Town guards are stronger than you

>town guards are stronger than you

>town has about 50 NPCs
>several million guards

>MC can't find love in his life

I hope Stephen Merchant has.

>Guards don't have names
>They don't have shifts


>regular villagers scale with levels but guards don't
>by end game the villagers are stronger than the guards

>a seasoned mutant monster slayer
>get raped by a few no-name guards

>town guards are stronger than just about anything

>town guards get in the way of fights and then arrest you if you hit them

>town guards are stronger than you and also loot the bodies

>and they attack you on sight

>You can cheese them with status effects
>they have very good gear and weapons.

>OP still pushing cuck agenda

I don't get this meme.
Why wouldn't the guards be stronger than you?

>the average town guard is over 100 stronger than you

>town guards are literally unkillable rape machines

>you become stronger than town guards
>kill them
>they keep coming
>eventually stronger town guards that you have never seen before start spawning

>Capital city of one faction
>Literally 10 shops, 50 guards and no NPCs just walking around and living a normal life

>area is full of human enemies walking around
>guards know there is an intruder because they hear footsteps

>walk in a mansion with several civilians and guards inside
what the fuck


>Town guards have super speed and won't stop chasing you.

How does that break your immersion?
The guards can't just abandon their post to play hero.

>town guards are racist and will attack you if you're of a certain race or friendly with them.

>Low level, random no-name adventurer
>Town Guards obliterate you if you anger them
>The Hero who saved the region/world and defeated whatever dragon or ancient evil that threatened it
>Town Guards still obliterate you if you anger them
Should've just had them do the fucking job.

they are not racists, they are just attacking the murderers and thieves, as it should be.

But then who would guard the town?

Have you ever played Majesty?
Those fuckers are loyal to the king and country and only patrol around their towers, the greedy adventurers fuck off to where ever they can find a fat stack of gold or a mission flag handing them a fat stack of coin.
Besides, the guards are too busy fending off the giant rats, rat-men and undead from the sewers and that one graveyard that popped up after few adventurers died.

I played it as a kid but could never grasp the mechanics to the point where I could've completed the harder missions. Was certainly an interesting game, though. Too bad the second one (I mean, I think there was one?) apparently sucked, and I'm not sure I can bring myself to play the original in this day and age.

>level scaling

There is a second one and imo it's not too bad.
If you can it on sale somewhere (with the expansions) then go ahead and grab it, unless you can find a torrent somewhere.

>town guards heads are like a fucking orange

I haven't fucked an orange before.
Can you tell us from your experience please.

So when there are several cities with almost all of them having 30+ guards who are all raid boss level stat sponges 1 of them just can't leave his/her post so he could save faster and many times for effectively than MC :^)

He said a fucking orange not fucking an orange

What do copulating oranges look like?

>Town Guards
>They watch with smiles as you are being murdered/robbed just 10 feet away from town.