Fio is best girl.
This is the longest final mission in all Metal Slug. Things just get crazier and crazier
The game is as long as any other MS. they just made mission 3 and mission 4 (pyramid path) shorter and dropped the 6th mission, which should have been the last mission.
Lol what is this garbage? Looks like something out of you average flash game site
>Final mission is longer than all other missions combined.
The metal slug which I've seen on the arcades all the time is the best one. Was 2 or X~. Anyone else feels it got pretty crappy towards the end with the aliens?
I think it was Metal Slug 6 that had you, the bad guys, and the aliens fighting another group of badder aliens by the end. I thought that was cool.
2,X, and 3 are still best though.
MS6 sucks but the mission that you say is really good.
Contra > Metal Slug.
even if, what's the purpose of that comparison?
You forgot to include the music
You clearly forgot the music OP
>Last mission
>Allen hasn't shown up, he clearly is not in this game
>The second boss from the first game returns and motherfucking Allen is on board
>yfw you finally get out of the ship and the Martian leader pops up out of nowhere to murder you
what's his problem
>>The second boss from the first game returns and motherfucking Allen is on board
Which one? The railway gun or the bomber?
How well does the PS2 version of Metal Slug Anthology run on the PS4?
>taking the helicopter
>unironically posting indie pixelshit
Can you even run PS2 games on the ps4?
>indie pixelshit will never even try to replicate this kind of fast-paced action and the only ones with art that even tries to get close will be doing fantasy-styled slow paced bullshit for casuals and pc players
it hurts
Yeah, the PS2 Classics.
Metal Slug Anthology is on there and I was considering picking it up to play local co-op.
How does he have infinite arms? Wouldn't they eventually make him incapable of piloting a helicopter?
>TFW fighting alongside the Rebel Army
Literally best feel
Metal Slug 3's final mission is still probably the most balls the wall ending I've ever played in a game. Only thing that really comes close is EBA and even then that's only if you count both songs together.
Nah Eri is the best MS though I use Marco whenever I can't use her
Don't question the Tarma.
he only needs two to pilot the helicopter, the rest can do whatever
>bought this for Xbox back when it was expensive as fuck even used
>through practice, finally get to the Final Mission on 1 credit
>always die after boarding the ship because of the sheer length of the mission combined with lack of experience on that part and choking as a result
>because it's the Xbox version, continuing throws you ALL THE WAY BACK to the beginning
>spirit gets crushed from going through all that shit for nothing every time
>ywn unlock Fat Island because you can't git gud enough
Feels batman.
Get out underage
>There will never be another metal slug, and there will never be a sprite work as good in the future, only in the past
Why even live, the game had so much charm.
>SNK could never top MSX and MS3.
I just played MSXX and it was pretty meh, using the Ikari Warriors was fun though.
Reminder that Metal slug 3d happened
we don't talk about that one.
If anything, they should return with the army from MS5. It had so much potential, the rebels got kinda repetitive after MS3.
Imagine MS5 on steoreids, that would be amazing.
What is your favorite theme from MS3?
It's Into The Cosmos, that's what.
the magic lantern is breddy gud
>Imagine MS5 but finished
It runs fine most of the time. There's slowdown at times, but I think that might have been on the originals too? Also, it takes a second to load when selecting characters after hitting "start" to use a continue. This isn't really a big deal, but one time it sat there and froze and I had to restart the game. That only happened one time out of the possibly hundreds of deaths that I had spanning the seven games so it shouldn't happen too often.
I haven't played the originals before or even the anthology on the PS2 itself so I'm not sure if it would be considered bad, but I think it is fine for the most part. Also there's a few added basic trophies.
Then just play MS5 Elite.
Reply to this post if you have ever been on the top of the high scores on a public Metal Slug arcade cabinet
Yeah, thought not
I have been
i did after only reaching the boss of level 2 in MS4. if you live in a place where everyone sucks at the game its not too hard
I did. but nobody played Metal Slug. everyone played KoF98 and MvC2
Your face when
1: You're the bad guys
2: He's just doing his job
3: He has to kill you to save his family
Allen's game when
>He has to kill you to save his family
he's a pretty happy guy for somebody in a situation like that
Well I always feel happy when I've got a clear way to solve a problem.
Why wouldn't he?
good point