FF7RE is on stasis according to italian source

My english is shit, have patience with translation:

"Guys from internal sources at Square-Enix seems like the game is almost on-hold, development is going on but very slowly. I can't say for sure but for 2017 I expect infos, nothing more."

This was on response to a user making fun on the fact the game might have been re-scheduled for a ps5 release.

God bless Nomura.

>Implying a PS5

my dad works at final fantasy and just said you're wrong

>italian sources
Still wouldn't surprise me if it was in a dev limbo like XV was, Squenix has bigger titles to worry about than a rehash they already know it'll make everyone unhappy whatever they do.

Why does anyone have faith in a Nomura project

>FFXV goes nowhere until given to Tabata
>Kingdom Hearts 3 is never ever coming out
>FFVII Remake is """episodic""" (meaning they know it's going to take fucking forever and they want a return on investment in reasonable timeframe)

I am still amazed that whole plot of the FF XV leaked half year before the release.
Just imagine their faces on the square enix meeting.

Why the fuck can't Nomura just release games!? If he had it his way FF15 would
be 3 games released on 7 consoles over 13 years

Rumors has it that it will be a switch exclusive

Maybe its a result of everyone who actually gives a shit about FF7 hating the concept of a fucking episodic goddamn remake.
I mean, who the fuck honestly thought that was a good idea?

>according to italian source

FFXV was a fucking mistake

Nomura cucks are still defending it

Why release a game once when they can release it in 3 separate pieces and people will buy it regardless?

Is anybody actually buying the whole "we had to split it up to fill it to the brim with content!" Get fucked you faggot ass lying gooks

wow it's ff 15 and kingdom hearts 3 all over again.

>Trusting Italy


That would explain why Stormblood is actually getting money instead of it all being filtered to FF7RE.

No fucking shit. KH3 takes priority

Now you know why they are releasing it in Episodes instead of a full game

Square Enix will have to put in their "get the job done" man again.

>Tabata takes over KH3
Would Nomura kill himself?

He said he'd quit if FFXV went multi-plat

He still hasn't quit

Source is from italian videogame forum but user is a confirmed Famitsu journalist, he works in Japan but lurks from time to time.

It would be a 3 part musical, no thanks. No Cuckmura for me

I swear to god if FF7R gets Versus'd I'm quitting videogames.

I'm pretty sure Tabata would kill himself first. This would be the third project in a row he has to rescue from development hell and it's obviously a huge stress for him too.

The fact that he even considered a musical is fucking hilarious to me. How the fuck can one faggot be so out of touch


When the game had spent 6 years "in development" already. I know people say it was a joke, but considering the circumstances, it's a very shitty joke.

>those bags under his eyes
will he even live to retirement?

Does Nomura even know he's directing the FF7 Remake? Why do square push everything onto him anyway?

why is tabata so shit

Considering the way SE has had to develop games the last 3 years it wouldn't suprise me if they're are 100% focused on getting KH3 out by the end of this year. Episode 1 of FFVII in 2017 always seemed like more of a pipe dream to me than anything real.

Nomura needs a top-level producer working with him, micromanaging the shit out of him and controlling the fuck out of his budget. A guy who can get shit done and on whom Nomura can't pull rank.

Maybe Saito or something.

Nomura can't seem to run a project alone for shit, and having a project manager who can't exert some authority ain't gonna help matters.

because gooks and weebs alike really like his work

Japanese corporate culture turns men into husks. Even the producer of FF14 wants to fucking quit and make casual, comfy games.

He probably wasn't allowed to take a vacation in years.

>internal sources at square saying the game development is on hold when the game is being developed externally by CyberConnect2
Epic shitpost now go kys

Square Enix Board:
>"Hey, Nomura. We know we ask you to do a bunch of character designs and writing for our games and that you are probably busy trying to direct the end to your Kingdom Hearts series. But we have named you director for the remake of Final Fantasy 7, which fans will probably expects news and content for next year. Hope this doesn't cause any problems for you. If things get tough with Kingdom Hearts, you can just jump ship like you did with FF15."

He gets carried away whenever he feels passionate about a project.
Nomura can do good, but you need someone around to keep him in check.
SE doesn't have anyone else to turn to at this point.

They should just put Yoshi P on VII-R. He's already proven he can take a piece of turd, and transform it into gold.

If they know that Nomura has troubles getting projects done on time why do they keep giving him more and more projects if it's clear that it's just gonna make it harder for him to get any of them done on time?

He took a month vacation after heavensward launched

He has worked in the company too long, he is everyone's senpai, nobody can go against the hierarchy in Japan.
Trust me I am an expert!

>literally nobody posts an unsourced statement
>on a literally-who website

this is somehow worthy of a thread
sei un coglione

Because they know when he finally finishes KH3 that it will be the pinnacle of all SE games and nothing will come close to it. Damaging all their other IPs from that point on. So they keep pushing him onto other projects to keep him distracted. Sometimes he will get angry and demand time to finally work on KH3, so SE give him and his team money to develop sideline KH games and remakes, which keeps him sweet and distracts him even further.

Is Kingom Hearts really such a big deal? I mean, it has great combat and all but back when I played the first one all I could think was that it was clearly made for people who have considerably greater appreciation for the works of Walt Disney Pictures than I do.

I mean, I'm sure the next one's gonna sell like hotcakes as long as it has fucking Elsa in it...

Like Kojima?

My dad is Sephiroth and I can confirm this

Are all Italians retarded, or is it just you?



F-fine, don't believe me then! You'll see, my fellow Multiplayer.it forum user speaks the truth! H-he's my best friend, he has great taste in waifus, I believe what he says and you should too!

Hence the term Nojima

KH has been incoherent nonsense for more than a decade now, with the game design stuck firmly in the year 2002.

>they think the pro isn't this gen 32X
you will not only get it next christmas, but defend it with death threats to the competition as you usually do.

One of the main employees working on FF7R is an italian (Roberto Ferrari). Not saying I believe forum posts of all things, but that makes it seem a little more credible I guess. Personally, I'd like SE to have all the time they want. FFXV was a disaster, easily the worst numbered FF installment ever.

holy shit this. I remember reading those leaks in the summer and going "this is way too stupid to be true." And then when I played the game, the moment all the leaks started to come true, I slowly broke. God, I hope Tabata never touches FF ever again.

I legitimately don't understand why these games take so fucking long to come out.

I honestly don't understand why anyone thinks FF7R, even if it's episodic, would ever be released in 2017.

>At best the game has been in development for a year, despite Nomura not even knowing he was directing it for most of that supposed time, while most FF games were in the 3 year range to complete.
>With how much extra work FF15 took near the end they probably didn't even start fully working on 7R until it shipped
>The content they showed us is most likely a completely separate tech demo that has nothing to do with the actual game and does not represent an actual projects progress
>They haven't said a word or shown us even a screenshot of it since, even if they don't want it to steal 15's thunder they would have found a way to use it to help promote 15 or tease us with something somewhere

Now maybe if they slap together a 10 hour AAA style hallway episode they could get it out in 2017 but as dumb as SE has been they surely wouldn't try that. If it truly is episodic then I wouldn't expect the first one until late 2018, if it's a full game then probably not till 19 or later.

FFVII Remake First Episode is not coming out until mid 2018, mark my words

SE said that every episode will feel like a "full game", so i bet that they wanted to drop at maximum 2 episodes per year.

>FFVII Remake First Episode is not coming out until mid 2018

I'd be okay with a 2019 release. Hell even a 2020 release. Just as long as its good.

If they put real effort into the project I wouldn't expect it till 2019, the main questions are is it episodic and what exactly do they mean by that.

Would it be 1 episode per year? 2 per year? 1 every 3 months? and how many episodes would it even be, one for each disc?

> stuck in 2002
> plays better than 9/10ths of the market
Really causes one to have a ponder

>They should put the person who only knows how to poorly imitate other games in charge of the VII remake

Yes, I can see that working out well.

I told you fags who said Nomura would complete this game. Tabata's a-comin' you fags.

World of FF bombed so hard that Amazon isn't even stocking it anymore. Just resellers.

There's always the Samsom option.



>believe italian troller

What real damage can Tabata do to a simple remake?

Watch it Nomura

It will be like mobile phones, just like how a new flagship phone comes out every 1-2 years, Sony and Microsoft will just release a new console every 3 years that's both forward and backwards-compatible one iteration.

KH3 isn't the end of Kingdom Hearts, it's just the end of Xehanort Saga.

Insert Genesis.

You know he directed Crisis Core right? HAHAHAHAHA

>this Sup Forums meme KH3 is NEVER EVER coming out

Most of the delays weren't even Nomura's fault.
FF13, the 13 engine, PS4 and Xbone announcements all had an effect on the delay.

You do know that making Genesis as a full blown character was the producer's, Hideki Imaizumi's idea, right?

You do know that GACKT has made his huge comeback in anime this season and will be raring to star in the FF7 remake right?

You do know that what you just said doesn't have anything to do with what I said or does that mean he will have anything to do with FF7R.

Remember how Sony "won" E3 2015 with this empty-ass promise, alongside The La7.5t Guardian and Kickstartermue 3?

Glad I didn't get suckered into owning a PS4.

This is bullshit, we already know they're releasing it December for the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy 1/20th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7

Who cares. Stop looking for shit to get baited over already Sup Forums it's just shitty topic creation

my father is italian, I can confirm

Why are you trying to bring console wars nonsense in here? Fuck off

ma chi cazzo è questo e perché dovremmo credergli

italian Yakuza knows nothing, capish'?

>not saying "Really makes yonder have a ponder"

missed opportunity desu

Going by XV, Italians know more about Final Fantasy than the Japanese do, at least when it comes to designing iconic Final Fantasy-looking characters.

Releasing what? They've probably just barely started working on it, are they going to finish the entire episode in 12 months?

>Squenix has bigger titles to worry about

FFVIIR is hands down the biggest title they have on the horizon. Hell, name one more anticipated and requested title they have released or will release this decade.

This is pretty much the single most important title they have ever released, the name alone is going to have it rack up more preorders than anything else they've made in recent history.

You're looking at one of the most recognizable and widely praised games of all time, the amount of money they will bring in if they do it right is inconceivable, then again the tidalwave of anger if they get it wrong is going to wipe out multiple countries.

This so much. No matter what happens with the title, it will be historic.

And if you thought Sup Forums is shit now, just wait until this releases in 2018. The shitposting will reach apocalyptic levels.


the italian version of NeoGaf.

The guy who leaked the story from XV said that they'll have something ready by October/November next year.

There's two separate teams and they've been working on it since 2015.

I can't wait until the catalogue is completely full of threads analyzing the exact size and shape of Tifa's boobs.

If you are even remotely surprised by this then you still have faith in modern Square and should KYS

>writing for our games
He doesn't

Then they would have something to show us, their excuse about not wanting to overshadow 15 makes no sense considering you know, they announced it.

If they had been working on it for a while they wouldn't have missed a golden opportunity to ship FF15 with a demo disc of 7R like they used to do.

I really hope they have classic skins for the characters, I fucking love seeing low poly shit models next to stunningly gorgeous scenery.
I'd even buy them as DLC.

For a game that's only been in development for a year and has to split time with kh3?
That would be a pretty rough demo


Nomura curses another project.
>muh episodic will mean it will come out in a reasonable time

>mfw it is cancelled
I'll believe there is a God if it happens

So you expect them to release a full game after only 2 years of production while splitting half of that with FF15 and all of that time with KH3?