What MMO treats Mages right other than WoW?

What MMO treats Mages right other than WoW?

I'd just play WoW, but it's over a decade old and all of the casting animations look too goofy to me.

What I mean by "Right" is:

>Can spec into Fire, Frost, etc.
>Simple spells like Fireball exist, and are normally your go-to, but there are also giant ass "Kill everything" spells that you can use like once an hour.
>Uses a staff, wand, or book/focus as a weapon
>Ability to summon minions.

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Lineage 2 Freya private servers 2/3 of the official server's population are bots

I don't know man but BDO wizard if fucking bonkers, one of the best mages in all vidya I've played


>cast fireball/icebolt/whatever
>it's heatseeking

It follows my target, going through hills and walls as long as I casted it before they went out of sight.
I hate this

LOTRO, obviously

>Can spec into Fire, Frost, etc.
>Simple spells like Fireball exist, and are normally your go-to, but there are also giant ass "Kill everything" spells that you can use like once an hour.
>Uses a staff, wand, or book/focus as a weapon
>Ability to summon minions.

I don't like saying this, but, Vindictus?

Black Desert online witches and wizards are pretty cool.

I thought it was dead.

Is it still worth playing? I bought it at release, but only played for like a month.

Lineage 2 is based as fuck, Interlude is where it's at.

is any game worth playing?

Is far from death, but being worth is up to you, if you find some activity in the game fun, and endless progression at a very slow rate, sure, if not probably not.

>and endless progression at a very slow rate

Fuck that shit all the way to the cold pits of hell.

Dragons Crown

MUDs have the best mages

> Uses a staff, wand, or book/focus as a weapon
you know, this is something that wow does incredible bad, like, oin the worst posible way, the staff , book, wand, etc is just decoration, they never interact with them.
now look at the way ff14 handle them, all of the casting animation use them, and not only that, the animation is diferent if the spell is low level or high level, you can see the recoil of when they release the spell.
i was hoping wow did that when they remake the characters and animations. but nope.

I don't know what the percentage of people playing is, but it definitely doesn't FEEL dead when you're running around. Every town will have a couple playings walking around and every city is packed.

Pic related from a couple weeks back.

you'll probably still drop it even if you love the game around level 55 like I did

FFXI. Black Mage, followed by Scholar, is right now, the strongest job in the game. Magic bursting is a timed skill you need in order to participate.

Elder scrolls online destruction staff sorc

Guild Wars 2

>BDO has a really good wizard class
>rest of the game kinda shit
that's fucked up
it shouldn't be this way

Elder scrolls online sounds what you want.

I unironically think FFXIV is pretty good with its mages, even though there's no option to spec into anything at all. The option to switch to other mage classes on the fly kinda makes up for it, though. At the very least, it does wizard-fashion and staff/book implements better than most.