What went so wrong that every single one of their game series follows this pattern:

What went so wrong that every single one of their game series follows this pattern:
>diablofags want HD Diablo 2 remake
>starcraftags want HD broodwar remake
>wowfags want vanilla severs
>wc3 fags aren't even sure if they want wc4

Other urls found in this thread:


That's what happens when you catter to people who aren't your fanbase consistently

>wowfags want vanilla severs
No we don't.

Diablo 3 wasn't so terrible with expansion but initial release was fucking terrible.

Starcraft 2 was decent esport until it died because they didn't give a shit about supporting it and thought that community will do it for themselves.

And im not sure if we will ever get warcraft 4

W want less dailies and no cross realm shit

I can agree with that.
Dailies and speedruning are cancer.

The talent was in Blizzard North they killed it off.

They sold out to Activision and corporate greed forces them to make these hollow cash grabs.

Kindergarten level stories and dumbed down mechanics that even a retarded casual still finds difficult has driven away their original playerbase.

>300 page threads
>mainstream media
>40k accounts created for a 10 minute stress test
>being this delusional

>Devs are money launderers

I thought I wanted it , but Blizzard told me I don't want it. I trust them.

id rather have vanilla with chinks than legion

I'd like to see you say that in a couple weeks when the ping makes it unplayable

yes because its not retail where all capitals are empty

And Blizzard are just a bunch of talentless hacks riding on the success of those who used to work for the company. What's you're point?

far easier to stomach the problems when ping is the cause and not the game at it's core


90% of those people never played vanilla, it was fucking 12 years ago most people grow up already
3rd worlders want a free stable server and nost is good for that because there is hype around it

>No we don't.
Speak for yourself, drone.


>wowfags want vanilla severs
>wc3 fags aren't even sure if they want wc4

That's not a pattern, you fucking retard. Why do legitimately stupid people litter Sup Forums?

>90% of those people never played vanilla,


i thought by wowfags you meant people who played the original wow not the ones who are most likely playing the game for the first time

people dont care if they have to pay or not, they are paying for shit games, they are paying even for legion, they would pay for vanilla. people just want to play good games, legion is shit and they can hear all over internet that vanilla was better, they will play it no matter what

>Y-you can't play X game, or you can't want to play X game, because you weren't playing the game when it was released!
Retard. It's about wanting to experience it.

Most people identified as long time WoW players but having played in Nostalrius I can confirm that the majority were bullshitting. People were just curious to see what all the hype was when oldfags talk about the good old days of WoW. Most of them actually liked it more. Neo-WoW is getting too retarded even for the most mentally challenged casuals.

The last time WoW was good was in Mists of Pandaria.
Prove me wrong
Pro-tip: You can't

i started with tbc, am i oldfag enough?

His point is the Chinese prey on the nostalgia and desperation of people like you.


Yes. I draw the line for Oldfags between WotLK and Cata because Cata was the point when Blizzard started trying to reinvent the wheel each time they have a new expac. TBC and WotLK were just building on the original formula they set up with Vanilla. If you played post Cata then you don't know what old WoW was like.

if you've been playing the game long enough to remember more than the past 2 expansions, you're old enough.

At this point everybody fucking hates legion, even post WOTLK wow players hate it.
Literally anything that isn't legion/wod would be an upgrade from what we're experiencing in WoW.

>wc3 fags aren't even sure if they want wc4
Source: your retarded ass.


That is different to Blizzard how exactly?

>diablofags want HD Diablo 2 remake
No, I don't. I want a new good Diablo. Like, 50% of Diablo 2 was tedious shit nobody liked.
>wowfags want vanilla severs
No, I don't.
>wc3 fags aren't even sure if they want wc4
I do.

Ball's in your court, fag.

The line was drawn with the dungeon finder in patch 3.3.

Fuck the panda-hating memers, MoP was great. A little shaky at the start and a lot more at the end, but my class was fun to play, before WoD shat on it and Legion made even worse with "Class Fantasy" bullshit

Give me Pandaland but with less DUDE DAILY REPGRINDS LMAO and we're good.

That's what WoD was supposed to be.

you forgot to mention you are 12

WoD was okayish but I agree MoP was good.

only fat furry fetîshists liked pandaren

I'm 25.

On the other hand, you type like a child, and are much more likely to be 18 or under.

Activision bought them out and all activision knows how to do is make casual rehashes and hd remakes, so they use blizzard's extensive viral marketting network to make fans think that's what they want.
That and the fact diablo 3 is so shit people just want diablo 2 back
The fact sc2 is so garbage that people just want schd
The fact modern wow is unplayable, so people want the old shit back.
And nobody wants anything to do with wc3 or wc4 because blizzard will stick that bnet 2.0 trash into it and ruin custom maps.

>Calls others fags
>Wants ActiBlizz to continue shitting all over their old, beloved franchises

What about hearthstone and overwatch faggot

you probably have autism
anime poster: check
obsessed with grammar: check
sperg: check

How come Legion is so fucking bad? What went wrong?

I didn't like MoP but all of the faggots bitching about Pandaren acted like it was an entirely new race they came up with for that expansion.

>hearthstone and overwatch

>diablofags want HD Diablo 2 remake
Nope, they aren't even completing the game after years and are now selling DLC

>wowfags want vanilla severs
Why not. Better not be by Blizzard before they ruin it tho.

>wc3 fags aren't even sure if they want wc4
Please no. Blizzard as it is isn't worth it to make a wc4. It will be crap if they do.

A quick reminder that pandarens were in W3

Never defended Pandaren, just that it's the most prominent complaint on why MoP was bad, people forget we also got introduced to the The Mantid and Mogu.

>cut content
>no mention of pvp

>selling single character at full expansion price
whoa its so cheap its almost a crime

You are the kind of faggot Activision panders to, you are killing video games.

Kill yourself.

Everyone fucking knows that you dumb cunt. The point is basing an entire expansion off a single character that was only in War3 because Didier has a hardon for Pandas was kind of silly.

As opposed to ActiBlizz shitting on them regardless?

I can either gamble and get the chance of a game franchise I enjoy being made decent. If I win the gamble, I get a good game. If I lose the gamble, it's par for the course.
If I decide not to take the gamble, I get shit on anyway.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, my dude.

>obsessed with grammar: check
If you're going to bring age in to an argument as some sort of "Haha, I win, faggot!" trump card, it's generally best to not make yourself seem like a child in your own post. This is common sense.
>sperg: check
I believe the one sperging here is you, comrade.

Literally one drunk joke character in a weird joke rpg substory.

>the Diablo 3 staff
>removing everything from the game that isn't mythic raiding
>alienating their hardcore playerbase even more by forcing mythic raiders to grind M+ all day to stay competitive
>RNG in quite literally every facet of the game. You can't avoid the RNG.
>the worst class design the game has ever seen
>pruning was originally brought in to the game as a means of balance, now we can see it for what it actually is, since the game is in quite possibly the worst state of balance ever.
>overhauling 12 specs every patch
>nerfing/buffing classes and abilities with no clear goal in mind (Think vengeance demon hunters)
>Retarded class balance team thinks that everybody is just "playing everything wrong"
>raid content is just plain boring now. Maybe Nighthold will be better
>Expansion is just flat out boring
>Endless, non-stop grinding with no clear goal in sight. You grind to get a chance, at getting a chance of getting a good legendary/item.

>attribute points
>just add enough strength to wear items, either ignore dex or add it until 75% block and put rest into vita unless you're mana shield sorceress lmao

they stopped being fun. im not buying blizzard in next 5-10 years. hopefully never again.

>because Didier has a hardon for Pandas
Lmao you're retarded if you think that was the reason. They went to pander to the asian community and pandarens were an easy plot.

Because neo-Blizzard is a pile of burning garbage.
Everyone who had any talent and made Blizzard great is long gone.
And in fact, Blizzard didn't make Diablo or Diablo 2 in the first place, that was Blizzard North, who they shut down.

Neo-Blizz has complete and utter contempt for their customers, its hardly a surprise people want their old games remastered, the only thing that needs updating is the art, and fortunately Blizzard's art department is probably the last good thing about them.

You come off as much more autistic t b h

Your pic and you post gave me cancer.


That's because you got shit on harder than your mother's cunt gets plowed by my dick.

>If I decide not to take the gamble, I get shit on anyway.

But that's not true at all, it's better that the franchises are left unmolested so at least people can replay the old games without having a bitter fucking taste in their mouth about what the new game did to the characters/story/gameplay.

I'm saying Chen was in War3 because of Didier. China wasn't even in the fucking equation back when they made War3.

But yes you are correct, part of the reason they made MoP was to appeal to chinks.

Sometimes I get mad at EA for killing Westwood
But then I look at what happened to Blizzard and I feel like EA might have done me a favor by not letting me watch Westwood turn into what blizzard turned into.

>Blizzard - A Jewish Conspiracy?

What did Blizzard mean by this?

>Starcraft 2 was decent esport until it died because they didn't give a shit about supporting it and thought that community will do it for themselves.
>As soon as you take a game of life support it dies

Time to face the music there user. SC2 was a good RTS that received an insane amount of money to try and make it a thing.

>>starcraftags want HD broodwar remake
I don't. They'd fuck it up. They have no idea how esports work. I want them to stay the fuck away from Brood War and the starleagues that are returning now that SC2 is nearly dead.

>the worst class design the game has ever seen
>nerfing/buffing classes and abilities with no clear goal in mind (Think vengeance demon hunters)
>Retarded class balance team thinks that everybody is just "playing everything wrong"
Hunter tears incoming. How the fuck they managed to ruin it AGAIN?!

Is there a problem, friend?

>But that's not true at all
Yes, it is. Because I want a new Warcraft that's good. By not getting one at all I'm left wanting.

>it's better that the franchises are left unmolested so at least people can replay the old games without having a bitter fucking taste in their mouth

This is nothing but you being autistic.
The way WoW is currently does not make me enjoy Warcraft 3 any less. Much in the same way that my enjoyment of old Crash Bandicoot games isn't muddled by new Crash.
Or how I can play Legacy of Kain without having my enjoyment of LoK ruined by the now-shutdown L4D clone thing they made.

If you're incapable of going back and enjoying a game without having an autistic fit because "BUH NEW GAME SUCKS ;_;" you are a fucking child and should probably spend less time playing video games.

>and the starleagues that are returning now that SC2 is nearly dead.
>Mfw I'm watching ASL right now

Man I fucking love Brood War. So glad they're doing proper tournaments for it again.

It's not just hunters
Pretty much everybody except for healers got fucked pretty hard this expansion.

fuck wc4

They would fuck it up and I couldn't bear it.

>Everyone fucking knows that
They really don't. As evidenced by this dudechina meme parroting chucklefuck:

>SC2 was a good RTS
SC2 was shit from day 1, they designed it with no intention of making a good RTS, they just wanted to make an esport and pander to sc1 fags and make as much money as fucking possible by jewing their game out into 3 pieces.

We can't make up for lost time or have back what we had but we're getting something and I am grateful.

What fucking server do you play on?

>That's because you got shit on harder than your mother's cunt gets plowed by my dick.
*nods respectfully towards you*

I'm a random person that looked at a couple of their posts rofl

>Yes, it is. Because I want a new Warcraft that's good

Well I'm telling your categorically that Blizzard won't be able to pull that off and you will be disappointed. When they make War4 I want you to think back to this post and know how right I was.

>This is nothing but you being autistic.

It's not at all. Believe me, if I could play Blizzard's older games without thinking "Shit man, I love BW but holy shit did they fuck up all these cool characters in SC2" or "Man I love running around Tristram, oh there's Cain, oh fuck I just remembered he dies to a literally who butterfly demon in D3. Fuck." I most certainly would.

Being cognitive of a character's development or lack thereof in a franchise's sequels is hardly autism. It doesn't completely ruin the old games for me like you strawmanned it, like I said, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

What the fuck, you stupid faggot?
Can't you connect 2+2? You failed abortion, both these posts are mine.

Pandaland had pretty zones, and an overall great feeling, IMO, and this is coming from someone who started playing back in TBC.

Although I despise what cataclysm did to the game on every level I think mop really stand out as the best expansion after wotlk, which isn't impressive, but compared to WoD or legion mop was somewhat refreshing after the shit-show it was cataclysm. I'd take another mop over Legion or WoD anytime, although I hated the retardation surrounding dailies, and all of the mandatory bullshit you HAD to go trough, mop was decent, and it certainly doesn't deserve all the hatred it gets.

I think mop receives so much criticism for doubling down on some of the bullshit aspects they pushed with cataclysm (like locking recipes behind mandatory rep grinds), and although I can see how they fucked over professions in such a way it ended up completely destroying them one expansion later, mid to late mop were quite good.

When you consider MoP followed the third worst expansion ever released, and it was itself followed by the first and second worst expansions to date, it's no surprise its shittiest elements would be highlighted and the whole thing would be lumped up with all the garbage that came after WoTLK.

Maybe it's just my opinion but despite all the garbage mop inherited from cataclysm, its mid to late stages were actually fun.

Well yes I completely agree. That's why I said blizzard doesn't have a clue about esports.

Every other super popular competitive game has been

1. Cheap
2. Fun
3. High skill ceiling so you can continually improve.

Blizzard released a game thats multiplayer was

1. Expensive
2. Frustrating
3. Game is rebalanced every 3 months so one day you have skill and the next you have to relearn it.

They are an absolute failure and got thrashed by newcomers that looked at what Brood War and CS did.

I'm not going to say it's a bad RTS though. The singleplayer for WoL was more or less fun. I liked HotS less and haven't even tried the campaign for LotV thanks to how cringy awful the story is.

It's simple, Blizzard can't make good games anymore, so the fans are content with them rereleasing the good games.

Wotlk was shit. All the catch up retardation, breeze-through heroics and atrocious T7 made it far too casual friendly. Not to mention the slippery slope into queue simulator and croos realm faggotry

If Diablo 3 was such a terrible game, how is it one of the top 10 biggest selling games of all time?

What a sad day in every wowfag life. I never thought I'd say I prefered WoD.

But it isn't.

>no demo
>no refunds

It was sold for under $5 at release in Asia.

Because diablo 2 was one of the best selling most popular games in history, and diablo 3 was riding on it's coat tails.
Ontop of which they gave it out FOR FREE to world of warcraft players and claimed that as part of it's sales.

it had some of the best advertising in the world and was riding on the back of diablo 1 and 2

>tfw you think ur game literally can't get any worse next expansion, so you try it out
>some how it's actually worse
I am in hell.

That explains why they're both shitposts.

Chinks and bots.

Nice meme.

Literally none of this happens to me. When I play an older game I don't sit there and constantly go "Haha this game is great, but yeah remember how this sucks ass now?" because I'm not an idiot.

It's quite honestly nothing but your own fault if you're bitter and jaded, and can't look past that to just sit down and enjoy an older game for itself.

Again, like I said, it's just you being autistic.

>Well I'm telling your categorically that Blizzard won't be able to pull that off and you will be disappointed.
And that's a gamble I'm willing to take. Because otherwise I get nothing, and get to sit here and go "Gee I wish they'd make Warcraft 4."

>Argumentum ad populum