I've somehow managed to go twenty one years without ever playing a single Final Fantasy game...

I've somehow managed to go twenty one years without ever playing a single Final Fantasy game. For somebody who just wants to play a good turn based RPG and isn't really too bothered about the story, is VII an okay place to start? If I can get away with starting half way through the series and I like it then I might consider playing the others.

VII is probably the best place to start. It's the flagship game of the entire series. If you end up liking it, there's a ton of material for it. Two prequels, a sequel, a movie, two animes, a couple of novels, and a remake coming soon.

Prepare for an incoming bombardment from FF6 fans telling you how much better that game is and how FF7 despite all the accolades is shit and not even in their top 5.

Start with FFXV, then work your down to FF VII. That way, you'll have nowhere to go but up. If you start with FFVII right out the gate, you're just going to be in a slow descent into shit games hell.

Play in this order.


Then stop. Everything before 4 is either missing core mechanics from later games or has ass for gameplay. Everything after 9 is just shit run through a coffee filter.

X is worth a play through, come the fuck on. Agreed on the rest though.

If you're a fan of turn-based strategy, I'd suggest Legend of Dragoon.

Sounds generic, is far from it. Perhaps one of the longest games back in the day, with a very original OST. If you throw it on ePSXe, upscaled with a texture filter, it is much better.

Whether you would want to 'start' there...it was the first for me, and its almost identical to FFX's turn-based strategy. Coincidentally, both have an immense storyline, FFX's shorter albeit.

Thought I'd add, FFX is also a fantastic game. I'd consider that very much as well, for a more modern experience with decent enough graphics.

>Legend of Dragoon

He's waiting for you, OP. Go see him.

He's waiting.

Play Final Fantasy 1 for an hour. Realize that the rest of the series is pretty much that dreadful formula but with more bells and whistles (with the exception of FFXV).

Play the first tactics game and never bother with the rest of the serie

There is a reason why it's considered the best FF and a candidate for the best jrpg.
Go for it.

VII is literally the best place to start.

There's a reason why people consider VII to be the greatest game ever made and why people are so hyped for the remake.

FFV, VI or VII are all great places to start. FFV is less story heavy and more of a dungeon crawler, more of a classic RPG. FFVI is when the series began focusing more on characters, story and letting the narrative guide you along rather than the focus of FFI-V which mostly was about trying to get you from each dungeon as quickly as possible. FFVII is more of the same, just 3D, so start there if you can't stand 2D graphics.

the only other 3D games worth playing are FFIX and maybe FFXII if you like the gameplay. otherwise FFIV is the only other game i haven't mentioned in the series worth playing. stay away from the others.

10 tho

>FFVIII is not worth playing

Thank god I never listen to this retarded board

>there's a ton of material for it. Two prequels, a sequel, a movie, two animes, a couple of novels, and a remake coming soon

The first hours of FFVII has alot of style and flair to it but that gets abandoned later on for generic JRPG garbage that continues throughout the majority of the game.

Make clever use of the Defend command to get Beta as soon as you leave Midgar.

Hypest boss battle, from the beginning. Music was sooo good

I wish the
>FF8 is bad
meme would die just like spoony's career.

The games aren't really too interconnected, you're not going to miss much by starting at VII, the games aren't one long story, but separate stories, so by starting at VII it's not like you're missing crucial info that happened in III or something. Some of them are in the same universe and they have a lot of the same characters in the games and stuff, but outside that VII is a good place to start, I would maybe recommend VI personally. Out of VII forward I think VII, X and XII are the best.

Wrong. XII was good.

god, as much as I love legend of dragoon and this scene, my instant reaction when it showed him transformed, I took one look at his arm and shouted IT'S A DOG DICK

FF8 tried to change too many things simultaneously and got none of it right.

The XP system punishes levelling. Omega is easier at 10 than he is at 100. Significantly easier.

You can still get access to all the best Magic and junctions at level 10 and have them be exponentially more effective than they would be at 100.

The Junction system tried way too hard to create unique build variance and flopped so hard it did the exact opposite. There's two ways to junction magic to stats: The best way and the wrong way.

The Draw/Cast system as a concept is absolutely horrible. There's a reason it was never seen before and hasn't been seen since.

The crafting system is a thinly disguised timesink that can ultimately be ignored because GFs and Meltdown junctioning can carry you through Ultimecia effortlessly.

I won't even touch on the convoluted mess of FF8's story beyond saying it was promising but was so horribly handled as to be considered among the worst in the series.

I just recently started playing ff7 again. And really, it's not as good as people remember it to be. Keep in mind I'm still in disc 1, but I've played the game to the very end multiple times.

There's just too big of a laundry list that holds it back. The Materia system is cool, sure, but it will be some time before you get enough to truly play around with it. It's highly customizable, but you have so little pieces for far too long.

The translation is abysmal. "This guy are sick," is genuinely one of the better translations. Everything is awkwardly worded.

Asides from that, I wish there was more combat. The minigames are pretty damn fun, but there aren't any meaty dungeons asides Shinra Tower in the early game. Most places are wrapped up before you know it. The strongest things FF7 have going for it is being set in a modernesque time and having an awesome soundtrack. I'd really suggest FFX or the SNES ones if 3d gaming isn't a big deal to you.

> good turn based RPG and isn't really too bothered by the story

You should try SMT instead. The gameplay is better and requires more thought

The literal only thing 12 had going for it was bunnytits. That's it. The rest of the game was trash. It felt like a shitty Draakengard/Vagrant Story rapebaby that came out with Harlequin Ichthyosis and Downs.

older fantasies are absolutely garbage you play XIII or XV or nothing at all. trust me no other game in the series is worth your time, its just same shit with less features

Your opinion is wrong and mine is right, I repeat, "wrong, FFXII was good."

>he thinks his opinion matters

7 or 10 are the best of the main series. I personally like Tactics best of all though. The remakes of FF 3 and 4 are also pretty good.

FF 1 is somewhat comfy too

are you even trying?

>baiting this hard
At least try a little

it depends.
the old games ( nes, snes ) look dated. and to tell you the truth, the ramakes are a fucking chore to play. but if you dont care about graphics go for it.

in my opinion, you can start with ff7 or ff9

ff7 if you want something diferent that the clasic medieval fantasy.

ff9 if you like medieval fantasy.

ff9 is in all forms a clasic nes ff with playstation graphics. the characters are charming as fuck. and it gives you the that sense of adventure.


:) XDD

Final Fantasy games aren't usually connected to each other. Final Fantasy VI and VII are two separate entities that just may share same names of some things.

You can just pick out most popular ones, like two entries I mentioned, and be done with series, because whether for good or bad, each entry is triying to be a different game.

If you want something light on story with good gameplay, try 5.

If you just want gameplay dont play anything start with FF5, then the rest of the SNES games, tactics, then any other single digit FF game.

This just play those, OP.