What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Rich was never worthwhile. Guy's not dumb, but holy moly he's insufferable.

i don't mind him.

Does he still make a video every time Phil Spencer says something?

Stopped talking about video games and jumped on the creatively bankrupted YouTube drama/politics bandwagon.

He's a reply girl like MundaneMatt, so one would assume yes.

I've had a habit of watching his channel for the last few years. Is there really anything super disagreeable about his content? I don't like his attempts at humor, and he doesn't really offer any good speculation, but aside from that, I like watching his videos while I have lunch.

He was already skirting the dumbass line and then he tried to cheat Big Cheese. But, he was still alright, he couldve come back. Suddenly however, he met a real life cunt and became a wife's son cuck along with being with HER and a stand with Israel faggot and its too late now.

Its literal clickbait, you fuck
stop giving him views

I put one of his videos once and the title was something like I have to apologize. I said, ok, about what? Was he wrong about something vydia related? Nope. He needed to apologize because he used to word "fag" to insult someones. So I said what a fucking faggot and closed the tab. He is just a bald, fat cuck now.

Male pattern baldness.

>He is just a bald, fat cuck now.
>implying he had hair and wasn't fat before
Can't say for the cuck part, but I'm willing to bet he was before too

I wish everyone of you faggots vomiting out this word would spontaneously combustion. It's the sure sign of a cancerous underaged little prick. Fuck off.

>Can't say for the cuck part, but I'm willing to bet he was before too
Maybe in the general insult meaning of the word but, he is one in the literal meaning now.
Looks like I triggered an alpha cuck.

Yeah nice TECH review, Rick

He didn't give back Mega Queso his 200 Pesos.

Is this the guy who was a console war shitter and adamantly anti-PC? Or am I thinking of someone else?



There are people watching a fat ,italian,bald man making ridiculous news videos with cheesy thumbnails and filled with lots of selfcentered cucumber,fat and small penis jokes.

And clickbait titles.
Don't forget those.

>mfw people not realizing that getting upset so visibly by the word cuck is what is furthering its power

That gay voice he does is so fucking annoying, why does he think it's at all funny?

You know the one.

I don't hate the guy but I don't understand why he has such a following. He talks in circles to stretch out his for videos for them adsense shekels.

Also he's fat.

He was never right








very annoying faggot desu

He started showing his face in videos.

He stole 200 bucks from large cheddar, that's what.

People still care about Rich?

The worthless cunt stole $200 from Big cheese, that's what went fucking wrong.

I enjoyed his content, but I can't watch it any more knowing that I'm sitting there listen to a guy who is a complete thieving cunt who doesn't pay what he agreed to pay with someone else and sits there trying to make up bullshit excuses that were never even agreed upon.

I've always thought he looks very very unhealthy

Not bald enough

This motherfucker look like he smells like cheese. Got them fat sausage fingers too.