Could they ever come back in the hardware game ? Their consoles have always been great really...

Could they ever come back in the hardware game ? Their consoles have always been great really, they just fucked up on the PR front and made a lot of fatal business decisions.
Can they recover ?

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They can.

I would say a good start is porting their old favorites to modern platforms, preferably with added content. They need to get games like Vanquish, Jet Set Radio, all that shit, on modern platforms.

After that you use that money to reboot your old IP's Ninja Gaiden style. I'm talking stuff like a modern Altered Beast Action Game, except not shitty.

>Their consoles have always been great really
did you forget about the saturn

something that can compete with the current/future consoles?
no way they don't have the money for R&D i bet, what the could do is re-release old consoles with games build in like the mini NES thing
personally I just want them to port the old saturn and dreamcast games to PC/consoles, probably not gonna happen though

The Saturn was capable of doing some cool shit once devs started getting the hang of it. Just look at that Shenmue prototype for it.

They rather don't do that because SEGA is still composed of bunch of idiots.
If they re-enter hardware market segment, there's no doubt that they'll shoot themself in the foot and goes bankrupt.

>Just look at that Shenmue prototype for it.

cutscenes running on a dev kit

Why would you want them to get back into making consoles? I´m happy the do mostly multiplat-shit right now.

Suzuki already said that shit was running in real time on stock Saturn, and he said this years after SEGA left the hardware business. Also Suzuki always said the Saturn was a clusterfuck system, so why he should lie?

Well in any case it looks like a jerky visual mess running at 10 fps even if some of the graphics look pretty good (for Saturn)

>Pretty good (for Saturn)
Those visuals would look incredible on any system pre-dreamcast.

All of their game talent from their console days are either retired or work for other companies now. At this point, Sega is doing okay with their current games, but wouldn't be enough to convince anyone to buy a Sega console, nevermind the fact they don't have the money to even afford the R&D for it.

>ywn get a console as good as this one ever again

>Those visuals would look incredible on any system pre-dreamcast.

Nah, looks janky as fuck in motion even though the pre-baked lighting and character models look alright in stills.

That boss is the only remotely impressive part of your webm, the rest is pretty standard Rare N64 stuff.

Keep on moving the goalpost, though.

They should come with a handheld to compete against the Switch, so we could go back to the glorious "Sega does what Nintendon't" days

>That boss is the only remotely impressive part of your webm

I see you have somehow failed to notice the multiple independent light sources, particle effects for electricity, fire and water and the real time shadowing

Of course not. People don't buy their games now. What makes you think they would when you make the barrier for entry several hundred dollars?


Doesn't that count as part of the boss to you? Neither the water nor fire look like anything other than your run-of-the-mill texture effects to me, but I could be wrong. It obviously runs better than the Shenmue demo, but you can't seriously say that those real-time shadows on such a bland environment look better than the backgrounds in Shenmue, can you?

Either way, my point was that the Saturn was capable of pulling off some nice stuff that could have helped make it a serious competitor had the devs found out how to use it earlier.

Honestly they should just focus on making games

And Nintendo should do the same, since they haven't make a genuinely good console since the Gamecube

little known fact is they always made arcades so technically they never left the 'hardware game'.

>there will never be a sega neptune with nep as a mascot

What would be the point? PC is prolific and consoles are fast becoming x86 They ought to stick to what they do best. Develop terrible Sonic sequels.

>Neither the water nor fire look like anything other than your run-of-the-mill texture effects to me, but I could be wrong

Yes, you are very wrong. As particles they have distortion and collision.

>bland environment

It has better texturing than anything in the Shenmue demo. You just can't see much of it since there's an actual lighting system.

>my point was that the Saturn was capable of pulling off some nice stuff that could have helped make it a serious competitor had the devs found out how to use it earlier.

Not at all true. Saturn will always be hindered by its VDP1 chip which is a piece of garbage for 3D. You can optimize the dual CPU architecture, you can optimize memory, you can make better use of VDP2, but ultimately virtually all sprites, polygons, textures, etc have to be drawn by VDP1.

It can take short cuts which is why the Shenmue demo looks rather detailed but at the cost of horrible image quality. Saturn is a joke at 3D.

Speaking of Sega, I wonder what happened to that "string of high quality PC ports" they said they they were working on. It has been over a year already.

Their EU twitter essentially said to expect announcements regarding that early next year