Do video games need more lolis?
Do video games need more lolis?
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Everything needs more loli.
Can you imagine dark Souls with Lolis? Or GTA with Lolis? Or Halo with Lolis?
I have hope for the future.
>Letting yourself get blackmailed by a child
You're like 7 years old, You'll be in a fucking coma before you can even reach that shitty little button.
We need more lolidom.
My dick needs more loli. Games would surely benefit as well.
wait. what is this? what happens when she activate the contraption?
look at the underwear shes wearing!
bitch is a slut and everyone would see through her schemes
>someone bought his daugher tie-up panties
animu logic
She's already touching it. It's like a grenade, she pulls the pin and it goes off forever.
So actually, Grabbing her hand and forcing it against the security buzzer would be your best choice.
There are no buttons retard, they pull the string and the alarm goes off.
No matter how fast your gay ass karate chop you think it is, she will be faster pulling that shit by reflex.
Every thing needs more loli
Also sauce??
A very loud noise warns everyone she's in danger
>reach for her
>pssh nothing personel, pull the trigger
You are now charged for sexual and violent crimes againts minor. I hope you enjoy prison rape.
You people are retarded. You haven´t touched anyone, so what if the cops comes? Just fucking explain you didn´t do nothing. Fucking betas.
Her nanomachines activate.
you could always just slam the door in her face
yeah sure. but they come and see that she is not in danger. not smart blackmail tenique bruh
Tear gas fires from it
>You could always slam her face in the door
That's what selfish little whores get
Gee, I wonder who the cops are more likely to believe.
It makes a loud noise that everyone ignores ala car alarms in the 90s
Good look explaining people that a kid is lying though.
Unless you had a camera on, there is now way people would believe in tou more than her.
She has her panties around her ankles and will be acting like you just tried to fuck her
with no physical evidence the cops can't charge you with anything, and even then cops always take the word of an adult, unless they're obvious pedophiles or creeps
Haven't you seen "The Hunt"?
If you're a male and a kid even accidentally thinks the idea that you touched/flashes her/him, you're fucked
Welcome to the real world
So whats exactly stopping her from pulling the buzzer AFTER you give her the money?, you might as well rape her already
>unless they're obvious pedophiles or creeps
So basically 90% of the people here
Just point at her and loudly declare "WHO CHILD IS DIS"
Geez, who would the donuts believe? A responsible grownup/adult or a lying kid/child? Of course if you say nothing, then they are going to slam you behind bars, but you will say that she was trying to extort money from you right? Fucking betacucks.
t. person who's never had to explain anything to a cop
>unless they're obvious pedophiles or creeps
This is where your argument falls apart, because everyone here is an obvious pedophile or creep.
Literally just walk away
I think you'd be surprised at how sociopathic people here are.
I mean that in the way of them being able to "act" normal.
No and anyone who says yes should be thrown in jail for being a pedo
a chocobo runs in to kick the man's face
but you didnt? there is evidence if you did. but you didnt. give the pigs more credits son.
Ohh user, if only the world would be so rational, sadly police just like any other human being get emotional, and would rather side with children, and women, than adult males.
Give her the $100
Go buy a security camera
When she tries it again take the footage to the police
Threaten legal action against parents unless they reimburse you
They will believe the child because the world doesn't work how you think it should
What does a loli even need 100 bones for?
Nah, I'm great with cops
I've been stopped numerous times holding big old sacks of weed and just talked my way out of it
They've also been to my house numerous times for false stolen property reports, and they never do anything even though I actually had the property and tried to get them to take it.
That movie was fucked up. The kid did not even think it. Her brother I think, flashed her some naked videos, and then the other adults just more or less tries to convince her that the daycare/teacher MC raped her. The hell is this?
>When she tries it again
So your entire plan hangs on a very specific thing that is very unlikely to happen?
Candy and Crepes and Birth Control and Dolls and shit, there's a whole checklist bro.
>little girl thinks she can keep up with a grown man with her little girl legs
Gotta go fast.
Also yes.
Even if they did you would get a conviction.
Well, maybe you would in America.
Nigga just walk away without leaving any DNA traces on her.
Be honest, you would be just as prejudice towards the innocent passerby if your daughter was involved. Even if he turns out 100% just walked by, you will still think he did it.
>cops come to my house looking for stolen items
>I show them the items I actually stole
>cops sais nah brah youre cool
fuck off
Yeah? She knows your an easy mark now so she'd almost certainly try it again. Otherwise move on with your life.
even if the cops do nothing. society will lynch you
it's a pretty realistic situation as when you plant the idea in peoples head, you start seeing connections that aren't really there
Or you know, knows she already scammed you and that this time you might be prepared.
>dat image
poor guy
That was my point exactly though, the world is more emotional than rational, and we empathize with children way more, even if they are lying.
Let's say you got actual proof that you didn't molested her, what do you think would happen to her for almost ruining a man's life?
A slap on the wrist.
And not to mention spending more money then she could ever steal setting up your own security system in a random alley.
>Have other persons property
>They call the police on my family numerous times
>Cops show up
>Tell them to take the property because other person is fucking crazy
>They tell me there's nothing they can do
>This has happened 3 fucking times
Nah, cops are fucking lazy and only do their jobs when circumstances force them to.
If you know how certain things like probable cause work, then dealing with cops is a fucking breeze
Then again, I'm white.
I'd mistrust him for sure but if they found no DNA traces on my daughter? Then I'll be there to give him the fuck outta here handshake.
dont worry, its fake, its part of a fakku april fools prank
Literally never talk to cops (for anything more severe than traffic stops). Even if you're 100% innocent talking to cops can only hurt you. You will never talk yourself out of being a suspect. Shut the fuck up and defer to a lawyer.
All those iaps in mobile games arent going to buy themselves.
its not real dumbo
>not slamming the door on her
Here's a better plan
Give her $100
Wait for her to turn around
Knock her out
Take $100
If you're a retard or a nigger maybe.
If I think a cop even suspects me, of course I'm going to plead the fifth and lawyer up, but short of that all a cop has is each party's word, and knowing how to talk to them is alot more useless than refusing to talk to them at all
Refusing to talk to a cop out of principal basically makes you look guilty, and makes them search for anything they can to escalate their protocols.
there's not a single thing on the planet that wouldnt benefit from additional little girls
this board needs more lolis
a very good normalfag and redditor deterrent
I'm white too, had a guy write a written confession saying i robbed a house with him and they tried their damndest to put me in Jail literally just got outta highschool, there was no evidence of course even though the cop told me he had the hair off my knuckles and my prints that snitchboi went to jail though :)
every game should have at least one memorable loli
That's a good point, with railing and close walls I assumed it was meant to be the entrance to your apartment. Like she'd rung your doorbell.
Talking to cops creates the possibility that you accidentally contradict yourself, which can discredit you even if you're genuinely innocent. Shut the fuck up and don't talk to cops.
Only if they're written like this.
>that kerning
Let me guess, that's a NISA release
Was just about to post this. I wish I saved the other doujin with a translation like this, the one about the kid fucking his stepmom.
Not talking can be even more incriminating especially if you have even the slightest evidence against you.
So you better talk.
this user get this, user just like turn 360 and walk away
They can talk to my lawyer.
These always make me smile. Post more if you have
>The Last Story localization
I don't know what reality you live but cops are tired workers just like any other. Unless you're caught in the middle of something big and they're on full alert a brief explanation and clear explanation of your situation is the best thing you can do. Granted, if you're just beyond awful with words, then you're better going off with "m-muh lohyer..." and annoy them even further.
Isn't it more suss to hand over the $100 anyway? She'll just pull it regardless and when the cops come it'll look like you're giving her a hundred to sniff her panties.
Nah they won't bother, they'll just book you and let the judge sort it out.
You mean this?
Games are always better with lolis!
literally a semen demon. You have to be mega gay to not want to tap that