Is there anyone more based then this guy?

Is there anyone more based then this guy?

>literally knows everything
>drives mages insane constantly
>Turns two of the most powerful Dragonborns into his bitches
>Turns Miraak into his little Buttslut
>Forces Dovahkinn to give him the Skaal secrets
>Has better artifacts then his slut sister Mephala
>Is objectively the best Daedra

>>Still others, like Fifd of New Teed, say that beneath the Pelinal's star-armor was a chest that gaped open to show no heart, only a red rage shaped diamond-fashion, singing like a mindless dragon, and that this was proof that he was a myth-echo, and that where he trod were shapes of the first urging.
>This is clearly a powercore.

Reminded me of this

Bumping your thread with my reply to the old one after it closed.
Also, herma a shit

His book is literally useless. Any other daedric artifact is better.

And you can tell him to fuck off at any time.
>"haha having Miraak provoke you into hunting him down was all part of my master ruse hahahaha"
>"fuck off, hentaifag"
>go and buy wood for my house

>literally knows everything
If he knew everything then why did he need the Dovahkiin to get him Skaal's secrets? Jyggalag's the omniscient Prince by doing math just that hard, user.

No you cant, you have to cuck the Skaal of their secrets to even face Miraak so Herma Mora wins either way.

Correction: He knows everything important

You know, Dragonborn is the only Sky DLC I haven't played. I loved the shit out of Bloodmoon, and I hear Db has plenty of nods and Easter eggs. I should really do it sometime.

That makes more sense.

Although having brought up Jygg, I'm now wondering if the other Princes know he's loose. I mean we know because of Shivering Isles, but to pretty much everyone else, it looks as if Sheo's still doing his thing uninterrupted, and it probably hasn't been long enough since the last Greymarch to notice when the next one isn't happening.

Even has some characters from Morrowind that are still kicking.

IIRC Neloth even hints that Divayth's off traveling the world with a cured Yagrum too.

>those robes
Count me in

Jyggy's probably been building strength.
Not many supporters to help him and he shouldn't reveal himself until he's sure the others can't gang up on him and make him Sheo again.

>>literally knows everything
>doesn't know the Skaal secrets

Actually it's pointed out that he just lusts after all knowledge, no matter how simple it is or even if he needs it.

If you found a a recipe on how to bake some bitchin' sugar cookies and he doesn't know about it, he'll kill everyone you love in order to find out it.

I'm grinding my way to it and it is a bit of a chore. Level 20 and I read level 30 and good gear is recommended. I've come to the conclusion that grinding out alchemy/enchanting/smiting before I leave is the best plan. Hopefully I can do it as early as level 25.

what does he think about Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal?

Yes, that is what makes him so good as a Daedra he will shit on your life to learn that sugar cookie recipe while other faggot daedra wont give a fuck.


If I started writing a diary could I sell it to him for small secrets and stuff?

>Turns two of the most powerful Dragonborns into his bitches

Speak for yourself

He thinks they are faggots
Molag Bal:
>"hey im a king of rape lol"
>"hey i created vampires which are objectivily worse then werewolfs lol"
>"muh coldharbour"
Mehrunes Dagon
>"muh mysterium xarxes"
>"hey i didnt get totally fucked by akatosh, s-shut up!"
>"my dremora are cool, r-right guys?"

>be thief
>steal random people's diaries
>trade Hermaus Mora knowledge for knowledge
>Achieve Chim

He doesn't. He is an autist who wants to collect all the books.

Hermaeus Mora is literally the only character in Skyrim I enjoyed. Dragonborn DLC is pretty good.

>manipulating two dragonborns into fighting each other just to get some tips on horker skinning

Machiavellian as fuck

Thanks for the roleplay idea

I like when he cuck'd that crazy nigga in the ice cave for decades.

the best part is he really doesn't fuck shit up. i mean, did he destroy the skaal? nope, just wanted to know more about them.

So it's a mary sue?

is it me or he sounds like a red guy from Cow and chicken?

are Daedra Ainur of the Elder scrolls?

He would be great if he wasn't showing his ass the whole time.

He's a god. You could call him a Mary Sue if that makes you happy

Jygg's the one that knows everything.

stop misusing cuck. it's our word, and we're taking it back.