Goddamn this game is highly underrated. It was at the point this fucker showed up again after I had spent a good 30 minutes clearing the goblin infestation at devilfire grove that I realized this was the best RPG I have played in the past decade. Also Dark Arisen thread.
Goddamn this game is highly underrated...
Stopped playing when I realised how amazing it would be if it had co op.
Yeah, Griffin fights are great... until you need to kill one for a hunt reward and you can't get the cunt to land.
Would you forgive Capcom of all of it's sins if they released a worthy sequel?
>if it had co op.
you should try dragons dogma online then. yeah, its kind of a mess to set up but the game is pretty fun.
i usually dont like mmos but the gameplay is at its core is still DD so its fun.
I think I would. If you had the same team sit down with a decent budget and allocation of time the game they make could be one of the greats.
It's good, but witcher 3 easily takes best RPG if the decade.
Shit game
Dialogue choices are
What the fuck? It is justly underrated because it doesn't meet the new industry standards which include but are not limited to, good dialogue with multiple options and voice-acting.
Of course I would, seeing as I don't care about any other Capcom franchise.
Witcher 3 easily beats Dark Arisen on story and world building, but combat is no contest. Imagine Dragon's Dogma combat in a LotR game?
>Goddamn this game is highly underrated
I dunno.
It had so much good stuff but it didn't utilize it
They could've spread out the monster fights more evenly throughout the game so you would have a steady stream of new shit instead of just a bunch of new shit after you beat the majority of the game
Class based stat gain are retarded in a game like this.
So much potential for a good sequel though.
after Dead Rising 4 they'd have to make DD2 pretty incredible for me to give them another chance
Good dialogue is not a requirement for a good game user.
>Imagine Dragon's Dogma combat in a LotR game?
>Witcher 3 easily beats Dark Arisen on story
I disagree.
>Muh Ciri
>Muh Dark Elves from another dimension
It is if the game proclaims to be RPG
Good dialogue is also not a requirement for a good RPG
What if you're roleplaying a strong silent type?
Why not? LotR has a perfect setting for it, hordes of orcs and Uruk-Hai to be taken down with proper class based action combat instead of AssCreed/Arkham combat like in shadows of mordor.
DR4 has nothing to do with Capcom proper beyond licensing. They haven't had anything to do with it really since DR2. DR4 being the clusterfuck that it is, is entirely the fault of Canadians ruining things for people as always.
That being said if we did get a DD2 I am sure Capcom would find some way to fuck that up or over anyway.
of course no one here remembers this
Because the best part of DD is fighting monsters, not fucking gobilns.
the biggest thing to fight in a LOTR game would be a nazghul or cave troll, which would be like fighting a mid and low tier DD monster repsectively.
Spotted the InquisitionFag, you probably think souls games are worse than anything bioware shits out.
That is true
You are no one.
>Witcher 3 story
Get that NeoFag pandering game out of here you disgusting Pole.
All of what you listed is still far more fun than any LotR games we have currently. Also what is a Balrog?
No, I guess I'm just out of touch.
>Goddamn this game is highly underrated
Its really not. It got good praise and sold well.
Which considering how fucking god awful so many of the design choices are, map design, enemy placement, scaling and a bunch of other features that were mediocrity incarnate it did exceptionally well.
Honestly if you didnt have the ability to climb a cyclops and beat the shit out of its eye this game would have little to nothing going for it.
What was it?
git gud
It's a product of our SJW times user, at least CDPR don't beat you over the head with it as obnoxiously as Bioware and nuObsidian.
>if they released a worthy sequel?
They wont
Have you seen what they did to DDO? Its like someone took DD and then slapped Frontier on it. Its no longer the high fantasy adventure game of DD and more like some Sup Forumstards weeb dream
>Caring about plot
>When they nailed core D&D dungeon crawling with a party
>With one of the most enjoyable combat engines in an action-RPG
Enjoy watching your 9/10 AAA 100 million budget movies with Hollywood voice talent and soap opera tier romances, senpai.
>What is a balrog
Something that you should never actually fight in a LOTR game because Theyre fucking maiar and actually doing damage to them as anything but an istari makes no sense.
Shit tier pawns
>Apologizing this hard for CDPR being SJW sellouts
Get out Pole.
Dark Arisen's gameplay alone makes it better than Witcher
>The Mountain
user, The Mountain was the best rental pawn to ever exist.
Playing a 100% lore friendly LotR game would be a snoozefest. Unless it plays like SWGalaxies I suppose.
never got why flying into free was the go to line.
>best hat in the game
>only avaliable halfway through the first run of DA
My dude, I don't worship CDPR, they are just a hell of a lot better than the vast majority of current AAA Rpg studios. Witcher 3 doesn't hold a candle to games like BG2, Planescape: Torment or even New Vegas.
Grigori was pretty cool. It actually felt like you were fighting a dragon.
What's SJWy about the bottom right one? Because he looks like a towelhead?
Leave biowarefag alone user, he can't hear us over the sound of his AAA voice acting and military grade plot choices
let's not get ahead of ourselves here. The Witcher 3 is too mainstream, casual and dumbed down to be the best RPG of any time period. You might argue for the year but the decade is patently false, as a plethora of better RPGs were released.
>in a video game
Great roleplaying,
It plays into Europe being savages while muslim lands was a utopia during the medieval age meme that some retards actually believe is true.
I know, I'm mostly mad that the japs would entrust Canada with anything ever, or that they'd even create a Canadian studio to begin with. It's just another bad decision from capcom and that decision by extension made the Dead Rising series shit. I can see them pawning off DD to those goddamn piece of shit Canadians too
>Witcher 3 beats Dragon's Dogma on story and world building
>I realized this was the best RPG I have played in the past decade
A game where you mindlessly kill the same enemies over and over, is what retards call "RPG" these days. Lmao. Get some taste faggot. Don't call you shit japanese action-game an "rpg", let alone "the best rpg of past decade".
Grigori's voice is pure aural sex.
He stole my heart twice.
useless shit that doesn't change the game at all and is included with Dark Arisen
>warrior women stronk girl catches you when you fall and carries you to safety when you're hurt
I honestly would play a game where you just fuck around with highly advanced pawns in a fantasy setting.
what I mean to say is DD2
Are Witcherfags purposely setting themselves up as the most disgusting fanbase on Sup Forums since Undertale? Because you're trying.
It was not a utopia but Europe was undoubtedly a land of savagery and scientific ignorance.
They didn't create the studio from memory. The studio was given the license or contracted to make DR2, and then Capcom decided to give them an official name or make them a branch I think.
I had fun with DR3. I mean it was a horrible DR game, but it was some decent mindless fun. I know I should be amazed that they managed to fuck it up somehow with DR4, but honestly I'm not.
Would probably be less annoyed if they had just picked a vision and stuck with it instead of literal focus testing.
What the muslims did to their neighbours was far more savage than anything the Europeans did. You fell for the CuckDRP propaganda. Open up your borders, eh
Witcher 3 is a great game but has huge mechanical flaws like a piss poor combat system and a very well defined main character, albeit a likeable and well designed one, making self insertion into the world a bit more challenging.
>first time playing on hard mode
>almost get murdered by bats
>spend first 50 levels worrying about bandit arrows
I'm still having fun, but the Everfall is starting to get ridiculous.
Spanish inquisition my friendo? Colonialization? I'm not arguing that muslims were savages(still are), I'm just saying they were more scientifically enlightened. EuroCuck
The muslims, in comparison to Europeans and the Persians they violently oppressed, were poor scientists.
Bastion augment is your best friend on Hard, user.
You get a flat 225 damage reduction from enemy attacks.
Which is why the ottomans took the impenetrable Constantinople. Europeans could not handle cannons.
Beat the game once, Might start over and do it again.
P-post more of your arisen?
Now clear Bitterblack Isle twice to beat the game for real.
I couldn't even bring myself to do it once.
Does DD have top tier waifus?
Asking for a friend
How is it underrated when we have threads about it every day.
>That fucking feel when Death emerges
I always NOPED out of these rooms
I made Archer and her slut.
there are good NPCs yeah. but the best part is that you get to create not one, but TWO whole waifus to your exact liking to be your character and your main companion
thats not that bad.
Wow, I feel stupid: been playing a full on Assassin after hearing it has the best Strength growth that I forgot to unlock other class augments. Maybe now I won't die in one hit to an archydra, thanks user.
>That fucking feel when Death emerges
>I always NOPED out of these rooms
Just wait until you are playing Magik Archer and catch that bitch in the stairwell with Ricochet Shot.
Its strange aeons time now motherfucker.
>I couldn't even bring myself to do it once.
it's literally the best part of the game, even critics of the game agree to this part of the game redeeming it.
>She goat
>Goth loli
>Female bandit leader
More than just 2 my friend
>Goddamn this game is highly underrated
No it isn't? It scored and sold exactly how it deserved. Just because it was exemplary in some way does not cover up its glaring flaws
Here's why I didn't get farther.
read what I said again dummy
Your beloved better be Selene user, your arisen deserves nothing less.
>I couldn't even bring myself to do it once.
I know it is scary user. And you will get raped. Raped hard and mercilessly. Repeatedly. Just none stop wall to wall rape. It is hard for me to adequately convey how much rape you will receive.
But when you do finally clear it, it feels fucking amazing.
Then you get to go back for round 2.
The rape has been doubled.
G-gomenasai user
I should go to bed
get good
and grind
Best taste user.