Deepest lore thread?

deepest lore thread?

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pretty amazing that i sold so many CDs despite being dead

uno dos tres

Holy shit mozart is not alivE. this us such a dumb meme and its so compLetely retarded. i honestly hoPe that the Mongoloids who madE this fucking meme die.

He's not dead though, everyone knows he lurks on Sup Forums.

>Mozart is not on Youtube
What a bloody stupid assumption. They didn't even have the sense to check before making this absurd statement. I am triggered by this level of stupidity.


wow it's almost as if modern pop music is simplistic repetitive 3-chord garbage that only sells as well as it does because the Jews shill it hard on every channel and billboard

Mozart is Elvis with you

>You see, more than a million people didn't run out to their local music store or log on to their favorite music web site to get the album. The box set contains 200 CDs. And since Billboard counts each album in the box set as an individual sale, only about 6,250 box sets would need to have been sold to push "Mozart 225" to the top of the CD chart for the year.

It's not really that impressive.

He, lmlp


>Implying Drake ever stood a chance against OG Wolf

They mean him as a personality, not his work. That said, the person who wrote that DOES SO FOR A LIVING and should NOT be writing in a fashion that allows for such misunderstanding

I wish I went into 'journalism', I probably put more effort into shitposting than they do into their articles

>pretty amazing that i sold so many CDs despite being dead
>pretty amazing that i

You can't hide forever, you Austrian fuck.


Jesus fuck I think I'm retarded.


You hanging with tupac?

Nigga tupac is dead. Trust me.

fuck what should I do
Is Mozart holding you hostage?

topkek you can't hide forever




I Already told you Mongoloids that MOZART is fucking dead.


black people btfo

>Implying I like Drake or Beyonce
Kanye screwed up his sales anyway since the wanted to

>People who listen to Mozart are more likely to still buy CDs.
>People who listen to Drake, Kanye West and Beyonce are more likely to stream or download their music.

Haha, so funny! Upvoted!

Drake is a punk ass piece of shit that does nothing but steal shit from better rappers to pastiche into something that normies will listen to.

>People who listen to Drake are too poor to buy music

the mozart meme is dead, if you want a similar meme there's pizzagate on Sup Forums. Get with the times grandpas.

Mongoloid is suspiciously capitalized.
What are you trying to say?

MOZArt is JUST NOt alive ok

I don't get it

Try looking at all the capitalized letters. The first one says "Help Me" and the second is "I am Mozart"

>It's true that the massive box set, "Mozart 225: The New Complete Edition," has sold more than 1.25 million copies since its release over a month ago, according to Billboard.
>The box set contains 200 CDs. And since Billboard counts each album in the box set as an individual sale, only about 6,250 box sets would need to have been sold to push "Mozart 225" to the top of the CD chart for the year.



No one cares about your shitty conspiracy theories, Sup Forums.

Apparently someone does since this is the first one that the media have actively tried to discredit.

We just wanted to know what that important pizza map on that napkin that Podesta was talking about was.

That's it, meme magick is real; we can only but begin to fathom the depths of KEKs true power

joking about mozart being alive is funny
politicians being pedophiles or someshit isn't fun

it has spilled far outside of Sup Forums, there's retards on reddit and youtube who have started to actually believe that shit. Presumebly it has leaked to many more normie sites considering the mainstream media has started to report on it.

he can't keep getting away with it

Mozart alive in Serbia

I've been out of the loop for a while, whats this?

>Mozart is Elvis with you

Stupid question, everybody knows that Elvis went back home to Mars.

This is better than Pink Floyd

>Apparently someone does since this is the first one that the media have actively tried to discredit
What choice do they have? Nobody has walked into a place full of children and families and tried to shoot it up because they believed Mozart was still alive.

>elaborate music sells
>nigger music doesn't

Who would have thunk?

Sup Forumstards literally think that there's a pedophile ring involving the clintons and podestas operating out of a pizza shop in DC.

>select all images with pizza

Elite pedophile scandals never happen

t. england

But that's not fair to the musicians who performed the music on the CD.

That'd be like saying Steve Perry is one of the best live performers around because that little asian kid that replaced him is tearing it up on stage.

Someone connected to Clintons owns a pizza shop, and people on the internet think Cheese Pizza is code for CP.

That's it. That's literally the whole conspiracy.

>Psycho Sup Forums-/x/ crossposter tries to literally gun down civilians due to brain damage.
>Common sense, media, etc. urging people to not bring assault rifles into family restaurants.
>"This is a fucking media coverup!"

Go back to your containment unit.

How come normies don't question the fact that all of the years highest selling albums are by black "artists"? It doesn't occur to them at all that some agenda is at play here?

players are merely instruments, the genius is the one that creates the music.
Instruments are replaceable, Geniuses are not

No one is saying they don't happen. What they are saying is that if they were stupid enough to use code phrases literally out of a shitty Sup Forums thread, they'd have been caught already.

The conspiracy theory literally believes that they refer to child prostitutes as cheese pizza.

niggers too dumb to pirate, that's all it is.

Then why does anybody give a fuck about shit like Beyonce and Kanye instead of celebrating the Jewish music producer team behind them?

Angsty white kids from the suburbs keep the black artists on the top of the charts.

>But the sales aren't really a triumph of classical music's staying power. It's more a triumph of fuzzy math. You see, more than a million people didn't run out to their local music store or log on to their favorite music web site to get the album. The box set contains 200 CDs. And since Billboard counts each album in the box set as an individual sale, only about 6,250 box sets would need to have been sold to push "Mozart 225" to the top of the CD chart for the year.

Who would have thought a old white people had 400 bucks to blow?

Because they are Jew?

I'm told that blacks don't even listen to Kanye and that the majority of his audience are brainwashed white cucks.

>assault rifle
This is a bad meme that needs to die

I gets better. All the heinous activities were supposed to happen in the basement, but the police investigation concluded when the location (Comet Ping-Pong) was determined to not have a basement.

>nigger music doesn't

I mean they are frauds, more celebrities than actual musicians. But they are still millionaires, niggers with money.

Hey, I have no love for either the Clintons or the Podestas, but the notion that the most powerful people in the country can't figure out a better front for their pedophile ring than a popular pizza shop is pretty dumb. Fuck, they could easily call up their saudi friends and head over to the middle east where underage sex slavery is basically ignored.

Ah yes. We all know we can trust the media right? They haven't been shown to have bias at all. Definitely not as of late either. And there has definitely never been any high profile pedophile cover-ups either.

This started well before the guy with the gun showed up. Time will tell.

literally just last year they said they had one.

"We store our tomatoes in the basement"

"but we don't have a basement."

I think you mean Taylor Swift. Beyonce is an actual musician, and Kanye steals his music from other songs instead of having some Jew hand it to him.

I'd probably buy it. Mozart is some sweet shit. Shame he never got to finish my Requiems

You have absolutely no fucking clue. All the revenue from classical musicians go to the institutions that train people to play Mozart, Beethoven, etc.

Not only it's totally fair, its fucking amazing how a dead man can still carry so many shitters by still making currency.

because those producers are mere instruments too that can be replaced when needed.

Did Peewee Herman call that tip in?

There is a difference between skepticism of the media and believing the opposite of anything the media says without question, you quintuple nigger.

Well-trained classical musicians are much more valuable than all sorts of other shitters, desu. Would be great if classical music regained some popularity. If nothing else, it would at least hopefully inspire some improvement in the bland 3-minutes-per-song pop music market.

I didn't argue anything about the money, just about giving credit to the players. Even people who upload classical music to youtube take the few seconds to credit the person or group who played the music.

>go to the institutions that train people
But not the people who played the music? So you're telling me the people pay thousands to learn to play music, and then when they finally get their record sold, all the money goes to the people who already got paid?

Do you not understand the major fucking money getting a scoop like this would generate? Why do you think they broadcast Trump so much? Massive numbers of viewers/readers/listeners generating them millions. A major scandal won't give you the same but it will generate more than enough to actively expose any of this. Money drives american mass media.

>Beyonce is an actual musician
So this is the power of cuck vision.

No black has ever been an actual musician.

No female has ever been an actual musician.

What's your definition of an actual musician?

Remember when we had music outside of negro-noise, nu-male shit and autism clad fedoracore?

>It's a fat, unintelligent talentless loser tries to take credit for the accomplishments of other people he happens to share skin color and gender with episode

You have no clue. Trained musicians get paid by those institutions and by the presentations they do and if they are good to be on a classical cd they also get some revenue from it.

But you are probably talking about some garbage band or something like that, honestly i could give less of a fuck.

There are several excellent non-chinese female pianists


Does not follow any memes.

Highly skilled.

>Well-trained classical musicians are much more valuable than all sorts of other shitters, desu.

I have a friend who spent $80,000 and 6 years to go to a prestigious musical school and be trained as a classical violinist. She works at a fucking bookstore because it's literally impossible to even get a tryout, let alone be offered a spot, in a real orchestra. And yes, you absolutely NEED a degree in classical music/theory to even be considered for an interview.

The job market for classical musicians is saturated as fuck m8

There's plenty of other, real musicians.
Just not in media.

>Only white people can be musicians
Well then, at least you're consistent.

But "only white people can be musicians" IS a meme


>nu-male shit and autism clad fedoracore?
What are some examples?

We still do, it's called classical. There is 400+ years' worth of western music history that is performed better today than it was when it was written.

We still do, you're just a retard who doesn't know how to look outside their own little bubble.

This is objectively the best time in human history for music, art and culture. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand how to seek out new things.

You're right, I have no clue, which is why I took your previous post at face value and asked about it to get clarification.

And even if they rake in all the cash, it still doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be credited for playing the music

>People who listen to Mozart are more likely to still buy CDs.
Why still? CDDA didn't get replaced by any other audio storage medium yet. SACD and DVD Audio failed in the market.

How fucking retarded can you people get? If the media said not to shoot yourself because you'll die, would you immediately refute the theory even though it appears sensical due to your distrust of the mainstream?
Do you have a shred of motive, incentive, or hard evidence? No, you don't. You have a bunch if people with the biggest confirmation-bias hard-on in history presenting non-sequitur circumstance as something that resembles evidence.
You fucking quacks ate literally retarded.

He can play his bongo drum or shout about his big black dick over a recycled beat but that doesn't make him a musician. Whites are the only real "art race" on the planet. No one else even deserves to be in the conversation.

Oh, I know. I'm not saying that it's better for getting a job, at all. I personally just have much more respect for a skilled musician than for yet another iphone app code artisan with a degree in computer "science"