Masuda confirmed Switch is Pokémon's next home in a Spanish interview.
> When Switch gets released, we will have to deeply study how people is using it to then think how future Pokémon games will be. Nintendo Switch is the future.


Other urls found in this thread:

>A pokemon game released for nintendo's new handheld


This, along with other signs really confirms to me that 3DS is being phased out as well

Switch really is replacing both.

Sup Forums had doubts since Switch is a hybrid

now this confirms that it will print money



>When Switch gets released, we will have to deeply study how people is using it to then think how future Pokémon games will be. Nintendo Switch is the future.

Doesn't this deconfirm Stars? They literally haven't started any kind of development on the Switch at all.

by the time the Switch releases the 3DS will have been around for almost 6 years, I think it's absolutely fine to replace that.

I'm happy. Not because of Pokemon being on a console, but because it'll be the handheld games on a console instead of what everyone thinks a console Pokemon game will be like. Can't wait for the butthurt to commence.

fuck third versions
hope they release Sinnoh remake or some sequel like BW2 instead

>console that you can switch to handheld
What seems to be the problem user?

He means Gen 8, with a Port of Gen 7 there's no need to study.

No fucking shit. Pokemon Stars's existence was already leaked, and 3DS will soon be dead.

>Eclipse (stars is a code name) comes out for switch
>they use its performance on the switch as a test of how people want future pokemon games to work with the Hybrid Mechanics

the wording is vague enough to hide the fact that Eclipse has been in development for the past year

>expecting him to give that away before the initial announcement

I have no problem, it's just most of the autists saying this wasn't the 3DS succesor too were butthurt about it being too big.

When literally everyone wants a bigger screen, they don't even make flagship phones below 5.5 inches now unless you're Apple.

>Sup Forums had doubts since Switch is a hybrid

It IS a handheld system with HDMI ports so you can connect it to a TV and can use external wireless 360-like controllers like practically every Chinese android tablet they sell in Alibaba nowadays.

The "hybrid console" term is just a buzzword to make the concept sound more innovative than it really is

>tfw all these latefags that got a 3ds recently still believe it will get games after yoshi's port
this is exactly as GBA to DS, history repeats

because pokemon on wii u was so popular

Surprising absolutely no one, well except retards in denial, bet they're still going to deny based Eurogamer's Pokemon Stars leak.

what pokemon games came out on the wiiu aside from pokken

Well there's also that modest performance boost from being plugged into a power source.

we're talking about mainline games user

Stars was never a credible story to begin with, due to the passage describing the high def model as Pikipek as being specifically made for the Switch version of the game.

In reality, the 3D models have ALWAYS had really sophisticated models in order to future proof them. This is why Battle Revolution models looked the same as the Stadium ones.

Also it was an Emily Rogers rumor, so that should discredit it right out of the gate.

It has that one 2017 RPG left and that's it.

MAYBE Stars will get a 3DS port too if lucky.

Nothing else.


Just called. Left a voice message.

>by the time the Switch releases the 3DS will have been around for almost 6 years, I think it's absolutely fine to replace that.
>>tfw all these latefags that got a 3ds recently still believe it will get games after yoshi's port
>this is exactly as GBA to DS, history repeats
>This, along with other signs really confirms to me that 3DS is being phased out as well
>Switch really is replacing both.

These posts are right in the target, also the 3DS sales stagnated like 2-3 years ago the only thing keeping the handheld afloat is Pokemon they are never going to hit original DS numbers.

They need the shiny new Switch to reactive their economy.

Consolidating at this stage of the industry makes sense for them too. No longer two pieces of hardware to design, create at the factories, and make games for.

>tfw Switch gets Pokemon MMO

Will never happen, Nintendo hates money

Does this mean Pokemon will finally have good graphics?




I'd rather Gen 8 have patch support and they sell $20 patches that add new regions, extra story until we have an 8-10 region game.

Raised level cap too.

The only question left is when they'll announce codename Stars. January Direct might be too soon.

The games have had patch support since gen 6.

And technically gen 3 if you count the celebi event from Colosseum that fixes berries.

MMOs are dead. Might as well just make another Pokemon game for less money and development time.

I'm glad I skipped Sun/Moon. Ready for the definitive version

It's a handheld. Nintendo doesn't want to admit that they have left the home console business. They have merged their home console dev teams with the handheld ones.

Hardcore PC gamer here, I don't give a shit about kiddy shit like pokermanz unless the game only features gen 1-2-3 and blocks all other gens from the game. I am only going to buy the Switch for Dark Souls trilogy on the go + potential metroid and smt games. I'll also give the new Zelda a shot.


who asked you

>buying it for rumored games from an unreliable source


>Switch will flop Sup Forums said
Sup Forums is always wrong

Just look at those two permavirgin manchildren.
No wonder Nintendo attracts such a crowd.
Devices and games made BY manchildren FOR manchildren.

>potential metroid
It's like you've been living under a rock since 2009

>unless the game only features gen 1-2-3 and blocks all other gens from the game

lel what a pleb
Gen V has the best games

Let me help you, friend.

This, you fucking PC dork

I do think it's possible we'll get "Pokemon the ultimate experience"or some shit, which will be Pokemon Red / Blue remakes on Switch, and the other region (besides Hoenn, Kalos, and Alola) will be released as dlc.



>switch is like 3 generations above 3ds in power
>we'll finally have pokemon in top tier graphics

What you'll get is just the models that have been created for gen 6 and 7 but in their full resolution.

The overworld will still look pretty ugly, just higher res textures.

To be honest those models are pretty damn good, if they fix the horribly pixelated character textures that's a good start right there.

Well now it's pretty much guaranteed to do better than the Wii U

Pokemon Sun and Moon are currently on track to be Nintendo's best selling pokemon games yet.
Now, I doubt they'll pass up R/B/Y, and even G/S/C is iffy, but for the first time they might pass up D/P/Pl

The fact of the matter is, Nintendo is too prideful to create a successful home console because that means doing what everyone else is doing.

an HD power box sold at cost/small profit/loss with muh multiplat AAAs with the addition of Ninty games.

The Hybrid allows them to keep a thriving console(Because it gets their big handheld userbase)

It could be look like this

Why are you so mad and hostile?

It is going to happen and I will play souls trilogy on my trips to uni.

It'll look better, because they'll have to redraw some of the sprites(A lot pf ore rendered shit like background grass in battles scales bad)

Also they'll make it so the lines work in HD, without the lines the models poor shading makes certain parts blend in like shit

Hopefully with better grass sprites and a better skybox.

>People still think this is a good idea

This is a shopped picture right?

How are they allowed to post shit like this with the interview itself?

For what fucking purpose?

What would be the point of a Pokemon MMO?

What could it add that you can't already do online in pokemon games already?

The only thing we would get from a Pokemon MMO is an annoyingly large map, and crowded patches of grass full of every autist in the world trying to all catch the only rare pokemon

Yes it's obviously shopped. Those hands are from the reveal trailer.

I'm going to enjoy making one of these for the PS4ggers when the Switch becomes a booming success.

well duh

Eurogamer leaked it first tho, not
that whore


>People are acting surprised when a console who's whole shtick is to be portable will have portable franchises like Pokémon on it

Why is this news to anyone? They've said for the longest that the Switch was going to be a hybrid to phase out handhelds since it is a handheld, of course it's going to have a Pokémon on it

>something that never had any hint of proof, ever
>after the pattern was alrady broken with BW (2 aren't "grey" games)

Hoeanbabby spotted. Your kind was the laughing stock of the fan base and the fact that you pretend to be one of the OGs is even more funny.

>muh current year
fuck off, literal child

in before "I am angry so I'm right"

>3DS is being phased out
well of course it is, did you expect the 3DS to go on for another 10 years along with the Switch?

none. He never owned Wii U

Nigga it's vague business talk. Do you think they waited until BW was out before they started working on BW2? Do you think they waited until that was out before working on XY?

Only good gens are 123. Fuck off nigger.

shut up bitch

Only Gen I matters. Fuck off, you digimon secondary.

>Trusting gamefreak with that

they really need to partner up with some other nintendo devs

no gen matters fuck off genwun babbies

>Without a doubt the Switch is the future, but we'll have to wait for it to be released in the market and study how it can benefit Pokémon. When we have it, we have to see and study deeply how it's used so then we can think how future Pokémon releases and how the saga can benefit with this new console.
Wait, wait, wait. The fuck? I thought Stars was going to be a launch title. That's what Emily Rogers said.

You mean regular grafics

Yes Sup Forums is that retarded, they didn't want to accept that.

No way, you're telling me Emily lied? Wow I can't believe it.

People who ask for things like a Pokémon MMO rarely seem to think past that concept. How would making Pokémon an MMO change the game? Are those changes desirable? Do they add anything substantial to the game? You can already battle and trade online.

Nah. Gen123 are good. Rest are dogshit.

who gives a shit what emily said dumbass. a rumor is still a rumor

>yfw you're making the switch

Gen II & III are god awful rehashes. Fuck off, retard. Only Gen I is real Pokemon.


Is it safe to get excited for Stars? Alola in 1080p with no lag sounds amazing.

>Magearna's 'dress' is based on a pokeball
How did I not see this?

Stars isn't a thing

aren't you people a little too old for pokemon now? When will you people grow up?

3ds is still getting DQ8, DQ11, YW3 and MHXX next year, those are pretty big titles.