Fighting games are dying, that much is true

Fighting games are dying, that much is true.

But is there any real way to save them and make them relevant again to the mainstream?

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less fucking FE shitters in smash

Stop relying on capcom. SFV is shit. MvCI is going to be further dumbed down from 3, which was already pretty dumbed down from 2.

Just because SF is a long running series doesnt mean you have to bandwagon behind it and play it because everyone else is. The sooner people realize this, the faster fighting games can grow.

Why bring up Smash? That's rather offtopic isn't it?

>Have the image of Filia waking up
>See it all the time scrolling through my folder
>Now that I want it, its no where to be found

Wake up Filia!

fuck i thought that was lucina from the thumbnail

I'm playing Skullgirls right now. And everytime I get touched, I have to watch a 5-hour long combo. I get touched a few times and it's over. Where's the neutral game? The only possible way for my character (Cerebella) to get in is to use her ram horns which as armor.

Have a room open right now, waiting for an opponent.

Theres no neutral in marvel games. Just go unga until yo ucan hit confirm into a touch of death

>just remembered that Riot bought the Rising Thunder dev team to make a fighting game
The minute that releases, the FGC will hit the mainstream, but we're gonna be FLOODED with a cancer worse than any Smash playerbase: LoL players.

Bring back Soul Cal.

>Weapon Triangle major part of FE
>Countless FE characters in SSB
>Every goddamn one of them uses a sword.

It's hard to even know what to do after the long combo is done. I mash up to jump but nope, too slow, a new combo starts.

Should I hold down back? Nope too slow, new combo starts.

Everything I do is too slow and a new 5-hour long combo starts. And when I have a chance to attack they just keep jumping back and getting in with jabs because Cerebella is a worthless piece of shit.

There's a reason the game is dead despite having 10/10 fanservice and girls

>hold down back? Nope too slow
I don't play Skullgirls, but how the fuck? Are you getting hit by a cross-up or overhead reset?

>relevant to the mainstream

You don't know what you're asking for. Fighting games are one of the last few heavens for true vidya precisely because the mainstream aren't into it too much yet.


A short list of things that became more mainstream in the last few years. Look where all of those are standing right now.

Fighting game players aren't in a position to complain at all. As long as you're not RTS-genre -tier dead, you'll be fine.

Smash is a fighter.
Grow up.

No, the FGC autism destroyed it. And MVC3's Jewing didn't help, either.

Goodbye and good riddance.

>Bamco giving Project Soul a bigger budget than 2 McDonalds cheeseburgers
Not gonna happen. Tekken is their love child now.

Stop dumbing them down for shitters

Why did you buy Skullgirls expecting SF, when it's very obviously promoted as a spiritual successor to Marvel 2? Neutral doesn't exist in Marvel.

>anything like marvel

FGC is what keeps the games alive, not the casuals who buy it for the nostalgia, play a few matches, and then bitch online is too hard because they dont play fighters

Fighting games are an inherently difficult genre to get into because they focus entirely around gitting gud, which is probably why casuals don't like them. Games in general have gotten easier to help them appeal to wider demographics, but you can't really do that while keeping multiplayer the "core" of the game, because most people just get shat on by people who are better than them when they step online, get salty, and quit. You could try making the game simpler and easier for casuals to get into mechanically, but I don't think they'd pick up anything that didn't have some brand name backing it judging by how Rising Thunder flopped, despite being free. But if you made the game more easily accessible, you'd also alienate the core demographic, who are the most likely to buy your game in the first place.

I literally hold down back the whole time and I still get hit somehow. It might be an overhead but the attacks are so fast and frantic it's hard to even tell what's going on.

Every game so far I've played goes like this:
Opponent keeps jumping away so I can't get in. Only thing I manage to hit him with is ram horns armor. He just keeps getting in with either lp or lk and doing 5 hour long combos everytime I get touched.

It's a real shame the game is dead. I love the character designs and Cerebella's moveset is one of my favorites ever.

Also I've been staring at a "Waiting for opponent" screen for an hour.

Yeah, games like this really make me appreciate SF. I wish there was a fighting game with interesting designs and the gameplay of SF.

The thing people don't understand is that if you raise the execution barrier the shitters will STILL get smashed because the better players will still have the good execution and other skills they need

The only thing it really changes is the time to catch up and even then that is really debateable

It's one of the big misunderstandings of games like SFV and KoFXIV - the execution barrier isn't the problem, if anything it adds to the spectacle when watching high level and makes it interesting. The people who would struggle with the execution barrier also struggle with fundamentals and naturally make excuses, you could make the game as simple as possible, they would still lose in the learning process, and they would still complain and quit. It's just the way of things.

People who will be good will be good, it doesn't matter how hard the game is. People who can't be bothered and make excuses will also continue to do so. The only difference is you've made the game boring and shallow for the people who do put the time in.

Those "5 hour combos" aren't true combos and you had the chance to escape them instead of complaining.

There's an indicator that pops up when you get hit if you were blocking incorrectly. A yellow !! if you got hit low, a blue !! if you got hit high, and a broken heart if you got counterhit out of one of your own attacks. Crossups are crossups and grabs are grabs.
Also the game is kinda dead in retail because most of the community is playing the beta right now.

>Come out of the woodwork to complain about every single thing about SF5, and leave with a "I'll be playing [x] now" when they know they won't, jumps ship when someone asks for a lobby or makes a thread about said game
>turn around and claim other games are dead because they're not SF despite that being part of the problem

I don't get it. If people hate 5 so much, why don't they really move to something else? There are other options and more players would fix that.

I do honestly prefer MVCI's presentation so far. It's not trying to be marvel 2, the 3rd chapter, but only time will tell.

>Do your assist to cover yourself into a mixup into a retardedly long potentially lethal combo into either death or another mixup
Sounds like marvel to me

So what should I do then? I tried jabbing or instantly going into armor horns, jumping, blocking, none of these work and he instantly begins a new combo.

I am new to skullgirls so I probably need to get used to the pop ups. But I never had this problem with BB, GG, SF, KoF. SF seems to be the game with the most neutral game.

Marvel 2 combos weren't long and characters had different health values.

Marvel 2 also had a way better art style

Only well designed characters are Pea cock and fortune in SG

Fuck you nigger.

Honestly how can fighting games flourish when capcom and NRS, under WB who are just as big of kikes as EA and Ubi, has them by the balls.

Anything that isnt SF/Marvel and MK/Injustice is destined to fail or not garner enough real interest.

interest already dies waiting for the games to come to console, and then the games actually die a few months later
>Soul Calibur
>Killer Instinct
has to resort to online tournaments because numbers are so low at locals and other big tournaments, which would be an utter disaster if the netcode wasnt amazing
>Guilty Gear
still pushing those old jew p[ractices of pay-to-update on top of being dead outside of Japan
see above, but even more dead outside Japan
an embarassment of the game carried on it branding, the only game where a furry who wasnt sonic fox won evo

Its easy to see why fighters are dead when this is the landscape.

Combos have a hard limit on how long they can last. Once a combo has reached stage 3, each attack will add to the green bar under your health bar, once that bar fills up all the way and a new string is started, you'll take severely reduced damage from all future hits in that combo and have the option to burst out of the combo. Be careful with your timing, as a whiffed burst will subtract all of that green bar and leave you wide open to a punish if you don't hit them with it. You can safely burst off of projectiles as they make you invulnerable, though.
If you do a ground tech, it will subtract 50% of your current green bar. If you are both sitting in neutral, the bar will gradually drain. If you get counterhit, part of your own bar is subtracted (to punish trying to mash out).
Out of all of the characters though, Cerebella probably has the hardest time getting in without any assist coverage. You might want to look at having a character to cover that weakness if the struggle is too great to surmount.

The main barrier to entry for all games is a lack of competition and poor online options. If you don't like the people in your local scene then you're fucked. In the US chances are you don't have much of one, they do not meet in public venues, or they are rife with politics and autists. The context of 3 hour combos or whatever is far more important to people who are interested than the actual mechanics. There have to be people around to land it on, at the absolute least.

Japanese arcades offer a little more anonymity and neutrality. They don't have to foster a scene. The venue is already dedicated to gaming. The people who like each other will seek each other out. Far more people play and they are much better at the games to start.

Fighting games were never relevant to the mainstream. Street Fighter was. Now it won't because Capcom has forgotten such simple things that people appreciate as not halfassing single player modes or not including rootkits.

Skullgirls is extremwly fucking hard to get into. Not only you are punished hard for mistakes but you need to know every character from inside out.

Theres also a shitload of stuff that i didnt knew until i played the tutorial and i atil disnt remeber much of it.

Theres shit like pushbacks and not being able to tech throws while you are crouched. Theres also 2 mechanics to avoid infinites but even so the combos are huge as hell.

What Capcom needs to do is start making fighters other than Street Fighter and Marvel.


>Marvel 2 also had a way better art style
Recycled sprites in clashing styles from 20 different games and bad 3D backgrounds.


Okay I finally found an opponent after an hour and beat him. (did the same lame combo with cerebella starting from that ends with dynamic dynamo)

Yeah, I can block after the combo. The other guy was hitting me with something that overheads me.

Now after it said "fight recorded" but there doesn't seem to be a replay menu. I can't watch any replays or what?

How exactly was SF2 brimming with single player content? You fought a bunch of CPU opponents then got a little slideshow ending, that was it.

actually innovate the genre. people do this, and you know what fighting fans do instead of play them with the rest of the world? cry that they are too different. super smash bros is one of the most popular series in the world and that should tell you something, fighters aren't dead, just nobody wants to play arcade shit

Add a brawler mode

For variety's sake.

If we're talking about the west, it was pretty much just SF2 and MK. SFA, KOF, and Tekken to the rest of the world.

3S, Marvel 2, and the others didn't even get close to half the attention they get now until EVO and youtube came along.

I'd rather focus on doing one thing right than to do many things wrong.

You sound like you were one of the fags that demanded Titanfall 2 to have single player.

>Theres also 2 mechanics to avoid infinites but I don't know how to use them so the combos appear to take ages

Fixed that for you.

Replays are in the extras menu.

>you're a faggot for demanding a game has more content

wew lad, also TF2 is the best FPS this year

>But is there any real way to save them and make them relevant again to the mainstream?
Remove internet. I see fightan online multiplayer like a vidya version of magic or some other CCG. The point was never the game itself, it was playing the game with friends.

>actually innovate the genre

It doesn't matter what they try, people will complain regardless. Just look at Rising Thunder. Made BY fighting game players and dumbed down so any casual can enjoy it. Yet it was a complete failure. Guilty Gear +R had FRCs and some near-impossible combos to do which made it appeal to players that want to put in time and get better at it, yet it wasn't successful.

Smash Bros. is literally perfect and has a cast of iconic characters, even if the game was shit the series would still be popular because of the roster.

Street Fighter, despite being an easy target for shitposting is one of the few games to feel like it has a neutral game. Where you feel like you know what's happening on screen. It's hard to describe, but the feel of the game feels much more precise compared to other fighters that focus on flashy attacks/combos.

I HOPE they innovate with something amazing but Cerebella warm

Red Earth was the tits, I'd gladly buy a new one if it was well-made.

My extra menus only has Art Gallery, credits, contributors and Marie 300%. Is this because I have the PS3 version?

>Getting this mad.
Dont let opinions from anonimous umage boards get to you that easily mate

All of those games are just going to be SF4 lite with varying degrees of quality in 3D modeling, and the same base because that's all Dimps knows how to do.

>single player oriented fighting game
That's EXACTLY what we don't need.

Smash is popular because it is braindead and because of the characters. Same reasons Marvel 3 is popualr honestly. Both have completely linear zero thinking required metagames and then retards defend it by pointing out it has an execution barrier that can be difficult like that makes a difference. And Smash 4 doesn't even have that.

It's nothing to do with innovation, it would be just as popular if it was literally SF5 with Mario.

damn, how is the population on the ps3? I can't imagine too many playing that version.

We don't, mainsteaming is what killed them.

>Street Fighter, despite being an easy target for shitposting is one of the few games to feel like it has a neutral game. Where you feel like you know what's happening on screen. It's hard to describe, but the feel of the game feels much more precise compared to other fighters that focus on flashy attacks/combos.

I somewhat agree, i dont like the neutral in SF5 but it is easy to know what is going on screen. Ive been playing shit like KOF and GG and it is quite hard to know what the fuck is going on

80% of smash's popularity is the characters. The other 20 of course being how free it feels at first glance. These same casuals are going to quit when they hit that same barrier because that's what they do.

Hell, no smash clone has any mainstream success because nobody gives a fuck about more than the nintendo characters.

>fighting games
>talks about smash
This is why fighting games are dying

GG I'll give you but KoF is a traditional fighting game in the same vein as SF, it is just faster and has more movement options available.

I fought 2 different people today, and some declined a match. So the population is very limited.

So your replays really are in the extras? It said "fight recorded" though.

>PS3 version.

No wonder you are taking one hour to find people to play.

Get the pc version at least, it is dead but at leaat it is not as dead.

Hey buddy. I disagree there's only like two other games that even remotely did what Red Earth did. And both were also Arcade only. I want a modern day version of it too.

They can't really be saved at this point, just like Starcraft 2's shittiness killed RTS, Street Fighter V's shittieness has killed fighting games.

As of MvCI Capcom has started doing fighters in-house again.

I know you have to enable replays manually on PC, but I don't know about ps3. Though, I think the "fight recorded" might be the info that gets put into the leaderboards.

That's because every main protagonist since Path of Radiance uses a sword.

The only slight exception is Robin who uses tomes but also carries a levin sword.

Maybe the PS4 version is more alive than this? It has crossplay with PC doesn't it?

>fighting game

Pick one. Even the devs say that Smash is not a fighting game.

What the hell you're basically playing the CPU over and over again. That's horrible.

That's all people want these days unless there's a team in the multiplayer to blame on you losing.

It's not a fighting game to start with. It's a boss rush game with RPG stuff and fighting game movesets.

>But is there any real way to save them and make them relevant again to the mainstream?

No, too competitive.
And not social based enough for normies.

Thats it.

You could make a simplified 5on5 version of smash brothers and that could potentially be successfull. But it would need to be even less complex than Brawl.
Dont even think about a traditional 2D game.

That would make a nice casual distraction for 20 minutes with a very low skill ceiling, maybe it could work on cellphones.

I have the ps4 version and it is also quite dead. Never found people to play online. I belive it is cross buy with the vita version but i have no idea if it is crossplay with the pc version. If true than the game comunity is deader than dead.

It doesn't need much but a

>good tutorial
>comprehensive INGAME resource
>visuals that appeal to all
>battle systems that allows flexibility of playstyles which most fighters today lack and focus towards one style of play
>good fucking matchmaking
>removal of more difficult inputs like half circles and double quarters/half (might be overkill but I see casuals struggle with this badly)
>strong and stable launches to give the fighter a chance a grow
>helpful community and ingame event creators and good lobbies like the arksys games

Not much is on the players honestly just to the devs and publishers to make a good game and good fighter not just one.

I'm an animefighter shitter so I wouldn't know but I think adding in autocombo's would be a nice start. I was introduced into fighters with P4A and after a while, the game motivated me to get deeper into it and make less use of the autocombo mechanic. I also managed to make casuals in my dorm who never touched a fighter pick up and play the game, some even going as deep or deeper than I ever got into it. I also think limiting the commands to QCF and QCB will make it easier as anything more will require too much from the general rookie. Less characters who specialize in different categories like rushing, zoning and grappling will give the rookie an easier time to learn his matchup while trying out different types of characters. This might make the game easier to get into but prevents it from getting too shallow. To appeal to the mainstream is to either to pander to e-sports fans like Blizzard did with Overwatch or to use well known characters.

The number one complaint about SF5 was lack of content. The game had a full roster of characters and working multiplayer. Thats a full enough fighting game for actual fg players. Arcade mode? Sf4 arcade mode was fight 9 bots, then seth. Sf5 story mode was fight 3 bots and had artwork and dialog. Trial mode? Those combos are ridiculous and no one should be using them to find bnbs. Most people who trashed sf5 complain and eventually quit every fg they play a few weeks in.

Now I dislike sf5, but I dislike it because capcom hasnt fixed its technical issues. No rage quit system, server issues, non working lobbies, survival to unlock colors, etc. However, multiplayer was still fun and not unlike any other fg.

Tl;dr People dont play fgs because they are lazy and dont want to put in effort to get better. Or they are not the target audience bc they want muh single player content.

>Fighting games are dying, that much is true.

Are you retarded or just young? Shit is nowhere near as bad as it used to be.We're past the actual dark ages of fighting games. Whatever up and downs you have down in terms of relevance is nothing.

>smash devs
>actually caring about smash
Pick one

My only complaint with SF5 was R. Mika and the fact that V-trigger is fucking stupid. FADC was so much more versatile and satisfying.

And these are just nitpicks, but the ultra animations are so weak and flaccid. In USF4, the ultras have so much more impact and cooler animations. Roster is tiny, and the combat in general feels like a step down from the previous game.

Kof14 has it, sf and mk have some targets combo, skullgirls a gg have some god like tutorials and none of that is enough

You guys remember the fighting game video those extra credits chodes put out?

I've never been so mad about something so pointless until then.

the one that basically boiled down to making fighters more like RPGs?

Guilty Gear and BlazBlue both have some of the best tutorials I've seen in any game. Literally everything is explained in detail and it's all done in a conducive, logical fashion.

>mfw missed out on Skullgirls when it was alive

>mfw that entire video

This shit

Stop making this thread over and over again you shitposting queer

>compared to the early-mid 2000s
Even if it's new people just off of some evo hype train, only to drop it in 3 months, this is still pretty active. Maybe try playing instead of making these same threads on Sup Forums of all places. Most of the posters just hate fighting games and are going to tell you the same "thank christ" shit over and over. And argue over what Smash is.

>I suck and my lack of skill is the game's fault

Yeah fuck this cuck

>Everything in that video