Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm busy at EVE Online.

>make substanceless moba like everyone else is
>bank it all on becoming "flavor of the month", just once
>never become flavor of the month

Does it have actual gameplay

Game was a fucking mess, all clunky and shitty.
That was on Alpha

Apparently they just overhauled everything not long ago. I may try it again someday after DOTA2 dies with this patch.

It's 100% gameplay. Even the trailers for it are actual gameplay.

You're right, it does have graphics. It's a shame the game is fucking shit though.



It's just another MOBA. The only difference is that this one is in third person and feels 10x slower and clunkier than the others.


They drastically sped the game up on Tuesday with a new smaller map, faster base movement, health nerfs and shorter cooldowns.

But it's still a MOBA.

Still slow

Have you played it since Monolith dropped? The top complaint among the fanbase is that it's now too fast.

Did they not speed it up yet. I heard the latest update basically made it another game.

I like and enjoy Paragon, but unfortunately I have to agree on this, mobas are objectively shit, at least in their current form. Still, this is the most enjoyable out there imo.

Oh, and to the guy making these threads, fuck you. You're obviously either a shill or a baiter and hurt the game more than you help. At least put an effort into it.

>fix fault by creating a new fault
>p-please play my game

I enjoy the new game a lot but fuck me sideways people are retarded. No one jungles any more and no one knows what the fuck an offlane is or what kind of hero fits there.

Wana post an example of what's fast then? Cuz some characters in paragon right now litterally have 5 sec CD on leaps.


No thanks.

I got people who know how to off lane but jungle right now is sooooo weak. It provides to little card power. So most jungles hit up a camp or 2 then gank and help lanes.

The speed is good now, it's just idiots who can't deal with change hating on it. The only real issue for me currently is that the new map is ugly as fuck, since they introduced it in a quite early development stage. I hope they make it look better soon. I would also like them to reintroduce some unique mechanics they dropped previously to make game more interesting, but I wouldn't count on that.
Also this It's like those morons didn't even care enough to learn the basics of the game, which are by the way reminded to them on a loading screen before every fucking match. But the core gameplay is quite good for a moba now, you should just always try to play with a team of friends.

So, since this time there seem to be people here who actually play the game, who do you main?
Are you also mad about the fucking chests?

Chest can be opened completely free. So no I could care less.
Also mains
Mid: gogo gadget girl
Off: crunch I like to fucking punch
Safe lane carry: twin he's mother fucking back blast
Safe land supp: the fey. I like her.
Jung: I don't jungle.

Almost finished mastering Khaimera so I can be done with him and playing Countess (badly) on the side. Will move onto Crunch next since all the scrubs dropped him.

I'm not mad about the loot crates since it seems you can get skins in daily rewards now and by tomorrow I'll have all the cards (I'm only 5 short). The only way they could really fuck it up is if they make crate-exclusive cards, which I doubt they will do.

>Why aren't you playing

Where do you think you are?

Why does this game look nothing like the screenshots I see? Looks like there is vaseline all over the screen, it's blurry as fuck.

>Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

Good lord man, get some new material. Is this all you can say?

>low settings

Game is shit anyways.

graphics are nice, too bad the game is shit

Looks like you didn't slide the render res to 100%.

Because new map is early stage shit. The old one actually looked nicely.

I never play MOBAs, so I don't understand the main mechanics of the genre. What should I be doing as Countess?

Nope I have it set to native fullscreen, 1920x1080, 3d res 1920x1080 and it's blurred as fuck, this is why I deleted it last time and it's still the same.

Mobas are NEVER good.

Sucks because they generally have some really neat character designs that go to waste

You did yourself a service anyways.

Roam the map looking for easy kills. In team fights focus on taking down their damage dealer(especially ranged ones) and squishy heroes in general. While not hunting for kills jungle or help at the lanes. Just remember that teamwork is always most important, don't be a cancer chasing after kills while the enemies are attacking your towers/inhibs/teammates and there is no one other to help them.

Fuck off. The only moba worth playing is dota and that got ruined for me by peruvians, turbo spergs, and icetoad fucking with my heroes. I'm over the fad completely

Don't believe the bullshots, this is how it really looks. Blurry bullcrap.

reminder that this dude has posted this thread like once every day for the past 200 days


Start in offlane (left) and play very cautiously, poaching last hits with Q (Square), going for gank when you get ult. When able to, clear 5-stacked jungle camps with E / RMB (Circle, R1). Go for ganks on the squishiest heroes, especially ranged carries. Build only damage and mana and blink; DO NOT invest ANYTHING into attack speed, crit, or lifesteal since she's all about her abilities.

Does he get paid to shill a free to play game or does he do it for free?

This is Sup Forums it's full of shills, Square Enix adn blizz has shills that post here and other places all fucking day.

Still looks 10x better than any other moba on the market desu. Also this

game is shit. graphics doesn't make up for the gameplay

might as well play smite and get terminal aids

But I am playing, shits a lot of fun.


I wish MOBAs would just die already.

The point is that it does not look like the pictures they are posting.

>he's no good at pvp
>he can't handle a 1v1
>he's no good at team fights
>babby needs a pve moba to soothe his lack of skill

Fuck outta here shitter.

Don't roam the map unless you can ensure a kill.
Avoid 1v1 confrontation unless you have your ult or a major HP advantage you will lose any auto attack fight.
Build damage and mana lot of fucking mana.
Play mid and earn card power.
Once you hit mid game you should be able to out clear almost everyone and delete squishy characters in 1 sec flat.

Because I finally figured out how to go fast in Warframe and that also has actual graphics

I don't know what's wrong with your computer but all the screens I've ever posted in these threads, including this one, I've taken myself, in-game, no tweaks.

like I'm sure u heard. The new map is in its alpha of alpha stages.
Works fine on my rig.
Infact even ps4 looks better than ur shit comp.

You know, these daily threads have completely convinced me to never under any circumstances play, or even install, Paladins. Even though I can't play Overwatch because I'm banned from BNet and all Blizzard online games forever.

You could have at least post something from the old map if you want to make a point.
>This fucking tree stuck right inside of the rock
They have a lot of work to do with the new one before it will actually look good.


What'd ya do?

The point is that it renders just fine unlike his rig.

They've said they haven't yet done an art pass on the new map and that it's presently in the "block-out" stage. Still better than anything else in the genre by far.

If there's anything actually keeping me from playing Paragon, it's seeing these constant threads shilling the fucking game. Are mods even doing anything about it?

Nothing wrong with my computer.

There are already games with even better actual graphics.

Refused to tell them my IRL name back in 2009, when they went nuts demanding an end to online anonymity.

What sucks is that I didn't even realize I was permabanned until I tried to install Diablo 3.

Post an ingame screenshot with characters and UI visible where the graphics look as crisp as the OP image.

That happened to me

they wanted me to send a picture of my fucking driver's license to unlock my account

holy shit that hud is horrible. gotta love console ports to shit things up

>double health bars

Happened to a lot of people, which is probably why Path of Exile is still in business.

I can run anything else fine, zero problems with doom on highest settings.

Here are the ingame settings, I recently did fresh install of windows when I added a new chard. It looked shit before, looks shit now.

I was going to, but then you had to obnoxiously shill it and I lost interest.

So what nigger? Movas are one of the best gaming genres ever. LoL and Dota2 are two of the biggest and best and most fun PC exclusives ever made and they are still dominating after all these years. Stay mad

Everyone who isn't a spaz disables health over head immediately. It's not a console port; PC is the lead platform and vanilla PS4 runs with many effects disabled.

No, they just aren't enjoyable unless I play it with friends. Awful communites, barely any depth, and every game is on the same map, with the same meta.

I'll never understand how people can constantly play these types of games.

It's more accurate to say LoL and dota are just some of the most played games in general. Mobas outside of that tend to be absolute shit. They're pretty much the exceptions to the rule.

They get deleted almost everytime .
But this one is allowed to live for whatever reason.
I'm okay with that cuz I actually wanted to talk about the game for once.

>it was made on pc first!
>soon ported to ps4

Console was on mind in the first place buddy. just like D3

The fact the game is on consoles does not make the PC version a console port. It's very well optimized and I pull 150FPS+ maxed out on a 1070.

>shilling the game on high res bullshots
>actual game looks fucking awful

Whats the point? people will download it and then uninstall..

They're not bullshots. The game actually looks like that if you have a capable computer.

Other than particle and blur I don't think ps4 is missing too much.

See? You're doing it again, bullshots.

Post ingame pictures with UI not models like that.

On the new map I've pretty much only played support or carry. Been using Twinblast and Narbash.

not enough game. played the beta and the launch week . i know they fixed the map but the game is seriously behind in times trying to hide runes behind rng card system.

if they went more dota less lol they would have had something. i like the new drummer orc he was the best addition to the game

Most of the screens he's taking are from the dynamic camera in replays.
No models have been ripped from the game yet.

Yeah the main issue I have with these games is that they'd actually be fun to play if you were allowed to be creative and weren't so predictable in that every time you win your opponents ask you to report their teammates.

They statistically lose half their matches due to matchmaking yet they still can't mentally handle losing.

You never make new friends or really do enjoyable shit since everyone in the community is on edge 24/7.

kek, looks better on my fucking PS4 user.
when i played the PC version it looked shit because the resolution scaling was messed up.
check if your resolution scaling is set to your actual resolution.
the game likes stopping you from accessing the right res

Those are pre-rendered, the game simply does not look that sharp at all.

The fact he hasn't posted one actual ingame screenshot says it all.

It won't be RNG come Tuesday.

cause I'm playing a better moba Gigantic


please subscribe to this channel he is my friend and he will be so surprised


Why don't people just look up the 4k gameplay on PC on YouTube instead of arguing here?

pity it looks like shit running on 1920x1080

These are taken in-engine using the free drone camera in the replay viewer. Taking screenshots with the HUD on is trashy so I didn't do that.

You can reverse-search the images and find zero sources outside of Sup Forums. I took them myself, in the game, rendering in real-time. These are actual graphics.

>i-i can't run 4k so its shit

>can't run game on highest graphics
>"why does it look so shit!?"
PC gaming everybody...