Help user with Dark souls 2
I'm a shit player and i'm stuck on this guy, help.
Help user with Dark souls 2
I'm a shit player and i'm stuck on this guy, help.
try dodging
Git gud faggot
Which one? There's several
He's there to encourage the "dark souls is le hard give me reddit points" meme. Just run past him.
Lock on and then move your analogue stick directly to the right. Roll through his second (I think) swing then attack.
I do but he just bullies me into a corner or auto locks onto me
Acquire skill, homosexual.
dodge better
uninstall and play DS1
you use the power of gud
no but really just roll into his attacks and figure out when you can find openings
The first enemy in the game lol
Are you talking about the one near the end? Where there are two little guys that run off and lead you to the big fella?
You shouldn't try and have him just yet, wait till you have the King's Ring cause all he blocks is a door that requires that.
run behind him so that he tries to sit on you
hit 3 times max from behind and he will continually try to sit on you
you should be able to do this
Oh right thanks
>dodge in DaS2
lmao, you guys mean level up APD to 30+
the only correct anwer
if you cant kill him just fucking ignore him, he's optional
come back later with better gear
>he can't roll properly
>he would rather have dump stats
Get gud faggot, I never levelled ADP and did just fine, even without a shield.
DS2 haters are idiots who don't understand spacing and believe that iframes are the 'real' way to play Dark Souls, which the game fortunately attempts to shit on.
>he needs extra invincibility frames because he can't properly time a dodge roll
You probably should stop playing souls games all together.
You're wasting your time on this guy, you're not really meant to fight him, especially right at the start of the game. Just go past him and come back later if you really want to beat him that bad.
Not optional if you're autistic
You don't have to fight the one at the start, afaik he doesn't even drop anything.
if you're talking about the first one in sotfs, run past him to the bonfire on the right. you can kill him later.
If you think that low APD rolling is hard, you need to play Monster Hunter without E+1.
>being autistic AND bad at games
damn that must suck
As some actual advice, try poison arrows or just running past him.
Don't bother, you're not supposed to be able to beat them yet. And it sounds like you haven't even made your character.
Get to the character select so you can pick your equipment if you haven't already. If you just can't beat it then try doing the forest before going back. You're going to want the ring he drops, it's pretty nice.
I did make character and decided to run past in the end, i'm running through the tutorial bits now
Assuming you are not trolling.
Not every enemy in game has to be killed.
If you can't get the roll timing down stop rolling and just walk out of range of attacks. seriously just walk out of range when enemies start attacking you
get behind him, hit him and back off, he will try to sit on you
he will use no other attacks or move if you remain properly behind him
just got killed by 3 little piggies
You dont need to kill the guy. You have to take a dark passage next to the bonfire in the back of the witches house. I couldn't find it in the beginning either.
Come back for this guy later on.
Yeah i went back and found that a while ago, i'm at the settlement outside the cave and i'm fighting two monsters by the scottish guy with a green sword
Try punching it with your sword
>If you think that low APD rolling is hard
What about what I said gave you the impression that I was implying it was?
What's the best stats to level up for knight? i just went back and beat that thing at the start
E+2 was amazing if i remember correctly.
Use no lock on, learn his moveset and roll diagnolly towards him, when he does the grab.
Quite the funny meme, but you can dodge without pumping tons in ADP
Try some STR so you can wield better weapons
Try some END so you can swing them more and dodge more
Try some VGR so you won't get killed in 3 hits
And try some ADP so you can dodge things better and drink estus faster
>you can dodge
Doesn't feel reliable enough with a melee character though. If you go and fight pursuer on an NG+ character and then you go an fight him on a completely new character it is easy to feel.
class doesn't matter in any souls game
you build your character depending what weapons your want to use
for swords and shit you can go strenght + dex and the rest into health + stamina, don't put many points into vitality you will find rings that increase equipment load
Hit it with your weapon.
Hit it with your weapon from behind for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
Keep dodging.
Hit it.
Dodge nigga, what the fuck are you doing?
ok thanks, i heard that after a certain number of points in stats you start to get diminished returns? what does this mean and when should i stop increses a stat, or should i?
You could be talking about literally any other enemy in the Soulsborne series and no one would even know.
nice meme about not getting hit with basic ADP you nignogs. even if you have superman reaction and perfect enemy moveset knowledge DaS2 hitboxes and input/action delays are fucking trash, so playing with at lest less than 96 agility is pure masochism
well if you are shitters who summon phantoms every boss fight you can do not level any stats at all because other guys will do your work
google "Dark Soul 2 soft caps" and prepare to read wiki very often while playing souls game for the first time
40 is the softcap and 50 the hard one as far as I know. It means that the points are probably better spent elsewhere as a stat increase after 50 might only give you 2 DMG for instance.
Generally getting 30-33 ADP which gives you 105 agility should be enough for anything. It varies though, some people or playstyles don't need that much.
It's harder, no question, but possible. Just tried a playthrough without ADP.
Possible yeah. Wouldn't dream of Fume or Alonne with zero ADP adding however. Played a pure magic character to King's Ring just fine without adding any though.
But every Souls has trash hitboxes and DS3 requires even more reation for some attacks. I'm just saying that is absolutely possible to beat the game with basic ADP, even tough some bosses become absolute nightmares.
Fume Knight is borderline impossible.