If you think all these huge multi-player games like mobas, Overwatch and counter strike are too casual, random...

If you think all these huge multi-player games like mobas, Overwatch and counter strike are too casual, random, and "normie shit", why don't you try something different?

If you want to play a competitive game, that lets you completely out play and dominate other players, you should just play fighting games, unlike counter strike and other big competitive games out there, they have No RNG, No teammates to hold you back, and fundamentals and mind games trump all.

The entire game is made for you to out play, out skill, and use your opponent as a canvas in which you must paint pain and butthurt upon.

I highly recommend it

Cant disagree. I always fuck around in FPS too much and in fighting games I can get away with fucking around as long as I adapt

> No teammates to hold you back
fighting games have no teammates to blame too, that's why it will be never popular

But how do I get good?

That is not the reason why they are held back. Since FG don't have team mates they aren't as social and that is why they are not as popular as team based games.

Going into training mode and practicing combos and being able to handle cross ups as well as playing othere often.

The average player's ego is too big for that.

Learn the game, pick the character that feels the most comfortable to you, play play play, but most importantly learn from it. You're not going to get better if you just brute force try to play something you're meh about and eventually hate it for wasting your time. Sounds like a cop out answer, but it's true. Reading about shit will only get you so far.

If by 'get good' you mean do 10 to 1000 hit combos, do this

This is illusion of "It's not me, it's my teammates that are bad" really needs to end. If you ever blame your teammates (apart from when they are deliberately trolling) you need to go back to singleplayer games

I want to blame my team though

If I lose to someone using my own character in a fighting game I fall down into an unlimited pit of depression and rage and I cant blame anyone

you are a scrub, the only way you'll get better is accepting that fact

I agree, SFV for me didn't get fun until about 200 hours in. (my first fighting game) Now I'm at almost 500 in super gold and it's my favorite time killer. It really sucked for that first bit when I couldn't even do a DP or get a target combo, but the "real game" is absolutely worth the effort.


I like fighting games but never had the drive to get good at them. Doesn't help that the ones I've had experience with had awful/dead netplay. Like in SF4 I kept sitting and waiting only to be matched with the same guy who kicked me out because I was too shit to entertain him or something.

>local friends are really bad so playing them isn't even fun
>get bodied by tryhards online
>have shitty satellite internet because innawoods so i can't even play online at my own house
am i doomed?

I don't like shitty games that only tryhards like. I actually like having fun.

Same generally but
Really? Fucking backwoods internet means when I can connect, I just get dropped because the game's constantly king crimsoning all over the fucking place.

Are you literally me?

get rolled scrub fighting games are the most fun you can have

At least it's not a food analogy.

yeah i cant play at all at home so i occasionally take my system to a friends to get bodied online

Fighting games hurt my hands

1v1 turn based strategy is best for competition.

I play fighting games over mobashit and fps crap, not because of skill and all that casual bullshit, but because the matches don't take 40 fucking minutes to end.

In a fighting game you play a 2 minute match and can take a breather whenever you want. In ASSFAGGOTS you have to waste your whole fucking day. No wonder those games are an equivalent of modern day lobotomy.


It hurts everyone's hands at first, just like playing guitar.

Fighting games and RTS are the games which take by far the most skill and opponent knowledge

At first it was fine. I developed chronic hand pain from years of Marvel (and jacking to hentai.)

Exactly what I do.
Unfortunately being only able to play some weekends really limits my learning time. I'm still at the point where I freeze up and block everything until I get whittled down being too scared to throw a punch, fearing a counter hit.

It is pretty cool seeing armies go at it.

>try AC+ I-No
>Need new hands