What are some Sup Forums approved android games (if any)?
What are some Sup Forums approved android games (if any)?
Super Mario Run. Oh wait, Androidcucks miss out on another exclusive.
Rucoy Online is pretty fun. Reminds me a lot of endless online that I used to play years ago
Swordigo was pretty fun
Currently emulating New Super Mario Bros on my android phone, could care less desu
Great, are we gonna start fucking platform warring over mobile operating systems now?
t. salty nogaemsdroid fag
T. Apple cuck who pays for music
Android is so much better. There are emulators in the play store letting us play ds,gba,gbc,gb, psp games. Dowloading free music off the internet. I used to think like you "wah wah apple is the best so im going to shill it". Then i got a sgs7.
>playing games without physical buttons
inb4 someone posts a hideous impractical contraption that technically lets you do that but nobody in their right mind would carry it with them
gta san andreas
This. This is one reason why mobile games are shit.
Tactile Wars
That's all I can think of
Ghost Trick and Ace Attorney are great games to emulate.
>applecucks will never ever get yukkuri diary
Their other games are fun too. And only one costs $$$. No IAP's either.
>People posting about emulators
Full pleb tier
Shadowverse is on Android and its pretty fun.
>he thinks android is better when he bought the iPhone of android
>he's still running stock
>he has no root privileges
I don't know why you bothered to switch. You traded brain cancer for ass cancer.
Never ever applecucks