Hack plays a shitty game for kids

>Hack plays a shitty game for kids
Why am I not surprised?



One of the shittiest games of all time, I might add.

Sorry if it was too complex for you, senpai

is fully evolving a single pokemon supposed to be impressive?

go kill yourself for following anybody.

go kill yourself for posting shitty bait.


Whoa, really gets synapses firing.

i like that you're still trying to push this, even after its out, good for you

>even after it's out

what did he mean by this?

You realize that all of you are shitters, correct?

>what did he mean by this?
why do people keep saying that shit? for fucks sake you look like bots. hur dur what does he mean shut the fuck up and kill yourself

You leave raichu alone

is he our guy?


what did he mean by this?

This was supposed to be a zero escape thread not a pokemon one, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fuck off

Sorry I triggered you with my phrasing, but I honestly don't get what you're implying by saying "even after it's out"

Are you somehow trying to assert that the post in the image is from before people were capable of playing the game from start to finish?

>tfw you realize he's right

If that's the case you're an irredeemable retard and should seek out the quickest means of ending your life.

Nobody is going to talk about anything else if you start a thread with a pokemon image and your faggy little opinion of the series

who is even mad what who and what for why?

You WISH you were this comfy.

why is it always nintendo games? Why does nobody post "celebs" tweeting about other brand to trash them?

why do you only notice when it's nintendo?


>shat the bed with zero escape
>but then turned around and made AOTY
not sure if I should stay mad at him or not

Is Phantasy Star Nova completely playable without understanding Japanese? Will it come out in English?

oh shit wrong thread

What the fuck is this thread

How can anyone bring themselves to evolve this little nugget of cuteness?

When it's level 43 and keeps dying in one hit to literally everything.

I just boxed it before it evolved and took Cutiefly as my starter.

You have to become stronger then.

nah, all the thread you can get including in the archive are against nintendo. Sup Forums never had a "this celeb liked this Pc game what a retard OMG when do we kill them all" like OP is doing now, and he does every fucking day.


This was good? I didn't heard much about it, so i kinda assumed it was bad


cognitive dissonance tell. And boy, is it telling.

I think he's saying people are still defending the game after having the ability to play it.


Do you follow people just to give you an excuse to get mad?

I bet he named his starter Kyle and immediately boxed it.

still no counter. You said it's easy. All you have is insults.

It's self-aware dumb fun, but it's good dumb fun. I liked it more than most anime that try to claim that title.

Pikachu is called pikachu on japanese too? I thought it had another name like charizard-lizardon.

>got an extra Litten
>go online to trade it for borb
>everyone wants legendaries for it

Its the mascot of the franchise so they had to let it keep its name or it would cause confusion.

And it didn't occur to you that Pikachu has no meaning in english?

To be fair, nothing in this is wrong. It's a negative way of looking at what they added but nothing this guy said here is actually wrong.

Reverse trap-kun was too good for this world

tell me again how alomomola's name its on english senpai.

Never heard ash yell PIKACHU in the anime without dub?

>Alomomola is a combination of Mola mola (scientific name for the ocean sunfish) and mom (referring to its status as the Caring Pokémon).

But they really stopped trying after the first gen


Are you still looking for one?