Reactions thread
Reactions thread
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GZ was the second best in the series
TPP was the worst
Revengeance was by far the best
GZ and TPP are the same game
No, they're not.
Just getting the best FF ranking out of the way early don't mind me.
Revengeance was garbage.
It had the most coherent plot and less padding than any other game in the series, plus the best gameplay and soundtrack.
you liked 358/2 more than BBS? I think BBS is pretty mediocre but 358/2 is complete garbage
It also had the worst plot in the entire series, counting MG1 and 2. The characters were garbage and the voice acting was absolute shit.
>less padding
Yeah, and the levels were bland and uninspired as fuck.
>best gameplay
not with that camera and the fucking parry system
Every one of your meme arrows are wrong
If kojimbo made it, you would be sucking its dick
I most certainly agree, MGS3 was the be-
[Start -> cure -> knife -> disinfect -> styptic -> bandage]
-st game in the series.
Literally written by Kojima. Story was fucking garbage.
I've tried to play through BBS 4 times and I can barely finish one characters playthrough. It's just utter clunky garbage. Strictly talking about gameplay btw
This is why i'm glad the industry ignores Sup Forums's opinions.
>System in place to slow the game down if you suck
>Posters will unironically talk about how slow the game is with zero self awareness
Found you :)
Remember kids, you can easily deflect all MGS critique with a simple "u mad cuz u bad"!
Nice argument. WTF I hate MGS3 now.
I am not quite sure what that reaction to 8 and 15 is supposed to be.
8 is "hey, not bad" and 15 isn't even on the picture
Put the same face that 4 has under GZ and shift the remaining face under 5 and that's how I feel.
I actually liked MGS4's gameplay, but it really needed more added to it. Instead what you got was billions of cutscenes, even for a MGS game.
I wish Octocamo would come back. It was a neato mechanic.
Rate me
MGS4 as a game ended after Act 2.
The first was awful, bitch.
Waiting for that shitty Diablo reaction
I bet you only played the first half you Low life Degenerate
MGR wasn't written by Kojima, you retard.
>tfw pushed myself through the witcher one
>took me forty fucking hours over a couple months but i got there
>overall think its "good", had its moments
>feel like i can finally play 2 now, so excited for all the good things i've heard about it
>play it
>that AWFUL fucking gameplay
>drop it after a couple of hours
Every time I hear witcher 3 praised I just have to tell myself it's bullshit, nothing will trick me back into that franchise, i'm still fucking mad i slogged through the first one
I thought HD was a mediocre port?
>stupid goy buys the same game 15 times
That thing is at least playable
I didn't play anything after 3
Looks like I did the right thing
This is bait
TIL: Bloody Roar went past 2 games.
The only reason that I actually enjoy the The Witcher franchise is because it's the first franchise I had played that was sword and sorcery, and it really tickled by edgy teenager bone when I was younger. I don't blame anyone who doesn't like the first game in the slightest. At the same time, though, I give it tons of credit for the amount of love that was put into the game, from the music, to the script (especially putting an interlude in the game with Act 4), and even consulting a horticulturalist to know what plants in-game could grow where. My favorite part of the game, though, is when I noticed my medallion going bonkers around the detective, which made me think to explore the game more rather than to just follow whatever the detective suggested me do to advance the plot.
he didnt play them
>God of War 2 not the best
>enjoying God of War 3 as much as GoW 2
Wew lad
The image bugged, but 13 is the same as 8, and 14 is the same as 9.
Why don't you like 3 as much as 1 and 2? Probably my favorite Tony Hawk game.
GZ has a better designed base than what is in TPP, TPP is focused on really well designed long range dynamic stealth and doesn't have much actual level design in the open world.
Try playing the japanese version of FFV which has a way better story and much more complex gameplay.
>2 reaction
trash thread, kys memester
Or the GBA/DS version, which are the best translations.
The PSP version is somehow almost as bad as the SNES one, translation wise.
Why is Diablo 3 considered to be trash compared to 2?
Keep in mind, I haven't played D2 before, and D3 was my first diablo. I played a lot of pic related, though.
First time posting in one of these threads.
These threads are garbage. Fuck off back to facebook with your reaction faec bullshit you meme spewing autists.
To me, it's because it felt too overly designed, too bright and too arcade-y.
That it's overdesigned was kind of a given since all fantasy games are nowadays in an attempt to stand out more, but I kinda don't like that.
I also dislike how you're this fucking wargod right from the start with all these strange mystic abilities as soon as level 2. Progression feels worse to me when I immediately get sick spells and numbers flying all across the screen.
Sweet jesus look at those.
I don't like the art, the gameplay is too easy and less reliant on positioning and strategy and it is just in general a boring grindy game that feels like a grind end game,
>proving his point
i used to play this with my entire family every weekend back when i lived at home, shit was comfy as fuck.
diablo 2 was an amazing game, in terms of dungeon crawlan and item findan. it had a very gritty dark environment that was similar to the first one, and every area had a unique feel to it. the itemization was great too, as you were able to use rare gear during end game due to the stats it rolled.
diablo 3 is an okay game for what it is, but as a spiritual successor to diablo 2, it doesn't quite do it justice with it's washed out, cartoony like graphics that are in it just to appeal to the wow fanbase. the way uniques are now are interesting and allow for some very neato builds, but if you plan on pushing leaderboards you are going to fall into using the same gear as literally everyone else as they are clear best in slot items and builds. although a lot of people shit on the fact that everyone has access to all of the skills, i personally don't mind that, it allows for quick switching to a new build if you happen to get burnt out on the one your playing.
diablo 2 has a charm about it that diablo 3 failed to capture. a major factor in it for me was having up to 8 people in a game and having a mercenary that provided an actual notable impact and how during a multiplayer game everyone was able to keep their merc, which lead to some crazy shenanigans.
tl:dr both have their pros and cons but diablo 3 should have been a released with separate name and it would have been better perceived
Haven't finished Peace Wanker yet.
Hated MGS3 on my first playthrough. Went back to it the same day, dicked about and skipped all the cutscenes and it was much more enjoyable. Here's a tip for you kids:
The camo system is a meme and you may as well run around in a tux with an alligator for a head.
I dropped TW1 and 2 after like 1 hour.
I have 120 in TW3.
Seriously, just read about the story of TW2 and hop onto TW3.
Its not Diablo 3 RoS is considered the better game by most people
I didn't play that much
>bitching about reaction faces
>on Sup Forums
are you this fucking new?
>god's gift to man
I don't get this meme, MGS3 is nowhere as good as MGS1 or MGS2. I feel like people overrate it because it's babbies first PS2 blockbuster game.
>V > 4
MGSV is a bad game and will always be a bad game, sorry.
You accidentally swapped the reaction on MGS and MGSTTS
Big Boss
People actually play this game after the age of 10?
mass effect?
I'd play fighting games with you
I like MGS2 more. I think a lot of people like the story in MGS3 but I didn't much care for it.
MGS3 has a lot of potential for mucking about which is nice, and it's more accessible for mucking about than in 2 due to its more open nature.
After finishing 3 for the first time, I went back to 2 and replayed the tanker chapter and it felt so much better. After that, I retried playing 3 to see if I could squeeze some enjoyment out of it. I found that skipping all the cutscenes and just dicking about all the way through the game with the tux and alligator head was a lot more fun than trying to stealth camo like I did the first time through.
You accidentally came out of your mother's womb.
metal gear?
Anyone got the template?
That better be your reaction to MGS2 circa 2001 because that game is fantastic
Anyone got the template?
>dislikes primal fury
supreme shit taste
Right here