dream of this thread

Won't mc be cold without a blanket?

you just woke up,it's really early in the morning

where do we go ?

To the archer's home. Burn that shit to the ground.


Let's get ourselves some money. The hero has a sellable ass


blacksmith and get some armour

you reach the archer's house,she is not inside of it,there is barely anything in the house,she probably packed her stuff and ran away

with you fire sword you burn her house down,but the flames reach the tress near the house and the whole forest is going on fire ! what do we do ?

Needs cute girls

Find a deer and lick its nose

catch one fire and train it as a pet

Run. Nobody saw shit

Get a new bow to make up with her

with your fire skill,you managed to get one fire and made it a pet ! now you have a cute fire pet !

but the forest is still burning,it's better to run away before somebody gets here


it's here

Fire pet seems tired, offer it wate- oh shit

loot the corpses and finally put on some clothes before the fire burns it

yeah,he is made of fire

you run away and deicde to climb up the mountains,you can see the forest's fire from here

what do now ?

Burn down the mountain.

Tame a mountain pet
A pet rock

if you manage to burn it somehow, earn the arsonist perk

You can probably learn new skills from your skills tab

Let's get a skill

well,the mountain is made of rocks,so it can't be burned down
we manage to get a mountain pet
what skill should we learn ?

Browse Sup Forums and ask for help

spit on your hand and make a water pet next

ballroom dancing

Yes, give the RPG waifu items to increase affection. That always works. It doesn't matter how many children you murder, as long as you have the flower-store on speed-dial.

Learn charm

ok,we got another pet

now what ? we reached the pet limit

learn skill to up pet limit, jack off, sperm pet

Go rumour hunting to find the item with the "remove cap" properties for pet limit.

Farm fishing skill

obviously an air pet and the fuse them to a sexy gaia pet

Archer waifu can probably hear us from up here if we shout. Yell "baby come back, you can blame it all on me"

Pat fire pet head to make the others jealous