Space RPGs

>Playing through ME series again
>Realize space rpgs are a dead genre

Will we ever have another game that builds a universe from the ground up? Were your choices actively influence the world? One that lets you travel from system to system with a crew of highly developed characters to dystopian cities like Omega and alien paradises like the Citadel?

Or will every space game become a repetitive, open-world sandbox with no story or objective, like No Man's Sky, filled with dozens of forgettable worlds and characters...

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Makes me sad how Mass Effect is the only game that has touched this niche side of gaming.

ME2 whilst heading in the wrong direction was still a solid game, but ME3 and Andromeda are taking it to a new fucking level and going all action and less about the exploration and the sci-fi setting it's in.

unfortunately all action is the new norm for vidya, and sci-fi is has been dying for a while now.

Creating a sci-fi world, even full of cliche and with Star Trek's approach to aliens, is no small task. It requires a lot of time, resources, and dedicated team.
Much easier to cash in on another tactical shooter.

like literally the one thing they keep saying over and over again about andromeda is the focus on exploration you clod

you're right vidya is all about profit now, not showcasing what you can develop

The Mako was one of the best things about that game. Honestly, so many empty planets that just served to fill up your codex. And it was great just landing there and driving around, finding a giant worm, and just looking at the work they actually put into making a planet look harsh and others livable. As soon as I saw the scanning thing in ME 2. I knew that wonder was lost.

You know for a fact it's Inquisition in space. You'll have the 'War Room' map but instead of regions it'll be a few different planets etc.

Hello Games tried doing a space RPG and we all know how that turned out

>As soon as I saw the scanning thing in ME 2. I knew that wonder was lost.
Exactly what I thought, it's like they just gave up.

Play fucking star control 2

the eerie feeling of landing on a planet, and finding all the colonist dead

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Judgment Rites are old but still really fun. I doubt Andromeda will be worse than ME3 desu.

Oh cmon. A triple A studio can pull off a good space game for console. We already have EVE, Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous and whatever on PC. Consoles can get one apart from the trainwreck No Man's Sky was


People can say what they will about Andromeda, but I like the idea that they're going the ME1 route in terms of exploration and planets.

Not like the stupid rushed linear shit that was ME2 and 3 with muh collectors and muh reapers!

SJW/Feminist shit I could care less about, it doesn't bother me. However, if Bioware thinks that's how their games will sell they can continue being ignorant.

Also iirc most gays were offended/pissed off by Bioware depiction of them in ME and Dragon Age.

Progressive people don't care about how gay people feel, they care about how much they can offend straight people.
Anyway, I hope Andromeda will be that one word. The one we never have these days.

>I could care less about




Honestly. Mass Effect is one of the most diverse games ever. And it's not even trying to force it. It just is since the lore sort of needs it to be. Also, Asari's condemning procreation between their own race and promoting diversity makes them look like total pricks. Which is great.

>Not Mass Feels

Maybe if you could read between the lines you'd realiZe, I'm lying. I do care. SJW/Feminist shit pisses me off. You happy?

RPG game set on Warhammer 40k world. With open world, customization, correct lore, changing battlefields, most if not all races and factions. 10/10, would lead into victory or certain doom.

I just want to fug aliens with cute personalities

bioware canaduh really fucked up a potential money maker franchise.

ill never understand why people cry SJW

you can fuck aliens, you can be a racist "muh humanity" stormtrooper, you can be a faggot, you can be a man or a women, you can be a asshole or a white knight...

I don't see how any of the game is SJW apart from the asari, which is biowares take on a one-gender race

>but I like the idea that they're going the ME1 route in terms of exploration and planets
I'd be really surprised if that actually happened.

I just want a space RPG where I don't have to necessarily play as a human, and the world itself recognizes that choice.

>Will we ever have another game that builds a universe from the ground up? Were your choices actively influence the world? One that lets you travel from system to system with a crew of highly developed characters to dystopian cities like Omega and alien paradises like the Citadel?
What I loved most about Mass Effect was the fresh new universe.
>tfw when read every entry in the codex.

The dragon age inquisition team is working on andromeda so expect a thoroughly mediocre game with shit tier side quests, a whole range of forced characters all there mainly for you to bang (gotta get that bioware audience)

And everyone that buys it will get everything they deserve from a post ME3/tortanic bioware

yes imagine if you can play a turian in c-sec in a simple whodunnit on the citadel or a krogan merc on omega

the thing that kills me the most is they'll never branch outside the "strong military commander" story line

I'm willing to bet that ME: Andromeda will be a lot like Dragon Age Inquisition. Mindless "bring me ten varren scrotums" fetch quests, grinding, crafting, and other boring, tedious bullshit.

Don't get your hopes up for exploration in Andromeda. It'll most likely be like Inquisition. Gorgeous environments but totally barren.

Don't care all that much for Mass Effect's setting though.

Too boring.

There's barely any tech difference between the various species, because they all use the same shit that the Reapers left in place millions of years ago.

>SJW/Feminist shit I could care less about, it doesn't bother me. However, if Bioware thinks that's how their games will sell they can continue being ignorant.

>It doesn't bother me
>I could care less

Did I miss something here? Just looks to me that you don't know how to use the phrase 'I couldn't care less' meaning that you cannot care any less than you are already caring, your caring levels are at rock bottom.

What you said on the other hand means that you do care, you could care less, you could care more, but then your next line completely goes the opposite way when you say that it doesn't bother you.

You need to go back to school sonny jim

im expecting it to be shit
>open world meme
>mako re-hash
>normandy re-hash
>character classes removed
>skyrim tier "be whoever you want to be" level progression

well obviously yes

Mass effect has always been shit tbqh familia.
From awful, basic and boring alien design to laughably bad animation. Especially the aliens which all look the fucking same minus three which never move. If you want humanoid aliens fucking give them actual traits that make them stand out.

please point out the aliens that look the same

This is not video games alone. There have been almost no space SF books written over the last few years. The market has unfortunately shifted to fantasy and urban fantasy instead of exploring the glorious space future.

YES sci-fi books are so hard to find, now I'm down to reading noir sci-fi cop series


pic related

>asari, human, quarian
>all look the same
you fuckin blind m8? aside from being roughly humaoid, these five species have next to nothing in common

Which one? The concept sounds cool

Asimov made even that idea work.

KOP by Warren Hammond


Not that guy, but looks like Star Citizen to me.