Would you definitively say that Crash is officially ""back"" now?
Would you definitively say that Crash is officially ""back"" now?
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Nope. This remaster will actually kill him for good
Oh boy I get to play the same game again, can't wait. And I'm sure kids will love this and it will sell enough to warrant an actual game.
I hope so. Crash Bandicoot Warped is one of my favorite platformers ever.
>dated game that actually needs a remaster gets a remaster
>durrrrr its bad because I personally already played it
? ? ? ? ?
I just wonder how popular it will be with audiences who never experienced the original.
Ratchet & Clank still sells well, doesn't it?
I got the vibe that it wasn't as popular and liked as it was back then.
Yeah, this is going to bomb. Some old fat men will buy it, everyone else will wait for that lesbian shooter.
Honestly really didn't need a remaster. Maybe a new game heavily focused on platforming and not being shit.
>maybe an actual new game!
To what audience? Nobody fucking knows who Crash is these days.
These remasters are an easy "safe" option to reintroduce the character to a new audience/generation while also appeasing the vocal minority that still remember him.
I'm in this for possible new titles.
>Durrr what is making a fresh game and taking a risk rather than banking on '90s kids' nostalgia
I would have preferred them just making a new game in this exact old style.
Crash is fun to play but there isn't all that much content to it. More would have been really welcome and it would have made this potentially something I really want to play.
All they had to do was make new levels instead of just remaking the old ones.
The remasters also act as an opportunity for the developers to get a feel for what Crash Bandicoot *is*, giving them experience for a potential new title. If they were to work on a new one right away, there's a higher chance they'd fail at it.
Literally who? That shitty cereal mascot is not even relevant enough to be among Sony's true mascots like Fat Princess, Big Daddy or Heihachi.
>To what audience?
Certainly not Sup Forums
So to conclude based on the information in this thread
You ain't buying it.
kids ain't buying it
I certainly won't
So i guess they can expect zero sales.
>Coming back to the system that ditched mascots outside of Japan in favor of pandering to dudebro shooter addicts and moviegames.
I'm thinking it'll bomb, horribly. Younger kids won't give a shit because they've got Minecraft/free tablet shit to play, the normalfags won't give a shit, some older fans may buy it but that's a pretty small demographic.
Why are so many people apologizing for this game all of a sudden? PS2kiddies growing up?
And where did the Twinsanity hatewagon come from?
>And where did the Twinsanity hatewagon come from?
At being rushed and that, but being honest, Twinsanity gave me some fun moments, especially with all the glitches.
>Why are so many people apologizing for this game all of a sudden?
Where? all i saw in the WoC thread the other day was people rightfully shitting on it and Enter the dragon.
Twinsnaity was decent
Yeah, as said, Twinsanity was never very well received because it ended being funny a lot for the wrong reasons.
I mean having Crash slide around with no running animation was funny but it's not exactly points in favor of the game.
1 > 2 > 3
fight me
2 > 1 >>> 3
We both love 1 and 2, let's dismiss 3 together.
so with the crash remakes in the horizon I went and played 2 and 3, are the others any good?
already played CTR and CTTR
I'll buy it
Never heard of them
It was funny because of corny humor, not only because of glitches.
this'll get 5 million sales in the first weekend, bet on it.
play 1 but prepare to be underwhelmed in comparison
anything on ps2 will leave you disappointed
You forgot Donte and Revengeance Man
>Crash is back
>Tawna has no back
>>dated game that actually needs a remaster gets a remaster
played them all through recently and the games still hold up today
possibly Crash 1 not as much, but 2&3 are still tight as fuck and the graphics have aged well
2 used to be my favorite before I finally went and 100%'d 1. Honestly, 2 is objectively a better game because it has better controls and a better engine, but I like 1 better because, to me, it feels like its levels have better design and an overarching aesthetic. I also liked how much harder it was in regards to its levels and getting gems. Gems were frustrating as hell to get in 1 due to checkpoints not saving boxes, but they were so satisfying when you finally got them. Fuck all the invisible platforms and hidden boxes in 1 though. That shit was awful.
3 was alright, but it suffered from having way too many gimmicks. And then WoC doubled down on the gimmicks...
Looks like a shitty student project desu
you keep falling for bait desu
I wish Crash had one :3
Overall visual style, animation.
only thing that actually looks decent are the cutscenes
> t. professional game designer
kys, uggu.
No gays allowed.
It's Crash's back you will be looking at constantly. Might as well make it nice to look at.
>reintroduce Crash in Skylanders
>release a remaster of the first 3 games on PS4
I think it will do well with people who never played the original.
>tfw you can't help thinking like this now
Fucking internet, what have you done to me.
Come on, everyone can be a little kinky sometimes. Know that sexuality is not black and white, and take care of yourself.
>tfw in a similar situation but its not Crash
>It's the Komodo Bros, specifically Joe
I have a weakness towards Reptilian cuties.
it's me again
>komodo bros
literally how
they're dangerous and they have swords
Dr. N. Fluenza
God I hope so
I'm not thinkin about the swords.
But even with Tiny, Those two, Dingodile and Ripper Roo, I'm more looking forward to the game rather than indulge in faggotry.
> that exposed backside
Hnnng, stop teasing.
The PS4 game was the best selling game in the series so there's a chance
>Guaranteed money on game that people already love
>risk making another new game, have it flop and then the IP get's thrown into the closet
This user understands it.
The remaster is a good way for the new developers to learn what made the original games so lovable and the new ones not
By Activision hand and without the original team in charge with Sony pulling a shitty nostalgia card.
When do you think the games will come out?
They're re-releasing the first 3 games. They're selling you old games with new graphics. They're the same fucking games.
They will have some new content.
>And then WoC doubled down on the gimmicks...
And the loading times
Original team doesn't exist anymore.
Like what?
I'm fairly certain a remaster is a generally safe way to test the waters and gauge people's reactions to a 3D platformer like crash in the current market.
If it sells really well, I could see them making a new one
I'm not only buying it, it sold me on a ps4. Granted I had games I was interested in prior to this being announced and probably would've gotten one anyways, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back
How many people here are actually gonna buy a PS4 because of this remake?
I'm seriously considering it
>proper save system for crash 1
>time attack added to 1 and 2
I'm holding out until January to see what the Switch's launch lineup is, but between Crash, Persona 5, DRV3, KH2.8/3, and Wattam, PS4's probably gonna win me out.
Wow, that makes them entirely new games. WTF I love activision now
>Time attack for Hog Wild
This is a bit of pointless time attack desu. As long as you get every time crate there's no possible way to get a different time unless they change the mechanics of the hog.
Everything else though, fuck yes.
When will people realize no one at modern ND ever laid a finger on Crash?
Vicarious Visions has at least worked on the franchise before, and judging by Skylanders they have a lot of passion for him.
What if they gave the hog the Crash 2/3 Puma/Polar controls?
To be fair, the time attacks in Warped completely changed how you played the levels.
>>dated game that actually needs a remaster gets a remaster
only game I'd say that is about the first one
Then they would have to completely re-design the stages to fit the new mechanics. It wouldn't be a 1:1 remake. It'd be something completely different.
He's only dead if a new game doesn't come after the remastered trilogy. If no new game, then releasing Crash Trilogy is like putting some dead rotting person on a stage, but covered in a glossy coat.
And look alive, we got it, AND for $40
Crash 2 and Crash 3 are just a bonus.
Am I the only person here who thinks this remaster looks soulless?
Personally, I'm hoping the devs create new levels as some sort of secret levels. It'd be a perfect opportunity for them to see how well they can design levels on their own with no references. And if the levels are shit, they're only secret bonus levels so it's not a big deal.
Explain. This is one of the emptiest complaints anyone could possibly use for a remaster/remake/reboot.
Look at the intro cutscene alone. They obviously care about it.
I wouldn't say soulless, but the visuals could be better for sure.
The original CB is perfectly cromulent, playable and finished.
Crash's persona was pretty much his smile. Look at the cover of his game. Now he smiles as if he was trying to get the kid to smile on his birthday. He is afraid.
Controls are a bit stiff compared to Crash 2 and 3 though.
Animations feel a little weird, movement is a bit floaty, UI is a fucking disgrace (especially the boss health), among some other things, I watched the trailer live and it felt off during the whole time, I don't know exactly how to explain this feeling, but it isn't something good.
What's with this obsession with 1:1 remake?
The trailer is confirmed made from a previous, rougher build.
The playable demo that was being demonstrated at PSX is a later build.
>movement is a bit floaty
This criticism is invalid unless you've actually played the game. Everything else is a bit subjective.
>This criticism is invalid unless you've actually played the game
You can't say the movement is floaty unless it feels floaty. Just going by the visuals does not accurately portray how floaty the controls may or may not feel.
I really don't like Brio in this one. Too much ehehehehe and not enough insecurity in his voice.
Fastest selling not the best selling
I don't think you understand what I mean by floaty.