So lads, Europa Barbarorum 1 or 2?
So lads, Europa Barbarorum 1 or 2?
>tfw haven't watched neither Rome nor Spartacus
Watch Spartacus then Rome.
EB2 is superior in every way as of now.
It used to be inferior though.
Rome is rushed, and I mean HORRIBLY rushed in the second season since they planned it out as 4-5 season series but during pre-production for S2 they were told they're getting axed due to being too expensive and ratings being too low so they had to fast forward through everything and as such it's just awful.
Personally I suggest dropping it after Julius dies.
Can't speak about Spartacus since I heard only awful things about it and didn't even bother downloading.
Spartacus is a guilty pleasure show that I really loved, Rome is a masterpiece.
>Can't speak about Spartacus since I heard only awful things about it and didn't even bother downloading
How about watching it and forming your own opinion.
>How about watching it and forming your own opinion.
Son, if everyone and their mother are telling me it's shit, chances are very high it's indeed shit. My time is limited and I'd rather clear out stuff from my backlog that I'm interested in rather than be triggered by shit.
Doesn't help that I major in history and Rome was already ahistorical enough to trigger my autism numerous times.
Even in its rushed state, season 2 of Rome is still better than 90% of TV series'. Season 1 is the some of the greatest television ever made
The only historical thing about Spartacus is showing how degenerate those filthy romans were.
>tfw such degenerates managed to conquer the world
Eh it was okay but the presentation is awful.
And the prime reason why I hate S2 so much is the ending and how Cleopatra and Caesarion were handled.
The OC donut steel MC cucking Julius was just a big giant fuck you to the viewer and anyone that knows anything about history.
Yeah, we get it Sup Forums
Sup Forums idolizes Romans though.
At least the Imperial Rome from the time of Julius and Octavian.
>tfw not a Sup Forumsack yet still labeled as such
The Horror ...
Thinly veiled Sup Forums thread.
what the fuck is that
Play this hidden and forgotten diamond of a gem.
It's like a mix between Total War and traditional RTS, blending elements of both.
Their next game, Imperial Glory, served as a basis for CA's Empire Total War.
ETW's sea combat mechanics were literally copypasted from Imperial Glory and CA even flat out said so that they liked them so much they just copied them.
Rome is the only good HBO show. GoT is shit, Westworld is shit, SFU is shit, The Wire is shit.
Mind if i pick some peaches?
elf waifus.
Total War Warhammer.
Warhammer fags please fuck off with your game, we don't invade your threads so why do you underage memespouters need to shitpost here? Seriously fuck off.
2, Medieval 2's system is just superior in every way, recruitment must be carefully managed thanks tot he replenishment pool, rather than just spamming Triarii out the ass which in turn cuts down on all the doomstacks walking around in 1. In battle, cavalry units actually have a use and can turn the tide of a battle like they're supposed to instead of getting killed by fucking missile units when you engage them.
Wait, the first picture is actually from Warhammer and not a M2 mod?
Jesus christ
I also recommend this game for Rome themed stuff.
Mix between a city builder and RTS.
How is RS2? Can I install it on Steam yet?
You we're going fine until the last one, just because it has an obnoxious fanbase doesn't make it bad.
That game was comfy
>you have to like one or the other.
Joke's on you, I like both.
If you can find a rome total war exe from a cd version and replace the steam version of it, it works, otherwise no.
It's a lot more "Arcadey" than EB.
Besides it could only compete with EB1 to begin with, it can't compare to EB2.
Pecking order is generally EB2 > EB1 > (or = if you don't mind arcadey) RS2 > Vanilla RTW
EB2 looks worse and in my opinion plays worse than EB1.
Show me where I said you have to like one or the other, go on I'm waiting.
I'm saying this is a thread for discussing Rome vidya, not Warhammer.
There's also Hegemony series, each focusing on a different time period.
Mix between 4X and RTS.
First Hegemony is about Greek wars.
Second is about Imperial Rome.
Third is about ancient times, before Greek or Roman civilizations.
I haven't played the third but I wholeheartedly recommend the Greece and Rome Hegemony games.
Any opinion even mildy right of American center, which is pretty far left, is considered Sup Forums throughout Sup Forums. Call someone a nigger? Express disdain for Muslims? Complain about some form of degeneracy in society? Must be the Sup Forums boogeyman, certainly can't be people with contrary opinions.
It plays far better on the campaign map.
>bigger map
>nomad to cities conversion
>better CAI overall.
>much more stable.
Seconding this. Picked up Hegemony last year and consider it a hidden gem. Gets real cheap during winter sales and is an excellent game.
the only problem is Sup Forums like /mlp/ tries forcing it's shit everywhere.
Both. 2 is now pretty great but can have some bugs.
I don't get it
Why do you need mod that turns game into its predecessor? Why not play modded RTW?
I don't get it with any game. I see a point in making medieval mode for Rome 2, because graphics are better that in medieval 2, but what's the point in making Rome mode for medieval 2?
It's like mods that turn HOI4 into EU4, EU4 was just before, why do you need the mod
I'm curious, seriously
>graphics are the only thing that matter
>"if its new it must be better"
because you have crippling autism
Medieval 2 has a much bigger modding community, the game has far better graphics, and newer mechanics that the modding team can use to add newer stuff to the game.
>>much more stable.
The rest, yeah you could argue, but back when I played it, which was like a few months ago, it sometimes crashed when you clicked on a faction in the faction select screen. That was some crazy shit. Have they updated it since or?
>Why do you need mod that turns game into its predecessor? Why not play modded RTW?
For starters, Medieval 2 mechanics are far superior than anything in RTW.
See It's not about graphics, not to mention that Medieval 2 wasn't really a graphical jump from RTW to begin with and looked only marginally better.
Every medieval 2 mod recommends you to use LAA.
It allows you to use up to 4 gigs of ram which pretty much eliminates crashes.
Learn to use LAA flag patcher if you think M2 is unstable.
Sup Forums can barely subscribe to steam workshop mods now.
It looked a lot better due to armor upgrades and units having different clothes.
>In battle, cavalry units actually have a use and can turn the tide of a battle like they're supposed to instead of getting killed by fucking missile units when you engage them
Jesus Christ this, My elite Roman cavalry should not be getting fucked raped by some bumfuck barbarian slingers in melee, also taking into consideration I just charged into their flank.
There is a clear difference between calling for a race war and calling ancient Romans degenerate, yet both get attributed to Sup Forums. The first should be condemned but the second is a valid opinion. Why do you assume anyone who shares an opinion similar to one held by some posters on /pl/ as a sign of 'forcing their shit everywhere?' As usual, Sup Forums only came up in this thread because user wanted to dismiss an opinion without using an actual argument.
I know it's not about graphics and my question was 'why do you need Rome mod for M2TW, when RTW came right before it?'. What mechanics are missing in RTW?
>It looked a lot better due to armor upgrades and units having different clothes.
I'm not saying it doesn't look better, I'm saying from a GRAPHICS standpoint as in ligthing, polygon count etc it's still the same engine and has more or less the same capabilities. You could easily mod in diverse clothes and armor upgrades into RTW because the engine allows it for example.
But yeah, M2 is just superior mechanically in every way, that's why people prefer EB2.
roman cavalry was historically shit.
Degenerate by what standards?
People literally use degenerate for any reason whatsoever.
>erotic artwork is degenerate
>marrying lolis is degenerate.
>burkhas are degenerate
>biinis are degenerate.
people get tired of Sup Forums because they try to ram their discourse down everyone's throat.
The settlements are of the same type.
Recruitment pools
Unit variations.
The modding community.
you couldn't.
One unit would use one model and texture.
Medieval 2 randomly assigned those parts to units.
I could swear I remember EB1 and RS2 having diverse unit skins.
>Watch Spartacus
skip that shit, it's a cheap 300 with more homo erotic
Yeah i know it was shit and cavalry didn't play such an important aspect of warfare like it did during the Medieval period and upwards but the scenario I described is ridiculousness. If they were spearmen or something I would understand but not fucking slingers.
you were wrong.
Rome 2 can't actually do that.
300 is utter dogshit.
this is my fucking favorite RTS ever (made by the Commando guys)
>and cavalry didn't play such an important aspect of warfare like it did during the Medieval period and upwards
Alexander the Great literally was the first one in history to use cavalry as offensive force and was literally famous for his cavalry tactics.
Just because Romans underutilized it in favour of infantry doesn't mean that cavalry didn't see important role in ancient times.
Rome is degenerate trash.
>Rome 2 can't actually do that.
I hope this was just a typo on your part lel.
Yeah Pyro Studius were great, shame they died after Imperial Glory.
It doesn't matter if they were Greek, Roman, Eastern or Barbarian cavalry, they were all garbage and got killed way too easily in EB1.
Rome is REALLY good, but as said, the second half feels a little rushed. I still love it, though.
I'm not talking about the game though.
And yes cavalry sucked in Rome 1 as in the game.
But historically cavalry didn't suck in that time period, only Roman did because Rome favoured infantry and all of their tactics relied on infantry.
Alexander was the opposite, his tactics relied on cavalry. He was literally ahead of his time.
>I hope this was just a typo on your part lel.
yeah, it is.
Later era cavalry like cataphracts and the like generally rekt heavy infantry. lighter cavalry made mincemeat of skirmishers and the like, but were weak against spearmen.
>trying to play as anything other than Roman or Hellenic factions in Rome or its mods
playing as Nomads is extremely comfy
>play as saka rauka
>start as horsearchers
>expand along the silk route and into India
>become rich as fuck Rajas with fancy ass indo greek retinues and longbowmen.
>fight against the parthians
As far as I remember, it's only the second half of season 2 they had to rush, the first half was as they had planned. Anyway, the worst part about season 2 is the changed actor for Octavian. First guy was perfect.
That glowing green hair looks like a texture error.
nah, its just elf sluts.
Again, and for the last time because you're beign willfully obtuse, you are attributing opinions you don't like to Sup Forums. No one mentioned Sup Forums until some user, possibly you, got butthurt over the Romans being called degenerate and responded with 'go back to Sup Forums'. Saying something is degenerate has nothing to do with Sup Forums, yet instead of discussing why something is or isn't degenerate or even what degeneracy is you accuse them of being Sup Forums and shut down discussion. Saying 'Sup Forums' is like Sup Forums's version of SJWs screaming 'racist' without regards to any meaning or nuance behind a statement.
Also the Romans were degenerate in sexual practices in one area to be specific. Fucking another man's mouth was considered a source of pride at dominating him. Prostitution was widespread and legal until late in the Empire and POWs were often raped without consequence. That is degeneracy.
>300 is utter dogshit
and spartacus is even worse
no, Sup Forumsyps bring the degeneracy argument wherein they look at cultures from their current social mores.
Romans being degenerate pussies that got replaced by germanics is a 19th century meme that gets blown the fuck out at anything more than a cursory glance at history?
there is nothing subtle in declaring an entire culture as degenerate because they don't fit perfectly with your mental or sexual beliefs.
Also in response to>Degenerate by what standards
De genere is Latin meaning away from one's kind/people, in the sense that what one does is outside social norms and unacceptable to one's tribe or group. Degeneracy is just that - behaviors and actions that are considered deviant and unacceptable to those of your current society. With that meaning in mind, marrying lolis is degenerate, erotic artwork and bikinis depend more on the in-group in focus and the exact thing in question, and burkas, while different, are not so much disapproved in general as foreign, so not degenerate.
but Sup Forums uses degenerate like they use cucks. It's code for anything they don't like.
>marrying lolis is degenerate.
it wasn't for most of history. It was something extremely common, especially for the noblity.
but pedophilia is degenerate according to definition
>Having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline
From the Oxford English dictionary
Late Rome was most definitely degenerate.
>look at cultures from their current social mores
Good old cultural relativism, what a non-meme. Cannibalism and human sacrifice must be A-OK in your book.
The only one talking about Sup Forums here is you
>it wasn't for most of history
Neither were rape, child abuse, and slavery. We can agree that they are degenerate, right?
>b-b-but pol!
quit being a faggot
>late rome was mostly degenerate
The same rome that went toe to toe with the sassanids?
The same rome whose legions were objectively better than caeser's ones?
The christianized rome where polytheistic worship was heresy and you had persecution of pagans?
Rome was the most 'degenerate' during it's early imperium, and it was at it's strongest.
Late era rome fell because it was a gigantic money sink into italia which was subsidized with grain from north africa and egypt, and there were problems with recruiting roman citizens as soldiers because there were no longer any benefits. Using foreigners worked out surprisingly well for rome until valens shit the bed at adrianople.
>Everything that doesn't agree with me is an evil boogeyman and degenerate.
they were inhumane and morally reprehensible, but they were not degenerate because it was how the society functioned normally.