How do you get over your anxiety in online multiplayer games and make friends?

How do you get over your anxiety in online multiplayer games and make friends?

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This. Alcohol is called liquid courage for a reason.


I can't drink beer it makes me pee too much

just join comp csgo matches and start talking, or just play tf2 and start talking csgos easier because people expect you to talk

Don't you have a toilet?

>do you have a mic bro?

>afraid to do anything online in fear that I'd mess everything up
>finally get the courage to play in one of the PvP battlegrounds
>Suck at it
>Never play again

its ok yoshi. try and try again!

OP is Indian.

its not worth making friends and video games. it wont bet he same as real freinds. u need to see their faces to see if they are lying to u

I'm sorry, what? You're used to being called a faggot and a pussy on an Ethiopian bear hunting forum but you can't have people calling you a shitter in an online game?

I dont understand, why the fuck is online anxiety a thing?

What the fuck are they going to do to you? Call your parents?

>Making friends in games
Besides playing multiplayer games with irl friends, the real friend making happens outside of the game most of the time, steam groups, chat rooms, ect. All better places for that shit then during a match of something.

You don't buy games to make friends in them, you buy them to play the god damn game.

I couldn't explain it to you

I'm incredibly social and outgoing in real life, but something about talking to people online with a mic makes me freeze up

This might help your anxiety.

literally me. never had any problems talking with any strangers irl

what the fuck is wrong with us user

> irl friends

i don't
i'm not looking for friends. i'm looking for opponents.


>wanting to make friends with degenerated sjw faggots

No thanks

I also would NEVER add a person from 4shit you are all fury or anime cucks

>tfw parents start thinking you are an alcoholic
people aren't gonna invade themselves in darksouls mom!

If you've already got friends, get them to invite their friends to the game. A public server where people just shoot the breeze and play for fun can be okay for finding people worth adding. I've even met a couple of people I played with, since they lived within walking distance of me. Went for a few pints ex tempore.

at most I believe in making acquaintances online, not friends. You have to see eachother to communicate properly. The only thing I can see working is like a guild in WoW or something, where you meet the same people over and over and you go through stuff together, but even then I think it's uncommon, even for normies.


they are a very welcoming community and will make friends quick

Why is anxiety a thing?
What are they going to do?

This, you'll get invited to multiple groups after almost every game.

Quality video games thread.


You just can't be a normie to fully understand. Imagine thinking of various cringe situations that happened to you 15 years ago, and they still sting like they happened yesterday.


Seriously tho, alcohol is how I lost my guild and only friends.

Make friends ironically like the sociopath you are


Every single one of you anxious and depressed fucks needs to get redpilled on the fact that your sad chemical imbalance is just that, chemical.

I don't fucking understand why the number one recommendation anybody gets for depression/anxiety isn't exercise (outdoors if possible).

I almost fucking wonder if there's some goddamn conspiracy to keep people down.

>inb4 a bunch of anecdotal "tried it for a week it didn't work" bullshit

And if you're too anxious to go to the gym you're not hurting hard enough, wait until you hit the bottom and have nothibg to loose in that case, you lazy fuck.

Its pretty simple anyway, since they are getting your voice and only your voice we become self-conscious about it as theres nothing else there to round you out like there is IRL.

Why? Alcohol does fuck all for me. Everything would be spinning and I'm relaxed, but the paranoia and hesitation is always there.


I have bi polar, alcohol makes me start crying and telling everyone stuff about myself they aren't comfortable hearing. Then I get pissed off at every little thing and start cussing at everyone.

I'm not an autistic sperglord. That's a good place to start.

Stop being a faggot and remember that the people you play with are literally nobodies, just like you.


I'm trying to work up the courage to talk to someone on twitter to see if I can befriend them and I'm thinking alcohol is the only way.

>tfw I needed beer just to even get anywhere in DaS

And yeah, it is actually pretty habit-forming so I stopped

still haven't finished it probably because of this

By doing it several times until my brain doesn't feel threatened by it.

>i don't have a neurotic brain therefore no one does

Whats a good game that requires communication, and is not a gigantic brick wall to beginners?

I tried to communicate with my squad in BF1, but its hard to tell if they don't care, they don't hear me, they don't speak english or if they just don't speak because they are just monkeys banging their heads into the keyboard.

VOIP must come easy to murricans, knowing everyone is speaking the same language helps

You can add me on kik if you want

>On Sup Forums
>Not autistic

Sports games. FIFA is the biggest entry level co-op game, but you don't go anywhere without actually cooperating just like in a moba.

why i´d wanna make friends with random douchebags? league of legends teached me you dont go for toxic online communities you get real friends so that you stop filling the void with random creeps you dont even know

You aren't supposed to drink 2 gallons before playing. Like 1 normal beer is enough.

I generally avoid playing most online multiplayer games in general. I only play local or if I have to play online, I play with people I know.

Just try to ease into it. Start with games that are relatively laid back if you can. Probably do some thorough research if you really do want to try.

How do you actually talk to vidya girls though? There's one I know who seems pretty chill but I don't want to just appear like a beta orbiter

>Going to the gym fixes your problems
That bullshit advice isn't frowned upon for no reason

You'll find out once you lose contact with all of them, underage normalfag.

Now thats way too normalfag for me.

You don't.
You either treat everyone online like they are a male neckbeard, or you are a huge faggot.

Idk but I can give you advice on how to vanish completely into everlasting radio silence and not give a fuck about anyone who misses you

You can practice on me user-kun

Alcohol doesn't work like that for everyone.

well thats life friends appear then theyre around and disappear, if you´re not a complete pussy bitch you dont need to add all these trolls just to feel like you´re popular now. protip, you´re not

pic related is internet and you. it´s not mutual and there´s no respect.

Just play some co-op single player games with somebody you know. In my experience wherever there's communication like in MOBAs, everyone hates each other and only resorts to the bare minimum that's required

If I could do that I probably wouldn't be trying to make online friends.

>always start playing online multiplayer games like dota, gw2 and overwatch in the hopes of finding a group of friends to have fun
>years of playing fun multiplayer games completely alone
just kill me now

go to /vg/ and be charming
i met some nice people there

this is true.but what happens when youre sober? probably just another boring asocial introvert.
besides, do you actually think most people are worth talking to? if you find someone interesting you should feel like adding them and if not then maybe it wasn't worth it anyways.

The one i talk to likes to tease me about being her orbiter but shes my best friend but deep down i love her. Just endure the pain because no matter what youll always fall for them.

Please have a kik

Anxiety is just a meme made by the nu-society.

you need to try normies because drug addicts are way too passive to ever do shit, welfarecucks dont have the cash and pussying out is why they dont have money in the first place

so just get real, working socially active friends nobody else matters

I mean, don't try to "communicate" with random faggots that are already playing. It's never gonna work the way you want it. Add somebody on steam, have a chat, then keep asking for co-op until someone agrees.

this doesn't make any sense
normies are the least available people to play with once you are not in school

>I'm pretty good with people but only to a certain point, if it gets too personal it gets really uncomfortable for me
>tfw got very popular in the community of a game
>Couldn't even log in to skype without getting bombarded by 5-6 messages right away
>The clan I made for shits and giggles grows and turns into a really serious thing and I was somehow the leader of it
>tfw I couldn't take it and just disappeared, that was years ago
If I made buddies again it would just end the same way.

You and me both.

Adding random people and asking them randomly to play some random coop titles?

>Adding random people and asking them randomly to play some random coop titles?
Like, play something, preferably as support, give some fag some love and chat over text. Then just add him and talk about vidya and if he wants to co-op.

Y-Yus user-kun I have a kik, will you post yours though?

Overwatch is pretty nice if you want to make friends.
It doesn't take too much skill, but is kinda fun.
Just stay away from comp add people and speak in teamchat.

Grew over it as I aged desu

Was real scared of using my mic even still when I was like 16

I don't think I'll ever like my voice but at least I dare make it every else's problem as much as my own now

Thus we are back to
>Whats a good game that requires communication, and is not a gigantic brick wall to beginners?

Some games are good for actual coop, some games just pretend to it like Dota, those are "toxic" because the game mechanics are made to allow everyone to feel good about themselves while blaming the rest of their team for everything.

I usually end up getting added in the better type of games, the problem is that even if I play with them again in a few times, one of us or both moves on from said game and thats it.

Sadly the good coop games don't last long, so something team based online would be the next best thing

This desu, I never had a problem when I was younger making friends online but now I just can't seem to

I tried, and it even has the added benefit of letting me play on US servers so people actually speak english.

Sadly I hate the game.

Spacehorror im about to pass out so just add me

MMOs have the best circlejerks if you're looking for hugboxes. FFIV or TERA are both good, but you'd need to pay a sub.

Yeah, could probably get a high class hooker from the money I blown on MMOs in the last 3-4 years, and my combined playtime in them must be around 2 days tops.

I'm afraid thats a genre that just locked me out after leaving WoW in TBC.

So you play MMOs and still haven't had enough of communication with people? Literally the only genre of games where everyone happily burns hours of free time idling and chatting

on the rare occasion that I meet someone i like i just harass/converse with them until they like me/add me to f-list.

Pls my phones about to die

Nah, I paid for MMOs and then quit them in a day because playing them feels like a chore, I enjoy none of it.

This is basically the problem, a game either lets me naturally meet others, add friends, play together - but has no longevity, depth or entertaining gameplay, or I can play it for a thousand hours because gameplay is dynamic enough (like an online shooter) but really just makes you hate everyone you play with.

Pregnant women poop out of two holes.

Use voice chat.

I never did user

the shit you are reading
just do sex sounds

>irl friends

>all previous experiences with 'friends' has poisoned your drive for friends but the want is still there

You have no attention span, laddo. I picked up speedrunning solely due to that. I hated the limitation of my own impatience. You've got to work on it.

S-s-s-s-s-s-sex sounds?

This is how I did it.
Play a game with voice chat, then start talking. Say anything, it really doesn't matter but YOU CAN NOT SOUND LIKE A PUSSY!

Here's an example of how a pussy sounds like when talking in game.

Okkie senpai I messaged yew

Wouldn't say that not wanting to spend inordinate hours doing something I don't like means I'm impatient.
Especially not in 2016 when there isn't even a convincing carrot on a stick in the games anymore.

You getting wrecked in BF sounds almost like you getting wrecked so I think it should be okay.

I have never played a multiplayer ever until recently. First time I heard someone on their mic speak I had a full blown panic attack, got off the game and didn't play it again until this week.

Send help.