>linking kotaku
Linking kotaku
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>boo hoo finding a job is hard
Well, if people fall for pay to play then so be it, I prefer to change hobby if I need to pay 1$ every time I start a game.
/tg/ can help cope with the need of new games.
I thought Kotaku shut down due to based Hulkamania.
>You see, game development is a business and businesses in a capitalist society are ruled by market forces.
Stopped fucking reading
Just post the fucking article here I'm not clicking that shit.
>linking kotaku
Soooo... pony thread?
>worked on Enhanced Wars
Whoa great career dude sure proved me wrong with that smash hit title. I guess F2P IS the future of games, looks like I'm a #Mobagemer now
why didnt hulk hogan close otaku?
I have zero game experience and even I could do better than that.
How do you do that?
>When a developer loses her job, she needs to find new work. More and more, jobs are coming in the form of games that do not cater to the core Gamer who reads Kotaku.
oh fuck me
Listen here idiot you just are upset you dont have ten years of videogames experience and have to do freelance work shilling shitty indie games which are still better than your own to big business mobile game publishers to make ends meet. Don't lie on here idiot, this is the FUTURE!
>judging a game based on how good it is or whether it was even funded or made
Don't you know that meritocracy is an inherently oppressive and patriarchal system, user?
No no, Video Games.
If you're such a fan of free to play games why does the game need to be paid for so that people can play it?!?
First I went back in time about 3 years.
>I am making Enhanced Wars[1] with two co-founders.
>with two co-founders.
This girl needs to get raped for that article.
It's fake.
Bought by mexicunts
Why is it the people who talk about their passion for video games are always money hungry shits who would gladly see the industry burn as long as they got a good payout for it? Is "passion for video games" just a code word for "middle class and bitter"?
Xher's pronouns are Gor, Gori, and Gorilla
The first one 100% is not.
Anybody have the picture of how kotaku comes on Sup Forums and posts clickbait articles deliberately instead of screencapping?
the one on the right looks like she gets freaky
the one on the left is goldberg from mighty ducks
Holy fuck, is that what that cow Pat Hernandez looks like? I'd cave her head in with an ash tray if she ever startled me.
The best part is you can see how it's her from her 'avatar' she uses for her articles, it's just not at her best angle (underneath her third chin with lighting poor enough ti hide its creases and look like a neck).
kotaku IS a cancer on the game industry
He's kinda right. When a corporate fatcat looks at a piece of paper that says "C-can I make a game?", he isn't interested on whether or not the fans are happy, he's interested in long term profit, which ironically, does sometimes involve making the fans happy. But on the flip side, if you look at the top 200 highest grossing games on smart phones, the vast majority are F2P, and at least the top 50 probably make more than most AAA games released this year.
Both of the Patricia articles posted here are fake.
>the vast majority are F2P
The kind of F2P that doesn't squeeze the last cent out of you, and is actually fun to play.
Low common denominator shit aka cancer for the core audience.
why did they assume the neutral gender for developers were female, when only 10% of code monkeys are female?
Idea guys arent developers.
Is the problem phone games or just f2p?
is real
F2P. The concept of games on a phone isn't bad by itself.
Poorly executed f2p is the problem. When you keep dying on that one level, or keep losing to that one player, in shitty f2p you have 2 options - grind for, like, 2 years, or pay.
I played dozens of those shitty f2p games and the trick is knowing when to quit. Quit as soon as it stops being fun and only spend money if it's worth it.
No, the trick is never playing them.
If you are so desperate for games in your phone then emulate.
Nah that's not true, a lot of them are exactly that kind of F2P garbage.
Again, Corporate fatcats don't give a shit if people like you see it as cancer, it's making them cunt garglingly rich.
Neither, the problem is that they are successful. The fact that a new, far superior business model for game investment has emerged which requires far less effort and time to develop means that more and more investors are going to gravitate towards it.
My bad, I thought that was the OP article.
>I never wanted to have sex with Lara Croft.
This man is a homosexual
>Again, Corporate fatcats don't give a shit if people like you see it as cancer, it's making them cunt garglingly rich.
Thats why I say it's cancer for the core audience you dork.
>a lot of them are exactly that kind of F2P garbage
Not really
>it's not me guys, its da capitulism
The 1983 crash was caused by shitheels mass-producing games to saturate the market and this is one of the causes. I'm going to swerve away from any free-to-play title unless I am assured I don't have to pump money into it to gain an advantage over other players, because that's usually how it turns out. If we need consultants for this, no doubt they are following some checklist so the economic models for these games play out the same way.
Usually they're going for the 0.1% of players who dish out thousands of dollars for dumb cosmetic shit (kids with mom's credit card or adults with a gambling problem). They know this and they don't care.
>I'm a shitty capitalist wagecuck and defend my jailers so you should stop being mad at me!
What a train wreck of an article.
She is a sociopath though.
wtf I hate Prometheus and Bob now
I was talking about the Top grossing games on Smartphones.
The article is right, gamers are mostly commies who think devs shouldn't be able to charge whatever price they find to be most profitable.
Can you not archive Kotaku? Very rude.
But it's capitalism.
It's shameful to not support something you dont want to support?
I dont buy a copy of the newspaper but people dont give a shit if I ask for it.
I dont think I've ever heard anyone say multiplayer every sentence in every thing he said.
>Umm, excuse me, but you don't pastebin here, we give honest writers the clicks they need
>Not going to articles directly is entitled and shameful
>I bet you sick fucks use Ad blocker too >:(
Holy shit. Does neogaf just go out of their way to enforce stupid practices and do the opposite of what Sup Forums and other gaming communities do
>Denial: This is obviously fake.
>Anger: No fucking way anyone is that retarded.
>Bargaining: Please don't tell me it's real.
>Depression: It can't be real...
>Acceptance: It's fucking real.
When was that article posted? Was it anywhere near No Man's sky's release?
the article was posted after bioshock infinite came out
the filename is just for filename threads and giggles
Yeah I get the >filename but I thought there was a deeper layer of meaning behind it. Thanks for the info my dude.
Look the date and comments wanker
damnit, are trump supporters start acting like furries? do you need to put the hat on everything?
I mean, I'm happy USA got the president they deserve, but god damnit, stop sullying perfectly fine anime pictures.
>shilliest games from steam
>not even half of what LoL does
Steamfags are a sad race.
They're getting worse than furries. Their god emperor is betraying all expectations and they continue to suck his cock and loudly proclaiming their wish for Trump to fuck their wives/girlfriends/female relatives while calling everyone else a cuck.
At least furries get to justify their sickness with a tiny stream of good art.
>Their god emperor is betraying all expectations
Everytime this has been said, you always go wrong kek
you really think he'll get a second term?
Hopefully mods will start applying global rule 3 with a little more zeal. It's getting tiring to deal with this all over the chan. Memes have an expiration date and Trump btfo'ing liberals' was on the 11th of last month.
if the liberals continue this salt, it will guarantee another term
No one would deny another delivery of salt
hilary will win the nod again so yes
I realize it's pointless to ask but... source for the original, non-edited doujin?
>original, non-edited doujin
>posts the edited doujin
Dang bro you're just something else
But that's fine just looking at the art I can see that it's shit. So thanks.
I am a developer on a formerly top 3 f2p mobile game.
The entire industry is most certainly cancerous and both myself and this person are a cancer.
If you can't admit that you are the problem then you can't ever work towards making things better. You also marginalize the efforts of those that do.
What a piece of shit.
I feel that editorials are supposed to give readers a personal impression of a current issue, not a thinly veiled blog about how my feelings were hurt and how I have to defend myself on the biggest platform I can find, proving myself right by sheer weight of "look where I write my shit, I am someone, you are wrong to disagree with me."
>As a player, free-to-play lowers the risk of checking out a game. I am able to try a game by spending only my attention.
We used to have these things called DEMOS.