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That checkout girl looks exactly like my cousin!

Yway klaw dna 063 nurt.

Fucking casual agent, going straight for that gum he likes.

Sheeees Feeleed with Seeccrreittts

Twin Peaks is such overrated tripe. It's literally just a soap opera.



>wait in line and think about the girl before me
>see shiny ass creed collectors edition
>see bob

I'm right tho

I didn't GET twin peaks

I tried to watch it, but it quickly became 2nd screen "watching" while playing slow vidya, and all I remember from the show is the mindfucky ending

>That game you like is going to come back in style

Sounds good

I've watched 2 seasons while playing Factorio
I still haven't finished the playthrough

I'm the one that posted that post you weirdo, but even so it's not bait.

The acting is terrible and the "twists" are so common and frequent that you can telegraph them rather easily, just because it's coated in Lynch's brand of "weird for the sake of weird" psuedo-deep gift wrap doesn't mean it's not just a shitty soap.

How can you be right if I am the one who is right?

>I'm the one that posted that post you weirdo
No you're not

There's nothing to get.

He's not wrong. Up until the reveal the show is exceptional. It's amazing how downhill it goes afterwards. It's not bad, but it is not particularly good. Some of the plots are interesting, others are terrible. It was a mixed bag for most of the second season. The ending is fantastic and a few episodes beforehand were good, but it's easy to see why people lost interest. What was meant to keep everyone engaged was taken away prematurely, and you're left with hit-or-miss subplots and a new villain that was underwhelming.

Twin Peaks was amazing at times, but it's hardly a masterpiece, unless you're willing to over look over half of the show.

Hey guys where do I locate the gamestop showers before I buy games ?

If you are talking about the second half of season 2 then that was because Lynch was away working on other projetcs, and then by the end he comes and pulls the show out of the gutter with a great finale. If anything the show is poking fun on soap operas.

Pic related.


It is worth watching for the music alone.

I mean imho I remains 10/10 up until you find out lauras killer in season 2 then it turns not as good but still better than most shows desu

Poking fun at*

The world containing a parody of soap operas doesn't make it not a soap opera. That's like How I met your mother or Friends taking a jab at cheesy feel good sitcoms, it doesn't make them not fit in the category anymore.

Lynch adressed this and said that he regretted resolving the murder of Laura so early on.

Twin Peaks was sort of annoying.
The mystery is retarded, and isn't solvable before the reveal. That entire "chess" battle was a complete waste of fucking time as well.