What's what?


Want me to taste test for ya?

Can't wait to try it.


*Clicks Fingers*

Is it really true that Iggy is the best Crownsguard?

Ignis would've looked so much better without the spiky hair

>I like my world crystal clear

Elvis Ignis in the World of Ruin doesn't look so hot

You could say he doesn't look at all.

Why did it feel like Insomnia literally had no standing army + nowhere else was worth invading besides their capital city? It didnt even feel like I was in a country being beseiged by an army once.

best boy

besides Episode Gladio, are we going to spoiler]see[/spoiler] how Ignis injures his eyes


there is Episode Galdio, Prompto and Ignis, so yes we are.


what are these episodes?


this is so unintentionally hilarious
>fighting monster to the brink of death
>everyone's putting in their all
>finally kill it
does he have autism?

they deliberately cut Gladio's part on Chapter 6 as DLC where he leaves for a while then gets scars

>have to wait for Gladio DLC to see how he got the scars
>have to wait for Ignis DLC to see how he went blind
>have to wait for Aranea and Cor DLC to make them permanent party members


that's disgusting

>That entire dungeon after he goes blind with that new camping theme
>The way he stumbles around with his cane
Fuck that hit harder than expected.

>aranea and cor dlc
would be pretty expensive to get them to record more banters outside their specific chapters don't you think? I'm good with being guests though but it would be nice if this is confirmed true.
I hope we get to see more of prompto's existential crisis if this were true

They said they were going to make temp party members permanent

eating canned food over cup noodles...

What do you mean cut? You mean they intended to have us control Gladio instead of Noctis for a few hours while he went in a dungeon with Aranea? Are you just trying to make it seem like like it was cut from the game when is was just planned dlc?

I don't get it.

what the fuck.

I didn't even notice noct and gladio had a fallout by the end of chapter 6 then suddenly it was implied and had to make up at chapter 8 in the powerplant. it was really awkward.

i just want to see how cindy and iris the daemon slayer turned up

Iggy best Bro. Prompto is the worst, probably my most hated FF character ever.

>always first to die in party
>likes to get in retardedly close to enemies even tho he's using guns
>had to turn around while driving each time cus he wanted to take his shitty group photos. He could have asked when the party was there but nope let's wait until they're halfway to their next destination.

They didn't fall out...Gladio left because he "had something to do" and the guys were kinda upset with because he ditched them not the other way around.

I'm on mobile now but I would photoshop Gladios face with joker makeup and caption "YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THESE SCARS?"

Fuck Gladio
Kill Prompto
Marry Ignis

>Had a fallout at chapter 6
Did they actually? I thought their falling out occurred after the disaster in Altissia. For the powerplant isn't just that Noctis didn't realize Gladio was the person they were helping or something like that? Maybe I'm not remembering the dialogue correctly

Noctis knew it was Gladio the second he opened his mouth.

They definitely had a falling out after Altissia, but I don't think they were upset when Gladio left to take care of personal business.

>what is a city-state

Yeah, I figured it was just their banter "You fight kind of like a prince I know"; it was just really Prompto from what I remember that didn't actually know. Didn't he say something like "Wait that was YOU?". It would make more sense for him not to realize I suppose because he never actually went in and fought with the two of them.

When is the first patch due to hit? What do you hope they address?

My wish list

>Make the World of Ruin at least partly explorable, we should see the devastation first hand and how the 10 years has affected people, not just be told about it in exposition car rides
>Patch in an escort quest with Luna in Altissia, really hammer home how normal Luna makes Noctis feel
>Fix the fucking one hunt bullshit
>Add better and more precise fast travel, and maybe somehow speed up the loading of the fast travel
>Do SOMETHING to make the car more interactable, it's a mess when you have to use it
>Fix the camera, it's a mess indoors during battle scenes
>Do SOMETHING to fix Chapter 8, 9, 11, 13 and the ending

I'm at ch.8, I heard nows a good time to do side quests. Should I do them now or finish the story?

Pic unrelated

If you use one of Gladio's techs during that sequence (where he uses the shield) he literally says "Noct get over here!". They were just messing around.

i did a ton of sidequests and now im lv 60

i finally decided to continue main quest
aranea gave up the fight after not even 5 seconds of gangbanging

am i overleveled? should i start over?

Wish we saw more from the temp party members.

Iris is the best waifu in years.

I think they said they were definitely going to do something about the second half of the story being shit

You can always go back, a lot of the side quests are MMO shit

I wish i could just put him on jap audio

His va is terrible

You can go back at any time except chapter 13 (not last chapter) if you go to lodgings. I did most of the side content before the main quest and was super overleveled

Where do you get the Jabberwock hunt?

Fuck doing Castlemark Tower twice, I wanna do everything related to it at once since i've heard how annoying that place is.

considering chapter 9 is around level 30, maybe

but who cares


>Have to wait to run laps as fat young Prompto to become accepted by the Crown Prince as a bro

You know when you're outside and the camera decides to position itself in a perfect circle of shrubbery so regardless of where you move it you just get a view of trees and then get your shit pushed in?

Why the FUCK isn't the foliage see through when that happens?

how can robots be fat

Do as much as you want, it goes on rails at chapter 10 if I remember. You can always go back and finished the rest in the post game.

I would love to be able to play as older Noctis in postgame.

Chapter 13 was some of the worst nonsense I've ever played

Fuck this game.

What does gaining the trust of the mayor of Altissia even do?

The rest of Lucis had already been under de facto imperial control for many years when the game starts.

Only Insomnia was protected by the magical Wall.

That's why no one in Lucis really cares that the empire won - people already felt betrayed by the king and it's not like the empire was oppressing the people anyway.

It is literally the first part of the game that I do not enjoy. I just got Regis' sword, is it almost over?

Haven't gone pass the through world of ruins but do you get to see future Iris and Cidney somewhere in that part? Was disappointed to not find them at Hammerhead after Talcott said a lot of things about them. It would be even better too if you return and see everyone at hammerhead even Aranea to sorta boost your spirits up before the final boss.

Chapters 9, 11, 13 and 14 could all do with condensing, honestly.

Chapter 11 and 14 don't even need to be chapters of their own. I'm convinced they're just there so they can do the FF13 thing and have the same number of chapters as the title.




Congratulations, you ruined one of the most fun fights in the game, with a ton of kickass contextual stuff like fighting her mid-air when she jumps.

>World of Ruin explorable
It's just monsters though and it's the same area? There's nothing to explore that you can't in the regular game
>Escort quest
Good idea but will never happen
>One hunt bullshit
It's fine otherwise, a lot of the hunts are in the exact same place so you couldn't do that
>Fast travel
Doubtful maybe minor changes tho
>Better car stuff
>Fix camera
>Second half of game
I just hope they rework chapter 13, what is it with square and fucking up 13?

But the ending was absolutely perfect.

Remove the QTE's in the Titan, Leviathan, and Ardyn boss fights.

I'd rather the game just plays out a fucking cutscene.

1 year at most maybe. They stated that it might really take a while to patch in the new scenes since they need to be localized and hire the same VAs.

I agree with your wish list especially with Luna's case. It's really hard to care for her death scene since we were never given a chance to spend some time with her. I hope they add her in as a guest party member even just for a few sidequests. (Possibly a playable character as well)

Fuck you he's cute

>>World of Ruin explorable
>It's just monsters though and it's the same area? There's nothing to explore that you can't in the regular game
I'd rather see the devastation up front, personally. The way the game just gets you to take Talcotts word for it rather than letting you explore and see people living rough, especially when it's established that hunts are still ongoing given that the boys and Iris partake in hunts, felt like such a dick tease.

He's not a robot

>Chapter 13 out of 15 is the worst of the bunch
>FFXIII is the worst of the series

Was this all part of Tabata's plan?

Do we ever get to see how he's doing post-timeskip?

i did make a backup save
maybe it's ok if i equip a ton of weak shit instead

I don't think they'd do that because they have to come up with several excuses as to why all the important characters aren't in the only two places with people or design most of the other characters with older designs and prolly make new npc models. Especially if it's only for an optional bit. Unless you're suggesting they somehow pad it it after the time skip to justify the new assets?

Probably sitting around doing nothing still

seriously what reason does Cor have to not stay with the group?

Protect your king you fuck

>Can't wear the suit that Noct wears during his duel with Ardyn in free roam


Yeah, they could just make it look like the Leviathan summoning happened 2 days after Luna's speech in Altissia. And before she summons Levi, we were given a chance to speak with her and have her join the party for a while. They already have polygons of Noctis and Luna talking. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to cut it and not include it in the final game.

Apparently Cor Leonis was supossed to die in Solheim, but the team had to cut that area and also this storyline of Cor (and all related to that area).

So yeah, that's why he doens't appear post-time skip, he was suposed to be dead, but instead they just say he's out there.

Is Luna's body hanging from the roof when when you face Ardyn at the throne room

Yes you can. Are you dumb?

Episode Gladious takes place when he leaves the party and gets the Scar

Episode Ignis is in Atlissia during the attack

Episode Prompto probably takes place after he gets knocked of the train by Noct

"Apparently" you like to post unsubstantiated bullshit as fact.

Solheim is an ancient empire that Niflheim attempted to emulate. It was never supposed to be an actual place in the game.

>seriously what reason does Cor have to not stay with the group?
Too OP, they'd have to puts some Cor-sacrifices-himself even in or else he'd just blow up everyone.

Noctis and Luna met like twice in their whole lives and they're in love and married in the afterlife


It's an absolute wish, yes, but at the same time I feel like the game owes you a "changed" world to explore, even partly, in order to give you organic context for the world rather than dumping the exposition on you.

Like, in a perfect world, I'd like to have seen all of the first area again, to give it a bit more of a circular story. The game started with you pushing a car in a secluded area, the game ends with you exploring the same secluded area now been ravaged by daemons. Puts everything in to context, you know?


At least that would be a justifiable reason as to why he isn't a permanent party member

You can only wear it with the cloak.


Too strong to live, too based to die.

But was it really her or just an illusion

Why do you keep posting this shit saying it's Luna? Zoom in and you can tell by the clothes that it isn't, it's just one of the generic female NPCs.

Yeah but they talked regularly using that notebook Umbra takes back and forth. That really should have been emphasized or shown in better detail if they wanted to sell the romance to the audience.

generic female NPC is my waifu