Hear about this game being top tier free to play diablo 2 clone with amazing progression

>hear about this game being top tier free to play diablo 2 clone with amazing progression
>skill builds boil down to "great, now you can upgrade the only skill you gonna use through the entire game by 0.5 damage, also 99% of shit is passive btw"
Fuck you Sup Forums

Oh you think this is bad?

>have over 9 niggerillion evasion, es, hp and elem. resistance
>still die in 1 hit by random monster

>Listening to the meta
>not playing for fun


>over 9 niggerillion evasion, es, hp,
How about you specift numbers

>spend 250 of my fucking points in HP
>max resistances
>overpowered build as fuck
>lol welcome to baby league sorry but not sorry, try again

Basically the life of any streamer in this game, I can't believe the willpower they have to keep doing the same over and over and over again just because of the poor client performance.

git gud shitter

When it released it was pretty good. As in: with a few tweaks it'll get to be 10/10.

The problem is that the main way to build ANYTHING is still the same. Get dat life/shield upgrade for the first, what? 100 levels? Then once you're finally tanky enough you can consider going into more DPS related skill paths.
It makes leveling any early character insanely boring. Not to mention the fact skills are tied to gems which means you might not get a gem you want for some time in the story. Which can gimp your build until that point.

The main thing is that back in the day there was desync that the devs claimed was unfixable. Then two years too late they come out bragging about how it's fixed. Hows about fuck you?
It's like Tree of Savior, there's too little too late. People aren't going to come flocking back to this game.

Granted Tree of Savior is horseshit for a lot of different reasons, and still hasn't addressed a bunch of huge fucking problems

>complaining that you don't have all skills at level 1

Western dev cucks can't make good Diablo clones anymore, it's so evident they've lost their touch it's almost pathetic... Glorious chink gamemakers will show us once again how it's done and blow out of the water these shitty games with Lost Ark and Lineage Eternal.

Making your own build is the number one rule to have fun in any hack&slash ever.

Desync has been fixed for a while now.

>great, now you can upgrade the only skill you gonna use through the entire game by 0.5 damage
so, just like clicking +1 point to a skill or synergy in d2
>also 99% of shit is passive btw
so, the passive tree, which is by definition entirely passive, is 99% passive

brilliant. poe ain't a perfect game and nobody ever said it was but your objections are retarded

Do you consider cast on kill or hit as passives? Have you seen shit like Mjolnir discharge?

I liked it and my build was pretty interchange able on what I could use changing between cleave, blink strike, and some spinning blade move.

>passive tree is passive
Holy shit my sides

>multiplayer only arpg
into the trash

Grim Dawn is shit

The game could be good but unfortunately endgame the time you spend on it devolves into 60% trading and 10% MMO style daily quests and 30% playing the actual game.

You gotta level an entirely new character if you wanna use a different skill lol.
This game is fucking grindcore trash, its for people who ejaculate when they get rare drops.

PoE is a great game

i will come back to it once the release the next expansion and cut Cruel, i hope its soon enough

Can't wait for the expansion I've spent way too many hours on the skill calc testing out potential builds.

Bleed damage warder with savagery for my next build.

>and cut Cruel

Oh dear god please yes. Any ETA on that?


Go play in your echo chamber league.

>Implying Diablo II's builds were about using more than one skill

It's like you never played it

>60% trading
You mean putting an item into one of your trading stash tabs, going back to mapping, and stopping for 30 seconds when someone messages you telling you they want to buy it?

the fuck you talking about prick by level 90 you can run maps with very fast killing speeds.

All I see is faggots complaining about not having an OP build as level 1 and needed to learn how to invest in a character.

Aether dungeon coming soon along with the patch.

Yeah I'm waiting on the next expansion too. I like making at least 3 different characters when I decide to play a new league, but I just can't bear doing acts 1-4 + labyrinths anymore. They need to cut Cruel asap.

Although this game is crack so I'm afraid of getting back into the saddle regardless.

How is Breach anyways?

>>skill builds boil down to "great, now you can upgrade the only skill you gonna use through the entire game by 0.5 damage, also 99% of shit is passive btw"
not our problem if you can't read the skill descriptions.

>enjoy playing this game
>enjoy the builds and nodes and skills and passive that are drops
>literally like playing a casino video game

But its hard to keep playing after you feel the emptiness of having no goal. Like what should I even be aiming for?

Not him but I'm pretty fucking PUMPED.

>>skill builds boil down to "great, now you can upgrade the only skill you gonna use through the entire game by 0.5 damage, also 99% of shit is passive btw"

Nigga, ARPGs are just like that. You are always using one or two true damage skills and buffing yourself with the rest.

Is there pvp in that game

>wanting a shitload of different skills to hit like a retarded gookgrind game

did you never play diablo 2, which was built around using 1 main combat skill (and eventually when that patch hit, boosting all synergies for that skill)

>dude just play thirty hours and then it'll get fun lmao

ARPGs need to die.

It's a lot better than TQ and PoE.

>>skill builds boil down to "great, now you can upgrade the only skill you gonna use through the entire game by 0.5 damage, also 99% of shit is passive btw"
>What is d2 endgame

nigga its like you never played d2

>diablo 2

>Play Path of Exile for a few months
>Builds consist of nothing but life nodes with a few other things sprinkled on afterwards
>Absolutely boring as shit

>Play Grim Dawn
>FIrst thing I check for is if I can make a glass cannon which you literally can't do in PoE
>You can
>Characters are much more fun and varied to make (Though the skill animations are fucking dull)

Gearbox are a bunch of hacks.

nice try but there is 0 content in grim shit compared to PoE

>lose days if not weeks of progress if you die

Yes, surely this will make for good gameplay. Also, let's make nobody be able to reach lvl 99 without investing hundreds of hours, instead let them reroll characters up to 80-85 or something.

Truly, what a marvelous gem.

Grim Dawn is literally TQ 1.5. You can't like GD and then dislike TQ, user.

Glass canons don't work too well on ultimate, I learned that the hard way.

Western devs already perfected the Diablo clone when they made Dungeon Runners

Granted they did so as a department of NCSoft, but still

obvious troll is obvious and not even worth a (You)

>can't make a glass cannon in PoE
>what is the assassin ascendancy

based retard.

Builds in PoE are such more rich compared to Diablo. Your entire build needs all of these micro parts to work properly and the economy makes you work for it instead of Diablo 3's baby mode drop rates and leveling. Comparing gems allows you to do whatever you want but that doesn't mean that they'll all be good.

All that content is just pure random and frustrating as fuck to get. Maps? Rrandom drops. Want to try some optional boss? RNG, hope you like grinding for different parts to make some key that will be consumed when used.

He's probably one of those retards who spend all day spamming trade chat with garbage

>all of the people complaining about borked endgames in arpgs

They all have the same issues

You go to the higher difficulties, the more flowchart-y your build has to be

Are all you niggas just getting to the endgame on your first arpgs or something?

What the fuck guys

>Can't make a glass cannon in PoE
>What is a low life or CI build

You're retarded. Stop shilling Grim Dark. It's fun but PoE isn't even bad.

>Builds consist of nothing but life nodes with a few other things sprinkled on afterwards
>make a glass cannon which you literally can't do in PoE

Just swap life for damage nodes what are you retarded? There are even uniques that make you glassier for more damage.

Next league will be whole new expansion that adds new act and will remove cruel, expect it on March or close to that

>PoE isn't even bad

yeah fuck the economy of that retarded game, less than 1% of players will ever have that many exalteds

how is your wifes son

This is why D1 and games that had literally nothing to do with loot treadmills were the pinnacle of the genre.

>advertise the "expansive skill tree"
>turns out there's like 10 nodes that actually change something significant and 99% of them give you bland shit like 10% hp or 10% attackspeed with dildos

Blizzard literally introduced a secondary level system to their arpg because people wanted a reason to continue grinding. Are you retarded?

How is this game for someone who has barely played it before? Also coop? I don't know anything about this league shit, just looking for a timewaster to play with friends that will surely end up with me trying to learn the meta and hate.

Last time I played it, visually it was hard to see shit. Didn't like the way the minimap thing looked either, just eye cancer

Path of Exile doesn't interest me at all because of how limited your builds are (So much for that massive skill tree :^) ). Why didn't they just make health raise naturally depending on your class type and instead fill that tree with actual interesting shit?

Anyway, who gives a fuck about PoE.
I played Grim Dawn a while ago and while it was a massive improvement, I still have issues with it.

The monster variety sucks. Like real bad, there's way too much reuse going on with the designs.

Second, the area variety sucks as well.

I started this game during the beta test before Diablo 3 and ever since then I haven't managed to get beyond level 20ish act 2. Every time I try to come back for a new league or something cool, I end up getting bored shortly after and I'm not sure why.

Maybe the new player experience isn't great. Your character feels slow because you don't have the resources for the movement speed flasks or faster casting or whatever.

Yea but I don't think anyone uses it. sucks because I think trap builds are only viable in PvP anyway.

paragon isn't a reason to grind anymore, since you get them as you loot, it's just the same "wait for loot" engame. and everything loot at level 70 T1 if you are lucky.

Why the fuck would you play in special-ed league, the game is boring enough as it is.

The problem is you're playing standard or standard hardcore with the 100000 other plebs. Play the league's.

yeah its fixed if you run a macro that spams /oos 15 times a second

What are you talking about? A 6 socket wrappings is only like 4-6 ex, just link it yourself you idiot. Those 1% of players that have so much currency are the ones actively trading and running maps with a shop every day. No shit, the other 99% of players aren't going to do that and the league is only a week old.

>PoE limited builds

pls post of examples of better games that do it better and this is the important part: How

also get ready to get btfo in the replies ok

it's pretty terrible, the entire game is about grinding to get better loot to make a new character to grind faster for better loot to make a new character to grind faster for better loot.... ad infinitum

also, only certain very specific, expensive as fuck character builds can tackle the endgame content. the devs introduced "easier ways" to get gear you want, but it's an absolute fucking lie because it's not easier at all, for example there is a npc that can make a 6L chestpiece for you for 1500 (yes fifteen hundred) linking orbs, which you will never ever see unless you play 12 hours a day for a year or more.

the devs are called GRINDING GEAR GAMES for a reason, they took all the fun out of PoE and replaced it with grind.

we sure care about your obsolete bitching; kid.

>expensive as fuck character builds can tackle the endgame content
>what is every arpg

Just stop posting

>ITT Grim Dark shills don't understand that the *passive* skill-tree is full of passives and build diversity comes from equipment and gems.

There are way more potential builds in PoE than any other action rpg of this type.

>just link it yourself you idiot
okay give me 1500 exalted orbs, i dont want to farm for a fucking literal year for each 6L i want to make

I havent deduced once in the last 6 months.

You've either not played in a while or you live in a third world country.

[Spoiler]or are just plain too retarded to turn on lockstep

>it's an absolute fucking lie
stop lying, liar.


Even with your 2k exalted exaggeration and all, you're one glorious based retard.

but you can kill hell baal in diablo 2 while naked if you git gud at dodging, PoE has undodgable attacks everywhere, especially on uber atziri

your post is shitty, just like you are. Filtered!

T. retarded cuck
passive shit in poe is cancerous and grim OG is ten times better succesor to diablo 2 than path of dogshit

Let's not forget the cash shop and its prices. They're absolutely insane.

Grim Dawn.

>Leveling up a mastery automatically gives you health so you don't have to waste 90% of your points you gain from leveling into nothing but health
That alone is already 100 times better and more varied than your shitty game.
>Devotion skills
>Item abilities
>Mastery skills

Grim Dawns character creation possibilities make Path of Life nodes look like a fucking joke lmao.

nah, that's literally what they cost which is why i quit that garbage in 2014, not even diablo 2 was that bad with its stupid "30 SOJ'S FOR THIS ITEM" or "25 HIGH RUNES" post-LoD. at least you can get 25 high runes in 1 day if you know what to kill.

>You'll never see 1500 fusing unless you play 12 hours a day for year

Holy shit, fusings are going 3:1 right now, you're fucking retarded. I'm sorry that you won't be able to play the most optimal builds in a game without some time put into it. Diablo 3 is more for you :^)

What makes you think "passive shit in poe" is the thing that makes it so build diversed, sounds like you haven't even played the game at all and are you throwing random tantrums expecting people to believe you.

I got a 6L shavs last league in like 30 hours of gameplay.

Next time you're baiting, pretend Skyforth is necessary for your build to work.

I would play GD if you could summon shit and rely on them.

PoE is fun grinding mess but atleast it lets me satisfy my inner necromancer.


>Only playing Grim Dark because muh Diablo 2

wew lad, you can just play Diablo 2 friend. A new ladder just started.

>also, only certain very specific, expensive as fuck character builds can tackle the endgame content.

literally false, people have killed shaper on a 5L budget build.

>self linking is impossible

Plus Shav's isn't necessary for almost every build, a 6L Vaal Regalia or a 6L Astral plate is like 300c and 120c with div cards respectively, cheap as fuck and can be gained with a few days of playing, or a week if you are a casual. And on top of all that, a 6L isn't even necessary for 90% of the content in the game, you're probably going to rip before you even get to shaper, the map pieces alone cost like a combined 80c.

>fusings are going 3:1 right now
3 fusings for 1 exalted? I played PoE for 3 straight months after launch and never saw one single exalted orb drop. lmao and you think those are fair drop rates, you gook motherfucker. should be 100 fusings per exalted

Did you play Diablo 2? Why are you comparing PoE's ubers to a regular boss when it had ubers with high gear requirements too?

So you're talking from your 2014 experience about a game that constantly changes every 3 months and adds a whole bunch of stuff in the process? Right on, retard.

Sure thing buddy, you gonna punch diablo for like 2 hours bearhanded and kite the fight perfectly

and lol, have fun with your speedrunners level of autism and the fact you are only being carried though late game diablo when you can't even hurt him.
That is the way to play the game, letting other people grind so you can get loot.

Ur a joke and everything you complain about can be applied to every arpg

>Doesn't even know that Chaos are the standard.

Just stop posting.

no you didn't because 6L shavs are hardcoded to not drop so people use the masters to make them 6L and get linking orbs out of the economy. maybe you meant 6S shavs

why do people say you cant build glass cannon. i had some great multi shot lightning bow build that shit on high level maps killing stuff before it was even on the screen. sure you die sometimes but its quicker than not dying but doing no damage. it was a year ago so i cant remember the build but i know its doable


Summoner is ridiculously strong at literally all points of the game.

You can have like 7+ different summons out end game fucking shit up.

The Chimera-looking summon alone is a good enough boss killer that you probably won't need much else for real difficult enemies.

Reminder: you can go to poe.trade to educate yourselves instead of listening to these false flagging faggots.

>diablo 2
>having anything with high gear requirements
just stop, you could beat anything in d2 on a literally naked character (with a weapon if you aren't a hard caster) including uber diablo, and the other ubers for the hellfire torch.

No I mean I got enough currency in farming 20 hours to buy Shavs divination cards, then enough fusings in 10 hours of farming to link it myself (at about 900 fusings).

You're really embarrassing.

current d2 sure, because they fucked the item system/economy with broken runewords in charms in 1.10. but most people played before then