And i just won

and i just won

Other urls found in this thread:

>Waldenbooks was bought by Borders, and Borders went out of business

shhhhh, no tears, let death close its grasp tightly around your neck

But during the stone age

JULAYY ughhhh

never understood why he speaks in a forced falsetto.

like, since fucking childhood.

Is Chris really dying from an infected taint?

Someone told me he drilled a hole in his ball sack, thought it would eventually become a vagina on its own if he started peeing through it.


He had an operation

Albeit a shitty one

But there is in fact a hole and whether he dies or not I wouldn't know

No drills involved, just his fingers tearing at his already botched taint piercing. I've never heard anything about the pee, although I do know he was watching some bullshit hypnosis videos for a few hours every day for a while which he thought would make his vagina grow. I believe he also said they cured his autism too.

More like the tard got a taint piercing and didn't take care of it, so now he's got a hole that he's trying to renovate into a diy vagina.

Replenish your electrolytes

Some dude made a documentary about Chris for a school project last year. Good shit.
Also he's still actively being followed on the kiwi forums.

gee i dunno maybe its the fact hes a sperg



That moment sealed his fate. Im fucking sure he started thinking of himself as some Sonic messiah right there.

I made fun of Chris, but now I actually kinda agree that the blue arms was dumb. He looks a lot better in the painting.


Na, chances are he won't even acknowledge it. Chris doesn't recognize jabs at him unless they're hamfisted and look exactly like him.

This will go over his head completely, if he happens to even watch it.

he didn't drill a whole through he fucking ballsack, autism isn't a fucking superpower, it doesn't make you immune to such an unholy amount of pain.
from what i understand, he got a taint piercing that literally tried to manually leave his disgusting fuckup body due to rejection or some shit, which obviously caused a bit of a wound. around the same time, he had been listening to some "vagina sound hypnosis" or some shit, that he belives will make him grow a vag, and thinks that the wound cause by the piercing fuckup is actually his freshly developed cunny

Oh shit, is this where he used to search for a boyfriend-free girl?
Still the best


>loves sonic with his life
>fucks up hard enough for Sega to notice and mock him publicly
CWC is a modern Greek tragedy

CWC's still not nearly as woke as Jozar

Not the first time he's been made fun of by the people he loves.

but this time it's canon to the sonic universe. That must be a special sort of sting.

goddamn you

I wish someone would just take the time and go mentor him.

If I lived in Virginia I'd take the time. Help him train in the gym and teach him how to hid his power level. Like chris isn't ugly at all in the face. And with right training. He can easily become an 8/10. And he can finally find his boyfriend free girl