WipeOut PS4 gameplay


It looks great.

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WipeOut is poor mans F-Zero and Xtreme G Racing.

f zero is the poor mans mario kart.

>scraping the sides
What a scrub
At least I have a pro so I'll get the actual advertised framerate


Any actual new content in there or is it just a straight remaster?

>similar game comes out

and they say this place isn't nintendogaf

So the game in that video is a remaster? Looks good, no?
The only wipeout I've ever played was the vita one for very brief. Didn't really form an opinion one way or the other.
The video looks kinda cool though. Does it seem a bit slow to anyone else though? Or is it much faster when you're actually playing it?

the existence of Pro basically means optimization for the PS4 is dead in the water

All those anti-grav racing games (except maybe F-Zero) have no actual racing gameplay. They are just wall banging simulators with a rubberband ai.

the dude playing it is shit at the game and he's using babby's first slow ship

go away wipeout, we have redout now

>game X isn't as good as Y
>wooow nintendo bias
Fuck me

zone mode?

I'm still mad that Wipeout 2048 on vita runs at 30 fps... with slowdowns

no way fag

>not a remake of the PS1 games

Do they even know how to pander to nostalgiafags?

The UI is fucking awful, what were they thinking?

Wipeout hd has a nasty rubber band Ai. Like wave the missiles without pickup.

HD/fury is the best version of Wipeout though
dunno about 2048

When is Redout coming to PS4? I hate weapons in racing games.

The last wipeout game I played was for the 64, and that was probably over a decade ago. I wouldn't mind trying this but, I have my doubts it'll hold up against nostalgia.

>the existence of Pro basically means optimization for the PS4 is dead in the water
Not until the PRO will sell as good as OG PS4

No, because Sony closed the studio that made all the Wipeout games. All they're doing is porting the PS3 game and Vita game to the PS4 with no new content.

Yeah right. They totally aren't doing it right now with Last Guardian and shit.

Yeah I saw that. He kept hitting the sides constantly.

That game looks cool too. Just saw the trailer.

Nah. They just released the slim. If they were planning on making the original ps4 totally obsolete then why waste money on a redesigned model that they are also trying to push out.

F-Zero will never ever get a new game, and is a dead IP. Besides. Wipeout has always been better anyway.

>gameplay video
>two faggots start talking over the video
Every fucking time.

just mute the sound, nerdmo.

i hate how unheard of Redout is, game is fun and fast as hell. even I just stumbled upon it

I would have much preferred a straight up port of 2048 with an added racebox.

2048 had so many amazing little extra touches to the presentation that made it feel so cool to play, like the ships having engine revving sounds, or the glowing effects around other ships' exhausts when they were in front of you.

Simply adding the tracks to the Wipeout HD engine is not going to do them justice at all. It especially makes no sense as Wipeout HD is set something like 150 years after 2048.

The game already ran at 1080p 60fps on ps3, What will they do on ps4?

right about F-zero never getting another game, wrong about Wipeout being better. F-Zero GX is the pinnacle of futuristic speed racer type games.

>Wipeout still getting love

Honestly, the series never got the respect it deserved. Recently started playing WO3 and I instantly fell in love, somehow the floaty controls just feel so perfect and accurate. Game's hard as balls and has a ton of depth though.

I like how drifting and getting your jet next to a wall gives you a small boost, it's a nice small reward for risky play.

Wipeout HD on PS3 had fairly frequent framerate and resolution drops (it used dynamic resolution), especially when playing the Fury content. The PS4 release also has all the content from the Vita Wipeout game, 2048.

You should try emulating Wipeout Pulse, great game. The handling is less floaty than they PS1 games but still has the same anti-gravity feel.

But Wipeout is dead, how is this possible?

Also like hell I'm re-platinuming HD again.

I haven't owned a Sony console since the PSPand picked up a Pro last week because of this annoucement. I'm hype as fuck. So fucking mad Nintendo just is not giving us an F-Zero game.


2048 at 60fps nigger

Also being able to play with all the FURY+HD ships on 2048 and viceversa.

new trophies?

also wipeout hd had THE best in game dynamic custom soundtrack player. fuck all if it isn't included in the remaster.

Does this remaster go at 60 fps 1080p? Always wanted to play 2048.

Sad thing that we will never get a god tier F Zero like GX since Amusement Vision is dead and Nintendo can't make something as good like them

you can't beat this masterpiece youtube.com/watch?v=ElGLs8X1sRU



Everything after Wip3out is. But the first couple games had a unique gritty cyberpunk vibe to them. After that things look like I'm in a futuristic airport or something.

best visual design in any videogame ever, the guys that did the fonts/ads/logos are the fucking Bauhaus of XXI century


These games had amazing soundtracks desu

was about to post that one m8. This track really defines "late 90s and early 00s" to me

>inanimate cardboard cutout spectators
>looks good

must be the power of ps4 i guess

the "similar" games have been highly inferior.

same with any quakelike arena shooter.

>Another "remaster"

Honestly, that looks like Wipeout HD again. Aren't those existing HD levels?


The content in Wipeout is very hit and miss. I'm disappointed this is just a remaster though. Doubt I'll get it again.

who's in charge of the remaster? Please tell me it is Bluepoint. Otherwise I fear of the quality.

I'm fairly sure it's going to be 4k/60 fps

Try Redout, has no rubberbanding.
And wallbanging is indeed a feature if you're a fucking retard who can't learn the simplest game genre known to man.

Why does footage of games always have the worst fucking possible people """"""""playing"""""""" the game?

I hate the games media.

Listen for at least a couple minutes?
Read the title of the fucking video?
Dont be a retard?
Theres no new game

Why is it so slow? They're not even super sonic.

F-Zero was never good.

OP video isn't playing at phantom speed.

Got HD+Fury as one of the 'we're sorry for getting hacked' freebies. Felt fast as fuck in bumper view & the music was pretty hype-inducing, but the game itself just felt too shallow & same-y for me to care about a remaster

Still, posting my shipfu

>Wipeout HD
You can't be serious? I put hundreds of hours into the game and was still improving by the end.

The feeling of speed is a lot better in that video.

Maybe I just sucked

>I just sucked
You probably just gave up too quickly, as learning the game can be frustrating.
Wipeout unlike the neverending shilled F-Zero has a very steep learning curve, but once you get a feelling for the controls and find your favourite ship, which is extremely important for your performance it becomes absolutely addicting.

You are missing out my man.


It's always the f-zero people that have to start shit in these threads.

Perhaps. I only got as far as the fourth grid in HD in part because I was trying to get gold in each grid before moving on to the next. Maybe if I'd tried to just progress through the game rather than fixating on completionism I'd have enjoyed it enough to dump more time into it. Will probably give it another go at some point

that looks like fucking psp graphics, stretched out to four-K - where are all fine details?

Rob is actually brilliant. I only watch Playstation Access for his Friday Features.

brilliant at crashing into walls

Brilliant as in he's a good laugh to watch. Not brilliant at video games exactly.

>youtube screenshot

but it's not about the artifacts - the color-scheme, the meshes look so.. low-poly and unimaginative, and bland

>Wipeout unlike the neverending shilled F-Zero has a very steep learning curve
I don't get this shitflinging. I like both games, and futuristic racers in general. Wipeout ships have more weight to them, and that's both a good and a bad thing, but accounting for everything else (track design, variety, gameplay including the whole Mario Kart roulette, etc) that's simply not true. Wipeout games suffer from a few design issues, starting with the same tracks for all speed ranks and once you get up to Phantom (not to mention Zen/Mach 1/Supersonic in Zone) you begin to see cracks in track design, if you hadn't long before. At least Wipeout HD is better in this regard, but it still fails in a lot of the tracks. They just aren't fun to play.

Plus, if we're going to compare, the sheer feeling of building up momentum to the point you entirely break the game in F-Zero GX is something with no comparisons anywhere else in the genre. Once you get to the higher skill levels in that game Wipeout looks like baby shit by comparison.

>I don't get this shitflinging.
Brand warriors probably.

2048 was a more graphically advanced game than Wipeout HD. Unfortunately it came at the expense of framerate and resolution. Seeing as the screenshots of the PS4 collection are all using the Wipeout HD engine and interface, I'm not hopeful that the 2048 content will retain its visual flair.

>crowds still look like they're from PS2

but it's not originally a ps4 game

next year

redout it fantastic and addicting. i just wish there was more content.

Is it just me or does the hud seem to occupy more screen space than before? I don't remember it being so intrusive. Also in some parts it feels like the camera is too close to the ship, but it's been a while since I last played wipeout.

>I play racing games to stop my vehicle and look at things that don't matter at all

>There are people in this world, alive and breathing, who don't like WipEout HD

You can disable weapons in Wipeout HD.

I felt it was quite cluttered too, the old hud was kinda big too but this one seems to take your attention from the track. At least that's the impression I got from the video, I hope it doesn't stand out as much while playing the game.

>like the ships having engine revving sounds


Redout is way faster than Wipeout.

Both HD/Fury and 2048 use the same engine dummy. It's one of the reasons why you can buy HD/Fury for Vita as an expansion. They just slot it in right in.

You can only post in this thread if you went past zone 75 on any track.

I hope you know speed is relative to the track and scale

Fuck man I wish we were getting a straight-up port of 2048, such a great game.

>No split-screen

GX is the only F-zero that is worth mentioning. Every Wipeout has been great.