Someone explain to me how the Switch won't be an utter flop.
Nintendo Switch
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Okay but you'll have to wait 'til March
Not an argument.
Neither is filling your butthurt image with rabid sonygger shit
because, so far, the Switch has had good marketing and positive public reception overall.
But, ultimately, what this user said:
How is any of what I said wrong?
Feel free to disprove everything I put forth. It's not even Sonynigger fanboyism, it's literally asking, when the PS4 is set to hit 100 mil lifetime by the end of the 6 year cycle, how in the fuck is Switch even gonna make a splash when it's launching in the middle of the PS4 getting a fuckton of exclusives?
I even put a counter-argument to the usual "but the handheld market" by providing cited sources to how handhelds are dying to mobiles, and the 3DS performing worse than any other handheld Nintendo has ever made.
Good marketing how? Jimmy Fallon presents ALL Nintendo consoles. He had a segment on the WiiU as well, and "Geeked out" just as hard.
And you can see that reception was very mixed, I provided example in the image. Feel free to disprove me. You can shut your ears and delude yourselves all you like, but the evidence is sitting right in front of you right now.
Because it's a good product and people will want to buy it.
Good how? It's weaker than the competition and has a tagged on gimmick that no one wants.
What mixed reactions? You mean those literally-who clickbait youtube channel?
>It's weaker than the competition
potentially not by much.
>tagged on gimmick that no one wants.
I want it. Seems pretty compelling generally to me.
>Good product
You said the same thing about the WiiU and look how that turned out.
>You said the same thing about the WiiU and look how that turned out.
I didn't actually.
PewDiePie called it shit right when it came out. I don't think that's a literal who. That's a dude who influences millions of children across the world.
>It's not even Sonynigger fanboyism
lmao so I guess your leading question in the OP and countless references to the PS4/Sony is just a coincidence? :^)
>3DS performing worse than any other handheld Nintendo has ever made.
misleading; performing worst out of the best-selling handheld platform series ever is still performing very, very well.
>Jimmy Fallon
I didn't mention Jimmy Fallon, it's interesting to me that you thought of that, though - as if it was particularly noteworthy.
I was thinking more along the lines of its name, and central gimmick (that's surprisingly not that gimmicky, it's just a handheld with HDMI out really; seems like a fairly utilitarian way to go for once). Your reaction videos are about as cherry-picked as possible, I think you picked every single youtuber you could find that didn't like the Switch, versus the overwhelmingly positive reaction it had otherwise - since you're an autistic shitposter though I'll give you a quantifiable example: check the like/dislike ratio and viewer count on the Switch reveal trailer.
Actually yes. The Tegra X2 is HALF as powerful as the PS4 vanilla. That will be the Switch benchmark.
>I want it
Anecdotal evidence. You're a dicksucking fanboy, your opinion is irrelevant.
Maybe because the PS4 is leading the market this generation?
Look at the image, you can see the hardware sales for WiiU and Xbone right there.
And 3DS did LESS THAN HALF as well as the DS did, with NO COMPETITION from the Vita. It did terribly.
Well, I know I won't buy it.
>explain to me
Who are you to believe you are so important?
>The Tegra X2 is HALF as powerful as the PS4 vanilla
Source? No one knows how powerful it is. But apparently dark souls 3 is running well on it so that shows for something.
>Anecdotal evidence.
enough to prove your "no one wants it" claim wrong.
The only marketing Switch has had outside of the commercial on their channel is the segment with Jimmy Fallon. Normies hardly know about it.
Because whoever they had marketting before is dead
Nintendo have been pulling some clever shit for the past 6 months in terms of pacing expectations.
fucked if I know much else
>And 3DS did LESS THAN HALF as well as the DS did
That's still insanely successful though.
how isn't having an actual reality check not an argument?
>It's another Sonygger shitposting circlejerk.
>The Tegra X2 is HALF as powerful as the PS4 vanilla
ya got a source for this?
>Maybe because the PS4 is leading the market
That doesn't mean the Switch cannot succeed. I personally doubt the Switch will overtake PS4 sales, as Sony's marketing is bar none, but Nintendo's strategy since the Gamecube has been to target a different market (make of that what you will, I don't particularly care as I'm not a fanboy of either platform) - it's known as a "blue ocean" strategy; that is, instead of competing in the "red ocean" (in this case, Sony and MS), Nintendo wishes to establish an alternative market for their product.
Less than half of a gorillion is still superb, you're speaking of it as if it flopped - it most certainty didn't with the sales figures it managed.
>Normies hardly know about it.
but it was trending on normiebook and twitter for weeks? As was BotW when that was revealed, too.
I'm fairly sure normies know about it.
Also I don't live in the US, but isn't Jimmy Fallon a talkshow for normies?
GFLOPS-750 (FP32)
PS4 Pro
Vanilla is in there somewhere too, but it's like 1.2 TFLOPS.
Feel free to scour his twitter yourself. I didn't save the image when it was posted here.
>will have a new Pokemon
I could leave it at that but otherwise
>portable Skyrim remastered
>portable (and definitive version of the) most anticipated game outside of things like The Last of Us 2 for casuals
>Possible portable Melee (and possibly satisfying to tournyfags by not having lag)
Still better than Sony's half-assed CPU-bottlenecked 4K console which still runs games at 20 fps.
Here >half a gorrilion
It wasn't that much, it was 60 million. Which is abysmal for handhelds which always sell upwards of 80 million.
PS4 is about to overtake it, and it's barely halfway into it's cycle.
What this shows is a trend, a trend that's show clearly in the circle graph in the OP. Handhelds are dying fast.
are you stupid?
>Feel free to scour his twitter
oh, so it was just a random tweet? cool
>trending on your facebook feed because you're friends with nothing but Nintendo fans is exemplary of the market as a whole
Anecdotal evidence
WiiU was on his show too, look how well that did.
>X1 compared to PS4PRO instead of X2 compared to PS4
>mentioning PS4 sales when nintendo console sales rarely overlap with the sony/microsoft market
>"lack of faith in performance" as if analysts have ever been right
>cherrypicking a whopping FOUR youtube videos
Fucking dumbass.
I don't think that's how facebook works user
>WiiU was on his show too
yeah, and nobody took notice; yet you (yes, (You)) brought up that the Switch was mentioned on there - ergo, it must actually be meaningful this time.
>2 million launch day sales
>lack of faith
You realize the Wii sold 1.8 million in its entire first month, right?
And that the Switch is releasing AFTER the holidays on top of that, right?
Didn't know Switch was already released
>"somewhat speculative"
Also, are you forgetting what you initially claimed?
>Actually yes. The Tegra X2 is HALF as powerful as the PS4 vanilla.
not only did you fail to source this at all, but you had to resort to comparing the X1 to the PS4PRO to make a point, probably upon realising how retarded your original claim was.
Facebook feed only shows people on your friend's list, correct user.
Those are the top 4 videos right after Nintendo's own Switch ad.
>Mobile Market Is Dying
Nice bait
Vanilla PS4
Holy fucking shit you stupid drone, look at the links I fucking posted.
I'm referring to the OP image, where the claim is that Nintendo has a lack of faith in the Switch by expecting it to push 2 million sales at launch.
In reality, 2 million launch sales is incredibly ambitious even for month 1. It shows a lot of faith in the Switch itself.
The Wii U sold 680k for its first month, and that's during prime holiday season with 0 competition and lots of core Nintendo fans buying it on launch just because it's a Nintendo product.
>Facebook feed only shows people on your friend's list, correct user.
I don't think that's true, I knew normies that saw it on their facebook that don't like Nintendo
>somewhat speculative"
Shipping with 2 million worldwide is = lack of faith.
People that think it'll flop will find any excuse to make themselves seem right.
People that think it'll sell massively will find any excuse to make themselves seem right.
In reality you'll just have to wait and see. My guess is it'll perform better than WiiU but still nowhere near the Wii.
no, it was an X1 you tried compare earlier, whilst in you're showing the flops of the Tegra P1. Neither are the X2 you claimed before was "half the flops of the vanilla PS4"
>.750 x2 = 1.4
Fucking math. That's just ignoring the rest even.
top 4 by what? relevance, view count? because you're wrong by both merits.
the ad itself has over 20 million views, fallons video has 4 million and those videos will barely get over 300k
Beeeeeeeeecause New Day rocks, New Day rocks, New Day rocks.
It's speculative because it's based on the X2 benchmarks, which ISN'T EVEN OUT YET. Switch won't run as powerful as the PS4, even if it runs DS3, are you daft?
>It's speculative because it's based on the X2 benchmarks, which ISN'T EVEN OUT YET
yes, that's my point.
No you dumb nigger, the X1 has 520GFLOPS benchmark, not 750.
750 IS half of 1400 you dumbass, as they're peak benchmarks and consoles never push that number out consistently.
>Those are the top 4 videos right after Nintendo's own Switch ad.
No they aren't you lying faggot lmao
>open image
>eyes are instantly flooded with meme images
yeah I'm not reading all that shit
Not an argument.
As long as Nntendo have Pokemon, Zelda and Mario, they will never ever die
The X2 has officially been tested though.
>extremely bad press
>no one but like 100 Sup Forums weebs care about any of the headlines posted
>750 IS half of 1400 you dumbass
1400/2=700. 750 x2 = 1500.
>No you dumb nigger
I was quoting (You), user.
It was you that referred to it wrongly as an X1.
Get some reading comprehension
Sony fans have a lot of time to make infographics because they have no games to play.
They'll never die, but that won't stop the Switch from being an utter failure.
>i'll just keep repeating my bullshit
the guy just proved you wrong with the wii sales. they must have had no faith in the wii either then
>Switch won't run as powerful as the PS4
I agree, but I doubt it'd be half its power and you've failed to properly source that claim at all.
read the rest of the post you dumb nigger.
>these are the top 4 videos
Actually no
These are the top 4 videos after the Switch ad that aren't
>about leaks / rumors
>strictly about the information of the console itself
All 4 are very positive reactions, even from Angry Joe who isn't that into Nintendo stuff
I did, I was just saying 750 isn't half of 1400 like you claimed.
if somehow the Switch bombs, which I doubt (though it won't be a smashing success either), then they'd just try something else. The Switch is a shot in the dark anyway, hence they referred to it as a "third pillar" in their system range (marketing bullshit speak for "we don't know if this'll work...")
>Angry Joe
it was very meh
No nintendo console has had a power advantage since the SNES. And yet somehow they still have successes.
I'm sure would have also expected these to flop:
GameBoy - (less powerful than gamegear)
DS - (less powerful than PSP)
3DS - (less powerful than Vita)
Wii - (less powerful than xbox/ps3)
>73 replies
>21 posters
this thread is literally just OP every other post, holy shit.
It's been generating quite a media buzz and it'll have nuZelda, the most anticipated game of 2017 (as voted by "gamers"). I think it could probably do alright.
The fact that it caters to home console players as well as the more traditional handheld players also means that there'll be more people likely to buy it and it'll prevent them from cannibalising their own sales in people who could only normally buy one or the other of the home console vs handheld.
I think it'll do fine. Whether it will actually be good is another question though.
>it's slightly more than half, nuh-uh
Desperation is already sinking in.
>I think it's the best thing they could have done
He said he liked it.
It wasn't overwhelming hype like the other 3 reaction videos there are, but he said he's looking forward to it. Definitely positive.
I was only critiquing your math mate, I didn't care about the other shit, like I said.
A port.
Switch has NO GAMES
That last video is a guy praising the Switch. Why did you add it on that list?
you're the desparate one dumbass. all that bullshit you said has been proved wrong, and you won't even respond to them. the rest is very clearly sonygger fanboy bullshit
how fucking terrified do you have to be lmao
Because read the OP. MIXED reception. Not negative, and not overwhelmingly positive. MIXED. It's not a shitposting image, but Nintendrones think it is and are getting triggered by it.
Because OP is honestly probably pretty low IQ, and just went with the video because it had 'suck' in the image.
The Switch will flop.
why did you include my quote with that reply?
I was referencing the fact that "the X2 is half the power of a vanilla PS4", then went off in your retarded ways comparing an "X1" (as you called it, even though it was a Tegra P1 in actuality) with the PS4PRO instead of comparing what you stated earlier. You completely fucked the whole thing up and now just look like a moron.
Then why'd you outright lie about
It says lackluster, you can't even read your own post in your blind rage. you cherrypicked 3 negative ones and bullshitted about how they're the top videos when they're not even close
>It's not a shitposting image
top kek
>Because read the OP. MIXED reception.
yeah, this is a really fair sampling of all the reactions.
pic related. Look at that MIXED reception LOL
>It's not a shitposting image
Yeah, lackluster = mixed
Holy shit how many times a day do you need to BTFO before you finally leave? Your posts won't make a dent in the switch
There we have it folks, it's over for Nintendo!
Thanks for proving my point.
Not to mention OP keeps saying stuff like "Not an argument" and then says "Dumb Nigger" himself when there actually is an argument.
>Lack of faith in performance at launch
Means jack shit
>"Increasinly" bad press with NOA incompetence
Irrelevant to the vast majority of people
>Mobile market is dying
I like how you compare it to the 3DS - the best selling platform of this generation - only when it helps your negative argument.
>Piss poor launch line-up with "nothng" but ports etc. etc.
Almost every console so far has had a shitty launch line-up, and your list of "confirmed" games a) uses the wrong name for the console and b) isn't actually "confirmed"
>Lackluster reception from gamers
Nice downvoted clickbait videos with mostly shitty views you have there
>lackluster = mixed