Buy into the build my own computer meme

>buy into the build my own computer meme
>save up money from months of working
>realize wtf have i done
>realize video games are a waste of time
>realize i will never get a gf at this state

>realize I'm in debt because of it
>realize I still have to fucking buy Windows 10 because the pirate one will be hax

that last one killed it all for me.

What the fuck do I do with it now?
>Specs: i7 6700k, 1070GTX, Asus Z170-PRO, Samsung EVO 500GB, 850W Gold EVGA

Find something to talk about and start writing and editing videos based on it

>I'm retarded: the post
You can use computers for things other than vidya, user. I know, it's crazy!
>I still have to fucking buy Windows 10 because the pirate one will be hax
What the fuck. First of all,
>Windows 10
Just pirate 7 or something. Secondly, it doesn't even have to be Windows, but I guess you're too dumb to cope with anything else.

Sell it, buy a rope and hang yourself you massive faggot.

Pirate Windows 7
Also everything is a waste of time anyway, we are meaningless in the great scale of things so just spend your time in something that makes you happy. If a girlfried is what you want then go for it, video games will wait for you.

building your own pc is a huge fucking waste of money just buy a god damn console (not that pussy faggot nintendo shit)

Its not our fault you can't budget or manage your time.

>buy something expensive
>autism kicks in
>tfw no gf phase

learn coding, make video or use it to search a better job you fucking retard.

>in debt because of building a pc
>in debt, ever
How retarded can a person be?

You are in debt because of that? Holy shit user, you shouldn't be buying any vidya right now. You should be trying to survive.

>building something with your hands something you worked for for something you enjoy
Get a grip my dude.

Trump's leading us into WW3 anyway. Might as well get to gaming now before the United States is nuked and we're all in gulags.

>live in a shithole
>don't eat for 3 weeks
>african tier 30lb
>but i want to play all those juicy vidya
>finally save enough money to buy 3000$ pc
>tears of joy, better save them so i can drink later
>plug pc, it doesn't work
>forgot i have to pay the bills
>die same day near shit encrusted cardboard box, my bed

now i can finally play vidya in hell

How the fuck do you get in debt for buying a pc?

I sure have debt, but that ain't because of getting something like a pc or videogame. Get rid of it or pay it off slowly before it doubles or something.

>save up money from months of working
>realize I'm in debt because of it

>going into debt to build a COMPUTER

Fuck off. Nice OP image faggot

>not getting a Bloodborne machine

you can still get windows 10 for free you just have to go to a certen page on the offical site but but just pirate windows 7?

>Build pic related
>Use it only to play TF2, Hitman and RuneScape
I regret nothing to be honest

You should regret your life

>850W Gold PSU
This is what happened when you listened to retards on Sup Forums

Building a PC above 800 bucks is a meme

>He fell for the PC meme
Literally less games than PC

>realize video games are a waste of time
>realize i will never get a gf at this state
>realize I'm in debt because of it

Life is a waste of time and space too. So why you don't kill yourself? are in debt for a computer but you want a gf? Are you retard? Gf are way more expensive. And also a pain in the ass.

Doesn't the autism phase come first and act as the main catalyst for the ensuing waste of resources?

Get a shit job. The shittyness of the job will outweigh your guilt and sorry-for-yourself-feeling.

And then people think I'm stupid when I say that everyone here is a grade A retard when it comes to PC building.
What a fucking mess of a post and build


college, hunty.

>realize I still have to fucking buy Windows 10 because the pirate one will be hax

this is why you don't deserve to join the master race

You can download Windows 10 from Microsoft for free. You just tell the website you need it for accessibility and it gives you a legal copy for free. Reminder to laugh until you piss yourself at anyone who buys windows 10 while Microsoft gives it away free.

>he fell for the Petition Compiling Lardass Race meme
Should have bought a PS4 Pro at Black Friday like any sensible human being.

>windows 10

>not owning both
Get a load of this poor console war fag

You can get Win7 or Win8.1 keys for dirt cheap on ebay user.

I have linux on my laptop. It's shit for gaming and seeing as how it's Sup Forums I would assume he wants to use it for gaming.

if you dont like debt then dont get a gf

>americuck don't get high quality free colege education

Whats wrong with taking a loan for building a PC? I love in a third world shit country where my salary is around 400 usd a month. So obviously I just take a credit from bank and then repay for PC over two years. Done this several times over a decade already.

You can still get windows 10 free from Microsoft.

People in America are retarded and afraid of debt

>build $700 PC in October
>Literally play everything 1080p60fps and a few older/less intensive games at 4k
>not in debt cause I know how to manage my money
>Only play exclusives on friend's PS4 and the rest plus online on PC

Gaming has never felt better

But I bought Windows 10 for $20 on l'eddit. Are you that retarded OP?

Except it's Win10 so fuck that. I've used it, it's a pain in the ass even compared to Win8. That's not even considering the forced updates or telemetry.

not every time, but yes.

At least its an incentive to work your ass off till you cant go on anymore

Sell it to someone smarter than you (basically anyone) for $400.

Who the fuck gets a gf in this day and age when everyone fucks everyone

Just go to a club

>go to a club
user you don't need that to get laid there's an app for that.

>build a rig
>save for it
>somehow go into debt
You're an idiot.

The wonders of the modern world

I bought into the college meme.
I have a job as a cashier in an electronic store that pays $600-$900 a month.

Sure I'd afford it, but before I built it I had $7000 in debt from the NEET years/college, and have to pay my cell phone/gas/car insurance bills.

I just want something good out of life.

Just tell me I didn't make a mistake, it would be reassuring.


I hope that's part time, full time should be like 1200 a month at 8.50 an hour

I don't miss those days. I work full time now for comcast and make 20$ an hour and I browse the Internet at least 50% of my work day. Meh

What the hell did you go to college for?