What do you think about this game?

what do you think about this game?

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lightning in a bottle


Lightning was a shit character, amazingly useless to the story and created one of of the most cancerous waifu cults, though.

One of the best Final Fantasy games.

Extremely underrated

pc port equal or better?

solid RPG with a godlike musical score. as unwelcome as they were the two sequels weren't bad games and actually improved upon the first, at least combat-wise.

i want to replay them.

i-is it true?

twas shit

Works great for me and my PC isn't even that good

I didn't like it much.

I'm guessing it's all CPU then since it's a port?

>Intel Core i7 6700K
>8gb ram

Are you able to at least able to force AA?

ran all 3 games on my shitty gtx 660 and only ff13-2 gave me huge framerate/performance problems. that game is optimized so poorly. 13 and lr ran good enough not to be unplayable.

It would have been great if her tits were 3x as big.

At 30fps, or 60?

Utter shit. XV being a turd doesn't make this one stink less.

Looks pretty though.

It's a great movie. seriously I haven't even played the game, and I don't think I would enjoy it, but I've watched the 8 hour cutscene compilation on youtube at least 3-4 times. I think it's a very comfy story

Terrible game, but it was at least better than XV from a visual and art direction standpoint.

30 on average, dipped to 20-25 with a lot of particle effects at once and jumped to 45 when nothing was going on. not unplayable, the combat and interface only ever slowed down in 13-2

Did you use pic related? Apparently helps majorly.

i tried this fix, and it simply stopped my game from starting at all. ended up messing with the nvidia control panel and made enough changes to make the game stable at sub 30 fps.

>Hated it when it was first released, had really high expectations that it didn't meet
>Only got like 5 hours in before dropping it
>Gave it another try just last year, knowing well that it's very linear and story driven
>Played all the way through and actually ended up liking it a lot
Desu I should probably try harder to judge games based on what they are rather than what they aren't.

XV is a way bigger disappointment than XIII.
However, XV is still a better game.

vanille, lighting and fang are hot but rest of the game is shit.

>Base game was alright
>No limit break which is sad
>Vanille a shit, cant stand her britbong accent

I cant play 13-2 due to FPS going all over the place from 30-60 even just by rotating camera

So I'll probably not play LR ever unless they patch 13-2

>due to FPS going all over the place from 30-60

corridor simulator, lol


battle themes don't get much better than that

I worship Goddess Lightning's armpits!!

It's shit

Lightning is a shit character

I liked it.

>you can't everyone hates it!

And I hate everyone so it works out.

Pirate it first. PC port is iffy.

Had the potential to be the GOAT Final Fantasy game but Toriyama is a shitter

Probably the best atmosphere/setting of an FF though

Does that really work, I dont remember rivatuner looking like that.

>These threads compelled me to give it another shot
>Download 50gigs
>Play through 1 hour
>FULSEE PULSEEE LUHSEE BIG PULSEE SANKUM >what the fuck are they talking about who are these people why is everyone a fuckboy japanese can't be this retarded right nobody acts or thinks like this

The PC ports for 13 and 13-2 are pretty wonky. They seem to try and run at 60fps, but the game can't handle it. I found what fixed 99% was just using an external program to limit it at 30, and had a much better experience. Still haven't finished 2, the only problem is that the rain looks fucked up in that game, but there is a patch to fix it. In fact, there are multiple mods for both games.

fuck back off to /r/Overwatch and play your sjw-meme-riddled "MOBAs"


I think I remember reading that the original coder of RivaTuner had some sort of falling out with the person who actually owned it, so he created his own?

I don't play OW, it got stale after a week. I just like Pharah because she's cute.

Not as bad as everyone make it out to be. It had a good OST.

Saber's Edge was great.

Japanese voices on PC don't make the characters such shit like in the dub. Ended up liking Lightning, Hope, and Vanille in JP dub, also JP dub has better music

The shitstorm over the 360 release was legendary. Only thing that topped it since was the spergrage over Bayonetta 2 going Wii U exclusive.

>play for 40 hours before it goes from being a bunch of cutscenes connected by hallways into something that could actually be termed a "game"
also this: Holy fuck is modern squeenix characterization bad


>The shitstorm over the 360 release was legendary


The plot is pretty convoluted with a lot of key plot information being placed in the game's datalog (essentially the game's journal) and complaints about "Final Hallway" are fairly spot on (there is an open world section though), but I still loved the ride regardless. Great characters, great voice acting, great story (from what you can follow). The combat can occasionally be mindless, but a lot of time it actually requires a good bit of strategy.
Worth a play, especially since it got down to $8 last Winter sale.

Favourite track?

>PC ""Gaming""



> Story
This is the worst final fantasy story I've ever played. It's literally so convoluted that you require at least reading the Codec to know more.
Lightning sucks, snow sucks, vanille sucks, hope sucks, the black man sucks. Honestly, every one in this game is just so melodramatic and dialogue is cringey to sit through. My second playthrough I skipped all the cutscenes because I didn't want to cringe again.

> Combat
Its interesting. Given the speed of the battle you aren't given enough time to pick your own spells so most of the time you're using autobattle. Which means you are focusing more on paradigm shifting than picking which spell you cast. But the shitty thing is how every battle feels like "try to stagger the enemy and kill him". The item upgrade system is fun but I rather see something streamlined. I usually just use a calculator to look up how much items I need to use.

> Sound
Excellent as always.

> Level Design
Really fucking bad. Even if its an artistic gesture to show how the L'cie felt throughout the journey by making the game linear and constrained its just shitty way to design your game. Everything we love about the old final fantasy games aren't there, like towns and villages, airships, hovercraft, etc.

> Lightning
10/10 fucking hot af build for sex

Its 7/10 for me, would replay again and skip all the dialogues.

I see you're a man of culture as well

I ran in a 9500GT with a single core sempron. That guy's PC is probably fucked.


are you retarded

>Build for sex
Don't kid yourself, she has literally no ass or tits. That doesn't mean I wouldn't fuck her though, I'd love to ruin these lightningfags "goddess"


I remember thoroughly hating it.

Funnily enough, playing FFXV has made me want to revisit it to see if its truly as bad as I remember it being.

>being in this much denial
I don't know what it is about her either, but I'd fuck the shit out of her

One of my favourites, though a lot of people hate it, and i can see their reasons, they complain its too linear, which is kinda true for the first half of the game. They also say they dont like the characters though while i disagree with, i thoguht they were mostly alright.

Id rate the first half of the game 6/10, and once you get to pulse it turns into 9/10.

>revisit it
go ahead

In denial about what? She's flat as a board m8, you could probably find some loli in the game that's more developed.

you don't really need tits to be hot.

If you can't handle XV story then XIII is going to make you gauge your eyes out

The OST was amazing, particularly once you got to Oerba. That place might be my favourite place in any game

>the shit out of her
that's kinda gross


>You don't need attractive features to be attractive
>This same guy was telling me I was in denial minutes ago
Never change Sup Forums

>gauge your eyes out

XIII is a beautiful game with a cool combat system and great soundtrack; it's ruined by the worst writing to ever exist in a videogame if not all media that isn't just trying to be bad.

1) you were in denial
2) I'm not that guy




Dust to Dust was always the best theme of the game

That or Fighting Fate




It's shit


I couldn't get into the plot and lightning was boring as shit.
Gameplay was alright tho



are there pc mods to make lightning not have retarded pink hair?

The Archylte Steppe was comfy as fuuuuuuck


Got bored and never finished it.
I actually got pretty close to the ending but I wasn't enjoying it at all and I just reached a point where I couldn't force myself to keep going. I reached the second Barthandelus fight and after beating him I was tired of playing it so I put the game down and never got around to picking it back up.

>retarded pink hair
I wonder if its hereditary or if Light and Serah go to the spa together



looks like some sort of rikku abomination

>visible thong
Man they really went all out with making the purest girl of XIII the sluttiest in the sequel

For the longest time, I was offended because I thought Vanille's actor was an American doing a shitty stereotype 'Aussie' accent.
Turna out her VA is from Brisbourne.
Just another reason QLD is the shittest state in any country on the planet.

where's that at? Google is just directing me to some business



My bad nig, it's Brisbane, the capitol of the hellhole that is Queensland, filles with drug-addled teens and theme parks that murder you.


Its tunnel simulator.


I've tried to play it 3 or so times and never made it past 1 hour in.

utter shit. only one of two games that I have actually fallen asleep while playing.

PS4 Port when?