Lillie, how the fuck are you going to carry that ball of fluff when it inevitably evolves, and literally weighs like, 2,000 pounds?
Also, how the fuck did that little ball of fluff even attack Pokemon before? All it can do it Splash, and Teleport!
This is my Game of the Year.
Here, I got a new bag for you.
When you aim to just make a new Pokémon game but accidentally make the best JRPG of 2016
1. it floats constantly, so the weight doesn't matter because it floats along inside her bag. we've been over this so many times god damn
2. it didn't attack. that's why she was trying to protect it. she literally says that in the game. pay more attention
Best couple
I don't get this meme. Context, please?
How fucking sad is that
It beats Last Guardian and XV outright.
too much to explain. play the game
>don't play a game
would you kindly delete these
very good
>3 different species of Pokemon are essentially the same being
This triggers my autism more than Nidoran
Lillie owns no Pokeballs, stashes Pokemon in her bag instead. Pokemon is a contrary shit to the point that it's a running joke in-game. Everyone loved it. Meme status acquired.
Not me.
I haven't even played the game and I can already tell what this is by lurking on spoiler threads what's happening
I was going to object but it manages to do "bros on an adventure" better than FFXV and told a far more gripping "coming of age with a protective pet" take than the last guardian did
Like literally the only bad thing about Sun and Moon is that Lillie is more or less the main character with you as her enforcer , but even then Lillie ends up leaving because she realizes she can't be a weak shit her whole life
How do you feel about the Hitmon line?
not him but will never not be mad about trying to complete the dex in G/S/C
seriously, name a single Pokemon with a stupider evolution requirement
Holy kek
How am I supposed to feel about it? It's just a conditional evolution no different from Eevee. They're not even called "Hitmon~" originally.
>What is Eevee
Inkay requires you to be holding your 3DS upside down when it reaches level 30, to get Malamar
That is BEYOND stupid.
I could have sworn that Lillie makes a comment saying that last time Nebby showed it's power, it got seriously hurt.
Am I mistaken, or was that actually a thing?
As for the floating, that makes sense, and I redact that previous statement as a result.
Are all humans vegetarians in pokemon world?
Of course not, all through the anime AND the games, people eat meat. Hell, people eat Tauros steaks.
Cosmog can open portals and teleport long distances when it is under stress. Lusamine was deliberately hurting it so it would use its powers and that's why Lillie rescued it.
she was referring to when it teleported, not any offensive attack. it gets completely drained and worn out just from teleporting once
the thing literally has the same BST as magikarp, lol
>physical pokemon gets contrary
>no close combat
>no super power
>shit speed
>shit everything
>instead let's make a bad version of Serperior!
I swear to Christ, move tutors better fix this piece of shit
Pokemon clearly eat other Pokemon. It's even part of the mechanic for catchibg Mearnie. No reason for humans to not do it.
I just beat the water trial. Does this game get better or what? Its the first Pokemon game where I have no drive to keep on playing.What do people like about it so much that they say its one of the best Pokemon games?
I get that it's supposed to be wearing a kimono but every time I look at those legs I think pajamas.
>When your boss tells you to make an old character more feminine and you accidentally inject too much woman into her
>We are the Admin of Team Lillie
>close combat/superpower
Do you realize how broken would that be?
>shit speed, shit everything
I agree on that, though
Post game content is fun, but that means you have to put up with about 30 hours of story shit to get to it. Definitely a more narrative-focused Pokemon than I've ever played.
based ash actually picking the good starter for once
>Do you realize how broken would that be?
Malamar has superpower.
Spinda does just fine with contrary Superpower
>post facebook meme
>to call people childish
90% chance you are an underaged philipino phoneposter.
>Salon maiden
>not feminine enough
Doesn't Spinda only have like base 60 in every stat?
>You will never own a Lillie bag
yeah, you can have superpower and contrary and not be broken at all.
They knew what the fuck they were doing
You better not be talking shit about Ash's Inernape and Sceptile. Especially Infernape who is pretty much Ash's best mon in battle and development
>124 dollars
Jesus Christ.
Fucking A
Then why oust yourself?
Ah, I see. I was just too thick-headed to make the connection. Thanks for the clarification.
Speaking of Pokemon, I need to actually play Moon some more. I just made it to the third Island after breeding my team, hatching the superior children, and training them all to the point where they're all in the high 50's...
He hasn't gotten Litten yet, though.
Incineroar is its final evolution. Shit belongs in the trash
Lillie is trying to protect Nebby from an evil organisation but she isn't a trainer so can't catch it in a ball so she keeps it in her bag when in public in case any agents see Nebby. Nebby constantly breaks out of the bag almost every time Lillie shows up and all it can say is PEW and be adorable, so everyone fell in love with it instantly and the memes about it breaking out of the bag and Lillie trying to get it back in there were born.
Yeah, no. Tiger Jericho is the best and given the concept art, this Gen's Infernape/Greninja.
It's just a Machoke with a Litten head that didn't even have the guts to be fire/fighting because they knew that'd piss people off again. It belongs right next to Emboar as shittiest fire starter
And it's still better than the owl that got outclassed in both design and stats by a fucking anchor.
>this Gen's Infernape/Greninja
lol no; least popular, least good and ugliest design. frankly it's this gen's meganium
That's not really saying much when all three of the gen's starters are awful
>least popular
>Incineroar is its final evolution.
Who said anything about evolving Litten?
>Least Popular
Japan ADORES him.
Some madman made this real
That's what I said nerd. He's the least popular
>but h-hes got fanart
he's a fucking starter they all do. Relative though he's a complete failure.
lillie is REALLY annoying
>you're trying to go on a Pokemon journey
>Lillie and that faggot Hau stop you every step of the way
>Kukui too
Next gen really needs an instant skip dialogue and cutscenes button.
God dammit why. Why am I enjoying this so much?
>Hau beats all of those totems with his shitty starter and a pika/raichu
Little cunt uses his grandpa's kahuna money for bribes
>not YA BOI
He's going to be Ash's main Alolamon. Rowlett will stay unevolved.
>get to the Faba fight
>he spends the entire time having Raichu spam Psychic against Hypno, Slowbro and Bruxish