Was ultra-wide pretty much the only good technology meme for video games?

Was ultra-wide pretty much the only good technology meme for video games?

No, it's probably the worst besides 3D
Also that image is completely false, it's increasing the FOV each time, which is independent of your monitor's ratio.

ultrawide is a meme for fullscreen

> not having a three monitors setup

not needed anymore when you can get a large format 4k monitor that is as big as a typical 3 monitor setup but with none of the drawbacks from bezels getting in the way.

They also tend to be larger and higher resolution in both width and height than the ultra wide screen displays.

There is 4K Ultra-Wide

ultrawide is great for anything but ANY fps

i bought acer x35 and it was amazing for forza and witcher, but for bf1 it was a bit sickening since the gun comes from the side - curving it out

i returned it though because no IPS and 1080 res, if you have a frys nearby just buy it and return it

But are they large format AKA at least 38"?

Technically you can go as high as 48" with 2160p before it starts to drop below the typical sharpness of a 24" 1080p monitor, and 5k (2880p) displays are now a thing as well.

>Claims it's a "meme"
>Tons of devs lock us out of 21:9 due to fairness


I'm not sure, I know there are 21:9 4K displays but since they are way out of my price range I didn't bother checking them

>ultrawide is great for anything but ANY fps

Why ? I never had any issue with fps.

btw Acer predator X34 master race.

Not anymore really.

I can only think of overwatch right now ( wich is weird because it's supported in Hots), even Dota 2 finally evolved, I am sure that it wasn't compatible until now because of the interface.

What game does this? I can only think of Halo 5 Forge and that's due to a shit port

>ultrawide is great for anything but ANY fps
>get hit by flashbang
>screen damage effect
>can still see

check out those badass 16:9 bars!

3 monitors are very useful for much more than just gaming. Specially if some (or all) of them are pivoting.

Multitasking yo

What kind of shitty game has those shitty effects, literally only happened to me in Fallout 4

beta of ghost in the shell fps


Technically the 4:3 image should be taller than the 16:9 and 21:9.

Not that guy but its easier to run 3 1080p monitors than it is 4k, 2million less pixels.
A 4k screen anywhere near that size would cost a lot more too.
As far as bezels go, monitors today have such small bezels, and you can overlap them to make it even smaller. Literally wont notice them anyway if youre actually playing the game. Plus there are other uses for more than 1 monitor.
In my experience the only drawback is some games not scaling well to 5760x1080 res.
Though you wouldnt get much use if you arent playing simulators or fps games.

>tfw 16:10 is the worst ratio for modern games but it's the best ratio for general computing

I'll skip 16:9 entirely because it's garbage and get an ultrawide.

34" ultrawide seems good even for movies.

Not him but 1080p displays are ugly.

read the post again

also x34 is great, just too expensive for me

>f2p timesink

Fuck ultrawide. Stay 1920x1200 master race bro. Or at least bump up to 2560x1600. NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!

I'll keep this one obviously but you can't downsample for shit with that ratio so I've been upset lately. Gedosato was a god send but it stopped getting support.

Ultrawide will let me downsample 16:9 games a lot better, I can deal with black bars on the sides. And games that support 21:9 look as good as games can possibly get with that horizontal fov boost. 3440x1440 too is the most future proofed resolution.

Ultrawide is the fucking bee's knees.



Why can't you downsample? I do it just fine.

Yeah, if you're computer savvy then 3 monitors is the superior setup

Lots of games decrease your fov unlike that webm I posted. Witcher 3, every Ubisoft game, Rockstar games, Blizzard games, etc.

So just increase it? This is PC man. Use tools to get the desired result.

You can't. For example TW3, you can change the FOV with mods but those mods don't effect cutscenes. Other games have no options for it, most games don't.

Not wide enough.

b-b-but the black b-bars user-kun m-muh muh muh autism

I don't see the harm in it not affecting cutscenes, in fact I prefer it that way. But I refute that opinion that "most games" don't have the option. There are so many mod tools to use that if there is a game with no built in option, you can be there's some way to mod it in. I play lots of different games, and I can't even think of a single one without any means of increasing FOV.

The cutscene fov is small. You could make your own patch by hex editing or using cheat engine, but I'm not a hacker. Most games do not support fov editing and I probably don't play any of the games you do.

Not a meme, it's a shame it gets so little support from devs.
That's a perfectly valid complain though, black bars suck

>be me more money than sense
>drop 1.6k on 34" 1440p gsync meme & GTX 1080
>wonder why because theres no games worth playing

>that wallpaper
Grow up.

>That's a perfectly valid complain though, black bars suck
In my experience, when you get used to it it just stops being a concern.
But the adaption can suck

ok guy if you say so

I like this

>a weeb is a living false flag shitpost

you know ive seen lots of posts like this

you guys are really smug and dumb

I think the most ideal setup for me would be a curved ultrawide monitor and a non-curved ultrawide TV. I like the idea of curved monitors, but it seems stupid for TVs unless you sit real close to them. The utlrawide would be nice for movies since they've all got black bars on 16:9.

why not hide the bezels behind each other

not him but you don't look at bezels when you're doing computer stuff.

that is very obviously retarded, retard.

ok but why not hide the bezels behind each other

You can, if it suits you.
That way looks neater for a pic.
Also, when you're doing non game stuff having the monitors apart from each other is convenient.