What are some gamees that you really want to pirate, but can't?

What are some gamees that you really want to pirate, but can't?

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>games that you want to pirate, but can't

nope, none. i can pirate everything.

it's gonna be cracked when arr dlcs will be out

Did they fix the 1 v 1 so now two units can attack the same enemy without waiting for the other to attack?

More like "games you want to play but refuse to pay 56,94€ in mandatory DLC because the 59,99€ expensive base game barely has any content, unlike its predecessors".

Animations are not in sync with the combat rolls anymore. So, yes, more than 1 unit can damage a certain other unit. It just means that no visual animation matches what actually happens in combat and units die off randomly because they received damage from calculations that happen without visible idication.

Not even gonna bother buying this trash then. They fucked up with all the DLCs and now they cant even beat Medieval 2 with these shitty new games.

Medieval 2 was fucking garbage when it came out and it's still shit you faggot

How are the Wood elves?

It isn't getting cracked user. Just let go and move on.

Still miles better than this. At least it's moddable.

So in 2019?

Fun as fuck. They're not particularly strong and have almost no armor at all, but they're fast and they have some units that can deal good damage, so it's all about skirmishing and flanking. I feel Dwarfs tend to counter them pretty hard in multiplayer though, since they don't do well against armor and Quarrellers are a solid counter to their ranged units.

I think CA is getting more comfortable with the game as time goes on, since the last two factions released are also the most fun to play in my opinion.

That's a really poor and bad opinion there buddy

A competent player will shit on them but they are fun as fuck to play with really strong leaders. Sounding the Horn of the Wild Hunt at the beginning of a wardancer charge is 10/10.

Unfortunately CA was too afraid of making their bows too good so they're probably the worst part of the army.

The expansions are no longer expansions. They're stand alone games so they can charge 60 dollars for them instead of 40. The last dlc for the game is the Bretonnian one.

>t. nostalgiafag ignoring how awful Medieval 2 is on a mechanical level

>b-but muh knights!!!!

Medieval 2 is a terrible video game.

Warhammer is better on and offline than vanilla M2. Even without any DLC

Only things dragging it down are being built from the ground up for Jewery and the campaign management is too simple. Battles are the best they've ever been.

They are expansions in the sense that they expand the main game though

The reason they are standalone is that people like OP don't run around shouting how they can't afford to buy the whole thing

>Only things dragging it down are being built from the ground up for Jewery and the campaign management is too simple.
And the neutered sieges.

I agree with you on the rest though.

They were planned as standalone games from the start, but if you own all three, their maps can be combined into one huge Grand Campaign.

They said the same about Doom yet it can be torrented.

It's a shame that they've just given up with the sieges, bridges too.

They've had fuck knows how many attempts to get them right though so maybe it's for the best.


Still waiting on Dishonored 2, not buying it unless I know it will run decently on my rig.

Perhaps so, but with Third Age it becomes best Total War by far.

I made a mistake of buying it on my PC. 970 here, the FPS are all over the place. Sometimes I get 60+ looking at some impresive scene, and then 25 when staring at the floor. Fucking piece of shit. I considering locking it at 30 or waiting for 2-3 more patches.

Are they going to include naval combat with one of the games? I haven't really looked at any of the announcements for longer term stuff.

>Are they going to include naval combat with one of the games?
Who knows.

Probably not though.

Am I just imagining this now or there not a Warhammer naval combat game in the works by someone else? A Dreadfleet video game basically.


>Man O' War

Of course, why the fuck couldn't I think of the proper name.

user. it was terrible. diplomacy sucked dick, agent spam was real, armies were 90% identical, no interesting events going on for 400 turns except mongols and a couple crusades

it was good for its time, i admit, and i had a couple hundred hours of fun with it. but it's old and outdated and you can't compare it with attila or warhammer. let it go

>it was good for its time, i admit, and i had a couple hundred hours of fun with it. but it's old and outdated
Even Medieval 1 was better than Medieval 2.

Not him, but I agree.

Rome was a bit of a disappointment when it released from what I remember, but I still prefer it to Medieval 2.

How does total war warhammer runs nowadays?

My rig is getting a bit long in the tooth, but it still runs Warhammer well as long as I don't turn up the unit size. Which is a bit of a shame because I like playing with huge unit sizes, but I'm too strapped for cash to upgrade right now so. Apart from that I have no performance issues at all.

Pretty fucking smooth. Even on launch, I expected the shitdown of Rome 2, and the game to run like shit with Denuvo, especially with the fact that I still had a gtx 760 at the time. But it was probably the smoothest launch I've seen, and even the debacle of AMD babbies where they were having graphical troubles, CA fixed fixed it in 3 hours. CA fucking acted up, they did not want another Rome 2 shitshow.

I want to buy it but I'm not getting that denuvo crap on my PC it's made by the same people that made SecureRom.

Medieval 1 has the advantage of having the old style campaign map, they've never managed to get the AI to handle the one they introduced in Rome.

This is actually worth a pirate right now. Game is more Black Flag than Age of Pirates but the setting and dynamic world make up for it.

How dynamic is the dynamic world? Is it like Mount & Blade?

Is the gameplay itself fun?

Really old or obscure shit.

>For an entire year, we have been seeing a spike of WHFB games from Mordheim, Vermintide, Warhammer Total War, and Man O' War Corsairs.
>All of them centered around the Old World Era.

I know its too much to hope for, but there has to be a reason for all of this. All of it a cosmic scheme/PR-stunt to bring out the new Warhammer Online 2 please please please.

I want to play this but I'm not going to spend 105 euros for a single game.

MTW II getting shit on, while Betahammer gets circle-jerked because Sup Forums likes elves.

Just a normal day.

I bought it on release, but no way in hell I'm getting any of the jewus maximus DLC until it's on -75% sale

M2 is shit.

I have not played Warhammer but I would rather play that than engage with the garbage pile that is Medieval 2

People liked Warhammer long before the elven faction was released though.

The only people who are upset by it are massive spergs who are still throwing a tantrum because oh my god it has magic this is not historically accurate.

GW and CA knows no bound when it comes to Jewry. I'm pretty sure they are treating the game like the tabletop, and hoping to sell favorite armies/factions independently and relying on the fanbase.

At least the base game is acceptable and you still get all the empires, even the ones you didn't purchase. You just can't play them.

They did right in terms of the setting to be honest. War is a prime focus on everything, even in city building where thing you can build in the city are mostly hero/unit upgrade focused. Even with mechanics like the Orc's "Waaagh" where the pressure to act violently and start wars is very real or else your units start to infight and you lose units. Warhammer has always been a setting about war, you aren't bogged down by shitty management mechanics where you have to look through every city wondering whether your people have toilets to shit on. Leave that to the community resource management fags.

Does this game has hero duels like that one warhammer classic rts from ages ago?

buy the base game and google warhammer cream_api

You mean Mark of Chaos?

Not like that, no. IIRC Mark of Chaos had a specific duel mechanic where heroes get locked in combat and other units aren't allowed to interfere. Total War has a more open setup. Heroes can definitely fight each other, and often the best way to get rid of certain heroes is to attack them with our won hero, but you're not locked in combat and regular units can still join the fight at any time.

>with our won hero
with your own hero*

You can have a face off. Also, it's good thing CA programmed the enemy heros to be more keen on fighting your army hero making face offs more common. But if you're expecting cinematic awesome duels, you'll be disappointed. You do get the occasional death blow from heros killing base units.

I don't see what's the problem though. Every Total War fag kept crying about how "I just want Rome 1's mechanic again where its no longer 1v1 on the battlefield!" They listened, and took it out.

elaborate, I don't read ching chong

It's a great game, I caved and bought it.

But fuck the $65 dollars in DLC.

I doubt the reason they took out those elaborately animated duels is because of fan feedback. Rather, for the first time in TW the units fighting each other aren't regular people with regular mocap actors, you have 5 meter tall ogres sweeping away mobs of midgets, it would be astronomically costly to go about choreographing elaborate fights for every possible variation of unit combat.

Im patiently waiting for chaos dwarves and Tomb kings

Sorry, it's more likely because GW is refocusing on a lot of their old Specialist Games lines.

>Is it like Mount & Blade?

Bit late but here goes. Seems similar, only played a few hours so far but the diplomacy log somewhere indicated that hostilities were escalating between some distant factions. No clue if they can actually capture or raze ports when war breaks out but it would make sense. There are faction missions you can take on too like escorting a diplomat which I'm assuming let you impact relations

Other than that there are enough fleets patrolling their territory, orc invasions, notice board quests and such that there's always something to do. There're even bandit hideout equivalents (that I'm assuming respawn) in uncontested waters that you can raid

Naval combat/exploration is just a deeper Black Flag in more dangerous waters. Boarding actions are clunky as all fuck though and you'll be doing a lot of them. There're quite a few upgrades for your ship and you can actually captain new ones in this at least so you've got something to work towards. Your crew aren't faceless mooks either, they have names, traits and you level them up manually and mourn them when they die

I wouldn't buy it on EA but I'll happily play the pirated version until it comes out properly

>That feel when re-release of Battlefleet Gothic soon

Sounds cool.

If you upgrade your ship, can you actually see your upgrades reflected on the ship itself or are they just stat bonuses?


I honestly did not expect the BFG game to be as good as it is. It's not perfect, but it's still a lot better than I expected.

Were the Blood Bowl games a big success? It seems like those kicked off the whole flood of Warhammer-related games.

They're actually pretty good. Focus is doing a pretty good job with their GW licenses. This is why I'm really, REALLY hoping for a

Wargame: Warhammer 40k: Epic from the guys who made Red Dragon.

I've only played the first one. The UI sucks, but it's a direct translation of the tabletop rules, and people really love that about it.

Blood Bowl 2 is apparently the same game with a better UI.

A lot of these warhammer games are awful though.
Chess with warhammer models instead of chess pieces? Get this shit out of here.

In my personal opinion 40k >>>>>classic warhammer

I disagree

Can't actually remember but I'd imagine so. I know that living additions do (sharpshooter in the crow's nest, babby griffon on the deck rail)

>mfw sailing away victorious only to realise I've lost my griffon

didn't the lizard guys all leave in space ships or something?

Fug, sounds like I'll need to buy this game.

Im using a 970 and i5 6600k, running on a mix of high and ultra at 1920x1080 and it runs surprisingly well. I dont understand how my rig can run total warhammer at a solid 60 yet Attila struggles to stay at 30 with similiar settings.

>Wargame: Warhammer 40k: Epic from the guys who made Red Dragon.
This sounds awesome. I would want it to actually have a functioning, quality single player campaign unlike all the wargame games though. And the infantry groups should have magnitudes more men than in wargame as well.

Everyone feels that way at first.
40k is a great introduction to the feel of GRIMDARK.

But the really good fluff is all in the old world, not this horus heresy soap opera shit.


Then everyone else died

Except TW Warhammer is one of the best TW games ever.

The battles are the best they've ever been, now you just have complaints about the campaign side from people who should really just be playing Civ or Paradox games if all they really give a shit about is the campaign and not the actual battles

this. it's simple, but not entirely braindead. you still need to manage cities properly and anticipate corruption. every faction will have serious public order issues if you don't plan ahead, empire especially once chaos rolls in

My spawn-kin
Hope they come soon, not sure how would they work being on another continent and shit. Maybe something like Last roman or Age of Charlemagne campaigns in Attila, but that would be a bit disappointing

based reptilians

Skaven survived too.
And a few scattered humans.

Dwarves all became aspects of the wind of fire, and are FYRESLAYERS DO NOT COPY now.

They'll be in the standalone expansion with the rest of the Elves

> Maybe something like Last roman or Age of Charlemagne campaigns in Attila, but that would be a bit disappointing
to be honest I always hated when CA released these seperate mini campaigns.
I wish they would only add to the grand campaign because it's just more content to improve on what's already there instead of some separate shit.

I can't believe they've released 2 new factions for campaign and still haven't released Bretonnia.

I actually love the strategic map stuff as much as battles, so TWW feels way too barebones for me in that aspect. Building up stuff in attila with all the buildings available was a lot of fun for me, and something as simple as buildings with pictures instead of icons brought me joy.
And I'm saying that even though I still like battles more and what we have is better than the other way around. But why not both?

The lack of formations suck, i agree with you otherwise


They released those two factions first so the Bretonnian corner of the map has more going on in it

Don't bother the game is garbage. Play an actually good strategy game instead.

...you aren't seriously running Windows... right?

The battles are shit and the AI is once again still shit. I can't believe how lazy CA is with their games that they throw out the one good part of their warscape games (gunpowder mechanics) so that they don't have to do a bit of extra animation work. Now gunners just shoot through eachother in an arc. The "tactical depth" is like a MOBA where you spam the shitty magic abilities because with everything else your only option is to right click on enemies because they have no interesting behavior or formations. There is no excuse on the campaign map side either CA used to make decent campaign maps 14 years ago.

Its supposed to be three games, with each focusing on a different area of the world. What they claimed was that once all three are out, and if you own them all, you can play a grand campaign with all three campaign maps merged. They've said fuck all about it since the game launched, so all I'm going to assume is that one will focus on Araby/Nehekara and the other Ulthuan/Naggaroth (they also said Chaos will be much more fleshed out later so I assume it will be here)

First expansion/game is Dark Elves, High Elves, and Lizardmen, second is Daemons of Chaos

They've said they'll be covering all factions with rulebooks. That means Skaven, Tomb Kings, and Ogres too.

Bullshit because they confirmed all armies as of 8th would be playable by the end of the trilogy. One of those expansions has to include Tombkings.

They already blew half the available options on the first game. They gotta keep some stuff in reserve to sell as DLC for the other two games.


The pessimist in me says they could have an expansion with just Delves Helves and demons, and the last expansion just be set on the tomb king continent since there is a lizardman outpost there and Ogres just end up as DLC somewhere along the way.

It's the only total war game that actually uses your GPU to fullest extent and more than one core.

That sucks ass, three factions (or maybe five with imperial expedition and daemon invasion) on the map is just not enough for it to be much fun.