Nintendo Apparently Cutting Ties with Monolith

They pulled them off their game to work on breath of the Wild.

Now Nintendo thinks that Xenoblade and Monolith's other games will not fit the direction that Nintendo is going and will drag down their family friendly view by the public.

So i guess it's tru that the wind blows cold in December.

Get ready for pikmin platformers and stupid shit like Captain Toad

Other urls found in this thread:


>My ass

>making shit up.

Do retards forget that MonoSoft has 2 teams? The one in Tokyo (the actual game devs) and in Kyoto (support team, don't actually make games of their own)?

>Nintendo Apparently Cutting Ties with Monolith
Nintendo is as much capable of cutting ties with Monolith as you can cut tie with your limb.

Monolith is part of Nintendo.

If true, then monolith will bring their next game to Sony where it will actually sell and not run on shit dead hardware.

But never on PC :^)

Nice try Emily

It's much easier to make a sensationalist thread with no basis in reality than it is to do the most simple research.


Remember when they killed Nintendo Software Technology and Brownie Brown?

They're next.

>no source
>shitting on captain toad
Fuck off.

>sourceless bullshit

Ok buddy, and they're gonna anounce Metroid x F Zero x Star Tropics at the January press event, believe me.

Remember how you shat your pants in front of the entire class?

Maybe they can make a game that releases on ps4 and steam and actually sell some numbers.

>drag down their family friendly view by the public.
It's only Nintendo of America that thinks their games should be exclusively for children. Nintendo of Japan accepts that adults play games too, and they're the ones that make the decisions.

Yeah. I fap ferociously to that very moment.
>tfw you feel the warmth of your chocolate drip down your leg.
Is there a better feeling in the world?

Don't you fucking joke like that, they've been through enough as a company and I don't think I could take 8 more years of "WAHEE IMMA SUPER MARIO" and bland, pathetic babygames without a fun little JRPG to take a break with.
If Monolith goes I might actually drop Nintendo 100%.

>games are meant for children
>hire a stripper who fucks dogs and children and a whiny manchild who frequently likes to taunt different fanbases
>fire them afterwards for completely unrelated issues
>there will never be a mass firing at NoA

So are we finally getting Xenoblade Chronicles X on the PS4?

Why would they liquidate Monolithsoft? Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X were hits.

NST blew everything on a blunder.

They're gone like Camelot in the sense that they will be unused for anything except some shovelware
>tfw no more Golden Sun
Fuck Dark Dawn

We all know who's behind this, and why you get voted worst posters of the whole site every time.

Captain Toad was actually a very clever little puzzle game.

there is none, theyre working on a n untitledlinear rpg and breath of the wild currently

>drop NST for trying to make Hammer
>don't drop Tabata for making both Fed Force and Color Splash

Because he's old and Japanese. That pretty much makes you a god.

Hopefully he'll piss off someone whose older and Japaneser and get fired.

I'm sure you meant Tanabe, but good point otherwise. I can only hope he learned something from those two games.

It was.

Shame some found it too hard and now say it sucks instead of getting good.

>Shame some found it too hard
I liked Captain Toad a lot but I refuse to believe anyone found it hard

Brownie Brown still exist as 1-UP Studio though. They recently helped with the Super Mario 3D Land/World games.

Epic bait man

I'm honestly surprised that Nintendo even owns Monolith Soft.
Also new Baten Kaitos when?

I just want Monolith to make another SHOGO.

Wrong Monolith.

When Bamco decides to make one

Not really. Xenoshit has always been on Sony before Nintendo and it never did well on account of it mostly being trash, the only good game this shit studio has made is the first Xenoblade Chronicles with Shulk.

If XCX and a sequel to it get brought to PS4, I imagine it would get called trash more loudly as you'd no longer have the fervent Nintendo fanboys shilling that the game is good due to exclusivity. It's not good, and I'm not looking forward to anything new Takahashi makes.

Oh? I always assumed they were the same mob?

If they bring this to the switch for the GC virtual console I will buy it Day 1.

But they haven;t done any original work since then, just codemonkey stuff like Monolithsoft's Kyoto branch.

Fuck that.

Day of Crisis 2!

Monolith made SHOGO, NOLF Tron 2.0 etc. MonolithSOFT made Xenoblade and are made up of former Square employees.


Thanks for clearing that up!

Can't wait for the retards on neogaf to repost this. They'll believe anything from here after the FFXV thing.

So why do FFXV fans hate Xenoblade?

So Xenoblade Chronicles X is getting a Switch Port?

A combination of angry Sonypals mixed with battered wife Squarefags who are still trying to pretend nothing's wrong with XIII. Competition frightens the oth of them.
I don't get why the Sonypals just don't buy Rogue Galaxy instead, it's a fraction of XV's price and I'm having a fucking blast with it.

But this isn't true at all. I like FFXV, and Xenoblade Chronicles. I just don't like XCX because that game is garbage.

>They recently helped with the Super Mario 3D Land/World games.
That's not very encouraging.

isn't it a good thing? someone will pick them up => everyone gets a game

The problem was communication

>tfw 1080 snowboarding/avalanche sequel never ever.

>Also new Baten Kaitos when?
It came out this year.

For what purpose?

>their games should be exclusively for children
No, they just don't want to trigger anyone, it's why Bayo 2 and Fatal Frame 5 were still M rated.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised after all the censorship that Nintendo seems committed to

>liquidate Monolith then IS
>Nintendo eventually runs out of weebshit to censor
>begin to censor Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, etc.
>censor themselves out of existence
>like literally it's just a big black tarp over the building nailed to the pavement

What are you even trying to accomplish?

Anyone with half a brain will google your outrageous claim, find nothing, and realize you're just pulling shit out of your ass. The idiots who do believe you will read posts calling out your bullshit.

I'm not even upset. I guess I replied, but that's it.

>What are you even trying to accomplish?
if repeat BS ad-nauseam, people will believe you, you will be big league, it will be huge and amazing

>if repeat BS ad-nauseam, people will believe you
This is true and it makes me cry.

Then they release a new kind of Pong game with two BIG BLACK CENSOR-BLOCKS and they sell millions.

Yes, but not by MonoSoft (they're working on a new project to be revealed in 2018)

Welcome to the "post-truth" society that MGS2 was telling us about back a decade ago.

Sonyfriends nervous because Pro and FF15 were both flops. Resort to lies and shitposting. Many such cases!

>he thinks this is new

Captain Toad was a great game.

Why would they liquidate two successful studios?

Stop using the God Emperor to meme your SJW device. Go fuck yourself you stupid drone.

Rareware wasn't enough

>SJW device
That would be the PS4 with Naughty Cuck games.

Brownie brown just changed their name

They're jealous of actual talent.

This, it's the same reason you never see F-Zero anymore and Metroid and Paper Mario were sabotaged.

because Nintendo is evil and wants to make you sad for 15 seconds until you divert your attention to next post/twit in your feed


>censor Mario

I'm really curious as to what you can come up with that could be censored in Mario

The one thing that's held true over the years is that he who controls the RPGs controls the market.

And with Sony having more RPGs than Nintendo and Microsoft combined it looks to stay that way for a long long time.


F-zero was never popular , the last Metroid games didnt sold well

The last metroid games sold bad because they were awful games.

Then again very feww Wii-U installments of Nintendo's franchises have been good

rpgs dont mean jack shit. all the consoles with jrpgs were just way better marketed and more popular than the competitors (snes, ps1, ps2) you can see that the jrpgs on the ps3s were worthless and the 360 had a few notable ones at the beginning such as lost oddysey, blue dragon, and tales of vesperia yet it didnt amount to shit.

Sup Forums is full of teenagers and braindead manchildren, user.

Void dresses

Sure thing buddy.

The nintendo hate sect doesn't need source. Actually no source = you can't prove them wrong from their point of view.

he's talking about rewarding white players for being abused by women.
Compared to a few cloth removal, one is way more toxic to society.

evidence of absence and all that shit

Nigga surely you jest.

Censoring shit isn't sjw. It's just Nintendo being prude stupid fucking country. They'll show the gore porn shit in Hannibal, but censor tits in a painting in the same episode.

SJW is Naughty Cuck games forcing lesbian interracial shit for no reason other than being a fucking jew communist.

>Actually no source = you can't prove them wrong from their point of view.
Holy shit. You just captured 90% of the internet/modern media/the last election and you were just complaining about people hating on nintendo.

>no reason
Do they need a reason? It's their game.

I gave you the reason.

>Get ready for pikmin platformers and stupid shit like Captain Toad
Good those are my 2 favorite games on wii U.

>Do they need a reason? It's their game.
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "reason". You are thinking of "excuse", but that might just be me convincing myself you aren't THAT retarded.

Heard they are cutting ties with game freak next

>Nintendo cutting ties with itself
I bet EAD and Retro Studios are next.

Did you just call Xenogears shit?

Fake and gay.

Now let's see how many people here actually believe this.

>Then again very feww Wii-U installments of Nintendo's franchises have been good

Aside from story Another-M wasnt a bad game, mediocre at best, but not bad.

Isn't EAD technically dead? They changed the name this year.

That's a nice fucking source you got there OP.