

casuals and normies

that's what you get for replacing your CRT with a fucking window, you moron


and growing up


(((Parenthesis people)))

Plus, you grew up, challenges in games got replaced with real challenges in real life

>not installing the latest drivers for your window

>not owning a RAZR GAMING window

It's called growing up. You should try it.

who the fuck still plays pokego? do you live in south america or eastern europe OP?

The Almighty Dollar Baby!

I've been meaning to get one of those to match my gaming door. It should look nice after I get the gaming birdfeeder installed too.

Is this the default way to dismiss anyone remotely old now?

The world didn't take into account that there would be a person that did not take interest in doing something that contributes to the advancement in society.

Resident Evil 4 happened

This. 2006 was the last real year.

you became a sad lonely loser who lives in the past

Fuck off 2005 was the last real year. 2006 was the beginning of the end.

>lives in the past
At least games were actually games and not movies

>you became a sad lonely loser who posts on Sup Forums

Social media didn't get big until 07 and the smartphone didn't even exist until 07 as well.


Anything before 9/11 were real years. Actually late 90's sucked too(expect for vidya) so I'd say anything before 1994 was a real year

>Tfw weeny
>Tfw 20 years old and have never kissed a girl

I don't even have a past to live in.
None of it was good.

>smartphone didn't even exist until 07
You do know the blackberry is a smartphone, right?

Shut up grandpa lmaoooooo rotflll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mobile posting
wii release
casuals invading gaymen through the wii and mobile games
us nerds culture xD


No one has used the acronym ROTFL in years...

if we post enough frogs on this website will it all stop?

The frog died two years ago.

we can only hope


Sup Forums will never be more BTFO than this

in before "Who was so butthurt to make this meme? Truth hurts, huh? There is not a single word in the last quote that isn't true."

Jokes on you, I'm 6 foot 5 winner of the most handsome guy award and I was boo'd off the stage during my acceptance speech because I mentioned I like video games so check mate atheists.

tell me why you literally can't do the top panel in 2016

6'5 is too tall. Don't act like you're normal, you fucking giraffe.

Preach, nigga

I really don't get it. The majority of boys played video games at least a little bit when I was a kid.

They just wouldn't obsess about it like autistic spergs.

What the fuck even happened in 2014? It's like the Pepe meme has gone from just being the "sadfrog.jpg" reaction image that only people on Sup Forums gave a shit about, to now where everyone on the Internet is obsessed with it, there's a million Pepe "variations", and it became a part of American politics.

>autism also don't even realize that Pokemon go isn't a thing anymore because they don't go outside

let me give you the full timeline
>November 2014: Katy Perry tweets an image of Pepe. /r9k/ starts chimping the fuck out and devises a plan to 'get Pepe back'
>December 2014: Poo Poo Pee Pee images start getting made and spammed with the idea of grossing people out, all it did was make them laugh at how ridiculous the pictures are
>January-February 2015: REEEE NORMIES GET OUT and its like are made, again, all this does is make normal people laugh at it and use Pepe even more
>March 2015: The end. The rare Pepe meme is coined and spreads like a virus. /r9k/ peaks in its creation of abstract Pepe images that the internet at large adores and adopts. Pepe has gone completely mainstream at this point, /r9k/ is baffled as to how this happened
In short, /r9k/ is full of autistic failures.

>some image macro spreads on Sup Forums
>normies or underage idiots find it
>now spread on other sites
>becomes meme
>Sup Forums now hates it

I bet it's the creator of that quote that's circulating this version. I mean come on, this is sad, autistic and pathetic. Why would someone care so much to write a wall of text like that? This person is worse than the girls this memegraphic is portraying speaking of it, it is actually true, by the way. Girls don't play games, they browse facebook all day, talk behind their friends' backs, complain how they have shitty jobs/how they cannot get a job because their sociology/arts/psychology/philosophy degree they spent shitload of money and time on does not guarantee them 100k a year job, blaming men for it. All day, every day. Girls don't have hobbies besides facebook, makeup and alcohol. Men at least have some meaningful hobbies.

>he thinks people still play pokemon go
>he thinks normies actually played that shit even when it was popular

fucking lol

You put something on the internet, it gets known, people repost it.

And you wonder how could it possibly become known and spill out into real life matters. How old are you, son?

You sound really bitter, user.

>while posting a reaction image from a comic made by a girl
lol nigger

>thinkpad emulatin old games on linux

FUck this is literally me

I kinda am, because reality makes you bitter. You either become bitter and cynic or you fight it with sarcasm and snarking. You can live in denial and pretend to be happy, too.

That has to be the worst backfiring of a plan I've ever seen.

The thing about this that baffles me is the fact that "sadfrog.jpg" has been around for ages, but it was only in 2014 when it really went mainstream, and the fact that everyone got obsessed with it.

I'm pretty good at profiling users. My dream would be to do a documentary or case study of the NEET's that browse /jp/ or /r9k/.

>being nostalgic over 2006

Jesus goddamn.

A common symptom of autism is lack of empathy towards other people.

>waaaah girls are responsible for my shortcomings

Eat shit fag, you can't blame us for your insecurities. You are the bottom rung and I laugh every time I see deluded permavirgins autistically screeching how you have a deep understanding of a gender that won't even breathe in your direction you unwashed, greasy fuck.

2006 was a decade ago, user.

That's because she is one of few girls that I actually respect for what she is doing. She at least is doing what she likes, has a husband she loves, has a nice hobby.

Anything else, frogposting cancer ridden closet redditer uncircumcised self-fellating virgin gook?

>release no games
>sells 50 million

this is what happened

I get nostalgic over 2011.

smartphones and social media ruined everything

I turned down a date to play more videogames

Women are fucking boring and useless, I daresay, an aggressive waste of my time

its an image about how females relate to vidya, not how they relate to (you). I'm not defending the picture but the guy who made the edit missed the point. just change girls to normies and "lol look at the loser and his videogames!" to "videogames? aren't those for kids?

But Im not going to pretend that girls didn't gentrify the fuck out of vidya games

I've never thought of that before.

You forgot something
>2016: Pepe is labeled as a symbol of white supremacy

And movies were actually movies and not video games. Weird how that worked out.

>sells 100 million
>only has wii sports
why is this allowed?

Oh seriously? What deep understanding of your gender? There's nothing to understand about you, you're empty and dull.

All it takes to fuck a girl is to get drunk, take cocaine/mdma/whatever party drug and go clubbing. Boom, you wake up with a naked woman at your side.

Most of the people I know who think that women are inferior are far from being virgins. Hell, guys who get laid the most have absolutely no respect for girls as human beings. Do you seriously think that "friends with benefits" is such a popular thing without a reason? It exists so men can fuck a girl without having to talk about all the dumb stuff you gullible fucks come up with. Muh love, muh relationship.

Don't think that women are in any way valuable just because some losers can't get laid

t. man who got laid on last friday night

I must have hit too close to home for you, did I? Truth hurts, eh?

Nothing you called me is accurate. I do share your hate for permavirgin butthurting shitters you see around, but my observations that I presented in my post still stand. Are you going to deny everything that I said?

fuck off you boring attention whore, you can't even go 1 sentence without mentioning that you're a girl. Nice way to defy the stereotype

Why do you all fall for such obvious bait

>Implying it is not like that

Normies were a mistake.

but seriously the wii library had a lot of good games, which were all released in time and not 9 year after they were announced

I suppose that bit about insecurities is actually pretty accurate. Not everything can be blamed on girls to be fair.

Wtf happened in 2007?

I realised it was bait halfway through my post but finished it anyway because I couldnt be arsed to delete it


The Bing Bang Theory.

Because I'm bored, honestly. There aren't that many people who fall for the baits unwittingly, most of the people actually do it out of boredom.

Because "falling" for bait sometimes leads to an interesting discussion.


People turned 16-17 and became cynical.

>speaking of it, it is actually true, by the way. Annons don't play games, they browse Sup Forums all day, talk behind their friends' backs, complain how they have shitty jobs/how they cannot get a job because the autism/anime/psychology/philosophy they spent shitload of money and time on does guarantees that they 100k a year gf, blaming normies for it. All day, every day. Annons don't have hobbies besides Sup Forums, self-loathing and alcohol. Normies at least have some meaningful hobbies.


>Started going on Sup Forums in 2010
>tfw been on this site for nearly 7 years already

I know I'm an eternal newfag, but it still worries me how fast the 2010's have been going for me. Is time supposed to go at a million miles an hour when you become an adult?

The fuck do those have to do with anything? Ones a shitty show the other is a smartphone.

Can someone please post that chart of all the things that happened in 2007?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

>smarthphones-->normies go digital
>TBBT-->normies go nerd

Best year, all eras.

>guitar hero 3
>halo 3
>Team Fortress 2
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Wii Momentum year

>normies go nerd
That's a good thing though. They get to enjoy what we enjoy

>They get to change what we enjoyed to better suit them

t. normie
get off my board

Let me rephrase that:
>normies go "nerd"

>...they spent shitload of money and time on guarantees that they never get a gf

proofreading before you post is like wiping your ass before you shit

This. Casuals took the market, market responded by making media for them, the rest is history.

>They get to enjoy what we enjoy
If only they truly enjoyed it rather than becoming posers and then changing what we enjoyed

On the bright side, now I can go outside with a Star wars shirt without being called nerd, but at what cost




Yeah but only rich kids and businessmen had them

fuck off angry gamer girl