PC=Libitarian shithole

PC=Libitarian shithole
Console=Nazy Germany, Soviet Russia,Sweden etc depending on the console.

That's a thing you PC Master fags keeps forgetting

Stremio, Popcorn Time, Netflix, Plex=Consoles
VLC+Windows folder=PC

Netflix and shit like that remember where you left (e.g saves in the cloud.) and are easy to start, Just click play and it will start with Subtitles etc easy when with friends or family or just lazy from coming home from work. (PC needs to configure a bunch of shit to get it working out of the box especially if older games.)

Netflix is also better curated, search for Brad Pitt to find a movie with him in it. (PC needs to start steam to then start shitty Uplay, many Numale games that don't require a Client to work forgets to add a shortcut so you can't find it with Windows Search and you forget you have it.)

Yes VLC(PC) have more options but to the average person that don't want to work on shit to get it working consoles are the best.

If just it was like in 2012 where Steam it seemed like steam was getting big, no shitty Uplay and Origin EA shit, every new game supported Steam Cloud saves, right click join, Steam friends list, Steam achievements it was like the best of both worlds (PC with mods and shit, Consoles with cloud saves and Online friend system.) What happened? I remember when it was easier to be a PC gamer but that has changed, no new game uses Steam anymore.

cool blog

Fuck of PC(Alt tabbing crashes my game) Fag!

but vlc + win folder ia better, also i can watch netflix on PC.

Do you have genuine brain damage, or just autism?


too much text, didn't read
master race wins again.

>PC=Libitarian shithole
Console=Nazy Germany, Soviet >Russia,Sweden etc depending on the console.

what the fuck is supposed to mean

Stremio, Popcorn Time, Netflix, Plex = $$$
VLC+Windows folder = FREE

suck it consoles, master race wins again

ok PC(Have lost all my saves when I formatted my Windows) User.

>PC = intelligent people who know how to use their hard- and software
>Console = literal babies who are too incompetent to even click on an icon to launch a game

Gee when you put it like that I guess consoles really are superior!

When your argument is so good people can't discuss back.

>ok PC(Have lost all my saves when I formatted my Windows) User.

wat? is there a joke here? i don't get it

Fuck off nu-Sup Forums.

PC = Person with no friends so he can afford spending 30 minutes having to configure shit first before playing.

Console = Person with actual friends who hates having to spend more than 5 minutes getting a game started.

>when your agument is so dumb nobody bothers discussing it and you have to post memes to get any atention

here, a (you)


>Consolekids shitting the bed this hard in 2016

Captcha: pepe peabody

>it takes him 30 minutes to click an icon
Does it take you half the day to wipe your ass, or do you just not bother with wiping after you shit yourself?

>I remember when it was easier to be a PC gamer but that has changed
Only thing that's changed is that I can actually buy more and more games these days because more and more games get released on GOG

Other than that I'm doing the same shit I've been doing for 10 years, pirate from torrentleech.

> Configurating
Your set up is always ready to go at anytime, did your teachers were black people or just straight out Muslims.

Windows in order to work needs to be reinstalled to not end up in messy shit but when doing that saves disappears if the game doesn't support cloud saves maybe most games don't support sadly don't support it, and you can't just copy the save folder because every game uses a different folder, some uses the installation folder, other hides them somewhere.

PC gamers work against their own self-interests I learned it when the Battlefield, Fifa PS4 Chads trash talked some feminist and the PC beard numale neckbeards started sperging out saying that feminism is best and they're a bunch of misogynists. Meanwhile, they're virgins while the guys trash talking the feminists get laid most of the month.

Grrr those damn libitarians kids these days

>no new game uses Steam anymore.

How autistic can one man be? OP pushes the limits

>He can't do Netflix on his computer.
I know it's bait but come on

>did your teachers were black people
Self hate isn't the answer, Jamarius.

you tryin too hard bruh

Name the last AAA that is not COD that supports steam cloud saves and friendlist join?

>Windows in order to work needs to be reinstalled
not true since xp unless you're a retard

>doing that saves disappears if the game doesn't support cloud saves
kek. consolefags ladies and gentleman.

this is exactly why you're called console peasants

I know I just want my PC to be easier to use I hate having half of my games crash when starting them.

Windows in order to work needs to be reinstalled to not end up in messy shit but when doing that saves disappears if the game doesn't support cloud saves maybe most games don't support sadly don't support it, and you can't just copy the save folder because every game uses a different folder, some uses the installation folder, other hides them somewhere.

jesus christ user, better stick to that console, pc is clearly not for you

Have you thought about not using Windows? The only real difference between a console like the PS4 and a standard PC (built around an extremely low end SOC) is that the PS4 runs BSD, a UNI-like operating system.

Free UNIX-like operating systems are actually easy to set up now in comparison to Windows with Linux being a popular option for home built TV connected systems. While its not connected to a TV (I have a very large monitor) my Linux system works well both for couch based gaming and media and is essentially hassle free thanks to open source drivers that just work.

Is this thread real or am I suffering another stroke?


Stop pressing ALT+F4 and replace you goddamned toaster.

And you! Get the fuck out of here penguin salesman.

Why would anyone do this in public?

I agree those LED keyboards are pretty embarassing


>having a drink that close to your laptop/keyboard/mouse
>having a separate keyboard in the first place
>placed right between the mouse and keyboard
>potentially impulsively moving the mouse hand over to the keyboard to type something knocking over the drink in the process
>supplemental ipad
>entire arm is the same width as the wrist
>giant douchy ring

Fuck that guy and fuck this thread.

I'm sorry, that must have been incredibly painful.
Perhaps next time you'll not be a complete fucking retard and keep your user folder on a volume separate from your OS. Maybe that way you won't have to project your own failures to support your arguments.

Faggot, if you are not a troll you have bigger problems than PC vs Consoles.

>not knowing where your games store their saves and config files
I think you need to stick to consoles, lad. PC games are clearly out of your league.