But league is a fun game guys!

but league is a fun game guys!



Maybe you should get good.

>Wireless internet
>IE and Chrome
>Plays LoL
>Cries about losing on Sup Forums

Kill yourself you 15 year old faggot.

I don't think there's anyone on the planet that isn't some MLG pro league blowhard that seriously thinks League is fun

you forgot
>not Ublock

id throat fuck you, keyboard warrior



Why play ranked if your bad at it?

>ironic memename
Cancer in the purest form

I left league of shitters because it was either too easy or you lost because of your teammates

Here's my only screenshot for it.

Holy fucking edgy 13 year old detected. Play a real game, pussy.


Just play dota you faggot.

>Suck at videogame.
>Why isn't it fun?

The fuck are you niggering about pay to win?

League is probably the best F2P format ever released.

its literally not pay to win in every form

Not having every hero is a severe disadvantage, and is a broken system. Avoid every game that sells you heroes.

>League is probably the best F2P format ever released.
Then why does DOTA 2 do it way better?
Not having all characters unlocked puts you at an extreme disadvantage. Want to counterpick characters because of a specific matchup? Can't. Gotta grind out 6300 IP do get your characters.
Wanna be a more diverse player and expand your roster so you can be prepared for any situation? Can't. Gotta grind out 6300 IP per character.

I don't even like MOBA games, but you're just objectively wrong. It's an awful free to play model, and the only reason it's successful is due to crazy marketing, and the fact that that turd runs on almost any machine you put it on.


op truly is a huge faggot. probably a canadian


>More deaths than kills
>Complains about losses

bloody hell mate

your builds are shit, so there's that

>Not having every hero is a severe disadvantage, and is a broken system.
damn youre dumb kid. most players who actually try to be good concentrate on 1 role and play maybe 3-4 champions

i have never seen autism so strong

What I hate about league is that I keep getting banned just because I tell my teammates to stop being 'monkey fuckers'

Nice samefag, op.

where's the fun in playing 3-4 champions
also that's not true, considering you need to be able to play at least 2 roles and 3-4 champions aren't enough to cover the majority of situations

There's not even a debate though.

One game only sell you cosmetics and shit having absolutely 0 impact on gameplay.

Another game is selling you access to core gameplay mechanics.

I wonder which model is the best?

Even Riot themselves know that DOTA model is superior for consumers, but they don't give a fuck anyway they make more money that way.

yeah its not like they rotate free champions or anything

not in ranked they don't retard

>can't play them in ranked
>can't actually get good on them since you can only play them for a week
nice try kid

unless your playing against bots getting IP is not hard, just stop

>windows 10
Really nigger

then buy some with IP, if you dont have enough IP to fill out some rune pages and buy some champs you need to stay the fuck out of ranked

>Almost all negative kda
>Under 200 cs in 40 min matches
>Those builds
>What are trinkets

What the actual fuck. What rank are you?

But no seriously how can anyone still be this bad after reaching lvl 30.

do you need to win to have fun?

>literally 2017
>stock, bloated firefox
>firefox at all
>ABP instead of uBlockO
>outdated OS
>having more than 2 programs pinned on taskbar
>thick taskbar
>3 browsers

then play in unranked and save ip faggot

>stay dumb shit anybody above bronze 5 knows
>get called on it several time because its dumb
>urr durr samefag

some people like myself find their fun in practicing with few champs and being very good with that tiny pool of champion instead of having variety and sucking with everybody

you can cover most situation with 4 champ and when theyre not optimal you usually compensate with the fact that youre very good with those champ.

That's the underlying problem user. You shouldn't have to grind for runes in order to play ranked and not be a detriment to your team.

>FWOTD gives you around 300 ip
>every win after gives around 80-120 ip
>most characteres cost around 6300
>games last around 40 minutes each
>this means that you need to spend around 40 hours to get 1 character

and your solution is to pay money for character
you obviously don't understand the argument we're trying to have here.

Wood Elo

I said IP your fucking spastic homo

IP is awarded for just playing a game, and you get a boost for playing with friends.

RP cost money

Just kill yourself dumb fuck

>"meme" in his username
>Windows 8 (or 10?)
>Year/month/day or year/day/month


i have 3 level 30 accounts and even i don't understand how anyone can defend this, dota gives me access to all the characters that i want, league just locks that access behind a grindwall

just because you don't mind only playing with a few champions doesn't mean the system isn't worse, it clearly is, since many people do want to play with all the champions

Underage detected.
If you believe that not having every Hero is not a competitive disadvantage you're retarded.

>oh wait there are literally hundreds of characters in this game
>better start coughing up some cash if you wanna stay competitive!

>just because you don't mind only playing with a few champions doesn't mean the system isn't worse, it clearly is, since many people do want to play with all the champions
yes but that doesnt impact the balance or the fairness of the ladder that only impact your preference

what some other fag was trying to say was that >League is probably the best F2P format ever released
which is clearly wrong, dota is better



The best thing about being d1 euw player is coming to Sup Forums and see how anally anguished all these low elo shitters and banned kids are, making excuses for why they suck at the game. LoL is not dota2, it isn't balanced around counterpicks, it is balanced around player mechanical skill and individual champion mastery. I only play 4 champs and I am d1. Stay garbage niggers.

>all this same faggoting

sounds like your anus has been btfo

I honestly can't believe people defend not having all the characters unlocked in a game that is based around character matchups and strategy (also one of the most played games ever)

Shills. Why do you constantly shove shit down your gullet? Is it because your computer can't play other games? Is that why you're in 720p?

whats funny is this kid is probably serious and he thinks anyone aside teenagers or women play LoL or would care about u being d1

stay trash retard

]>he thinks d1 isn't low elo
lmaoing at ur life kid

i thought the debate was on ''is league pay to win''

reddit is down the hall and to the left

>reddit reject trying to live vicariously through other posters

go fuck yourself

go play shitty games and get mad

Just give up stop shilling league OP. Play whatever you want but we're entitled to Judge and have our own opinions.

Triggered nigger, make more excuses for why you are shit.

D1 is high elo and I will be master tier this season when I play it hardcore again, but atm I have other important stuff to do, I just play once a while to prevent elo decay.

you went negative in every game except one

>high elo
>he actually thinks he's good at this game

hey don't just settle for master tier, maybe next season a team will scout you and pick you up :^)

your right, then you have assblasted faggots like this guy crying their eyes out because they suck obvious shit at the game

Nah, pro scene is rigged and the pay is not worth the effort. I just play League for fun, not as a job. Dominating trash and getting high elo season after season is just a bonus. Low elo shitters even gift me skins and 16 years old girls and 30 year old women playing support soraka and nami always suck up to me, it is fucking hillarious. Stay triggered nigger, not everyone can be good at multi-player games.

>d1 is the top 5% of all players in a region
>he thinks this isnt high elo
>top kek

Nice build on Ashe and Jhin

i pointed out that i literally do not play mobas in a previous post

people tried presenting arguments to you in a well thought out, organized post and you sperged the fuck out

stop posting any time

actually it's much less than top 5%, more like top 1~%
nevertheless, ask literally any high master/challenger player what they think of d1 players and if they consider them to be "high elo"

>playing team based ranked games with randoms
why would you do that?


>playing league when hots and dota 2 exist

LoL and Dota2 are good games with different design philosophies for different playstyles.

HotS is utter garbage, fuck off nigger, Blizzard hasn't made a good game in over half of a decade. I can't wait till Crestall is done so I can play high quality vanilla again.

>download dota
>have instant access to every single hero in the game at no cost

>download league of legends
>either pay gorillion shekels to buy some decent roster or grind riot shekels until the end of fucking time
>i t..totally dont need all of these champions guys i swear! hehe these dotards wanting to deal with burden of knowledge consisting of 100 heroes thrown at them from beginning

HotS is the good casual moba, Dota 2 is the good "hardcore" moba, League is a casual wannabe hardcore moba for edgy teenagers

Literally what's wrong with firefox.
I cant be bothered with fixing meme simplified chrome.

It still impacts as you´ll have to grind your ass on runepages and runes, and don´t say you dont need em neither you assnigger

Dota2 is the good moba for more strategy focused gamers who prefer hard counter balancing.

LoL is the good moba for gamers who prefer more focus on mechanical skill and individual champion mastery with outplay and jukes gameplay.

HotS is utter garbage and a failed game for blizzcucks.

>mechanical skill

>focus on mechanical skill
Nigga it has no denies, no pulling, no game changing items like blink, no creep aggro, no little tricks like fucking with your enemy lasthits with basilius/aquila toggling literally fucking nothing when compared to dota.
>but muh cute girls with skillshots XD

>4 buttons
>mechanical skill
>little to no advanced techniques on characters other than lee sin
>no items that do anything other than flat stats, or passives

I'd honestly love to play Lee Sin if he was a lizard like his clone in Dawngate.

Journal of Justice
Basically league´s lore which was really good., but is unofficial because riot are faggots and went with generic stupid shit that they are probably going to sell at some point

>League is probably the best F2P format ever released.
Only a League player would say something this mind numbingly ignorant.

LoL takes more mechanical skill than dota2.

There is denying by all inning them and killing them. Unlike dota2 there is significant kill pressure early game and last hitting is risky.

LoL has more skill shots and aiming and animation cancling than dota2. 40% of dota2 abilities are passive abilities.

I don't get why you dota2 players always get so insecure and triggered when these facts are mentioned. I didn't say dota2 is a bad game, I think it is a good game just like LoL but they have different design philosopies and focus on different style of gameplay and balance. I prefer LoL because it is more about mechanics, flashy outplays and more arcady, but I still respect dota2. Grow up lads.

It's stockholm syndrome

God forbid a company tries to make money, right?

I'd take League's IP grind over the repulsive cancer that is Dota's random cosmetics and steam marketplace any day.

If Riot wanted to make money, they should do Smite's way of selling cosmetics where you could at least get a chroma or basic skin for every champ you have with IP.

>There is denying by all inning them and killing them
Then why the fuck pro lol games often end with 5-10 kills.
>flash trough wall
>dude such skill wow
You're delusional lolbaby, lol will never require bigger amount of skill than dota because core mechanics are inferior and m saying this as someone who quit in season 2 despite being occasionally matched with pros and popular streamers in ranked games.

>company earning money by fucking customers out of content
>good goy still shill for riot
i will never understand this, dota is not free because of charity either but you get acess to every hero and its player dont have to make shitty excuses like "but i only play 5 champs anyway XD"
maybe you will stop being so naive after pendragon bans you for randoming in ranked game assuming that still possible

I don't think it's morally wrong to charge for content
Especially when a free alternative means of acquisition is available
I can't see how this is an extreme view

On the other hand, I find the randomness inherent in Dota2's cosmetics to be particularly distasteful and exploitative of its own playerbase. I avoid all similar games - tf2, csgo - for the same reason. It is not morally reasonable to use artificial scarcity to jack up item prices to absurd levels, especially when half the paid cosmetics were made by volunteers in the workshop to begin with.

>LoL because it is more about mechanics, flashy outplays and more arcady
>he thinks farming for 30 minutes is arcady
>he thinks pressing flash and all-inning an opponent after they've used their abilities is flashy
>he thinks stutter-stepping is an advanced technique that's super difficult



Season 2 had low mechanical skill cap. The champs and reworks that came in s3 and onwards made the game more mechanically skill based. You don't know what you are talking about. S1 and S2 were dogshit. S3 and S4 were amazing. S5 was meh. S6 was the worst season because of dynamic queue.

Don't know why you play like that. I don't, I play the map and that is why I am d1. I farm champions, not minions. Go assassins & slayers or go home.

any game devs that intentionally surround themselves with the rejects of industry, i.e. Ghostcrawler and Anthony fucking Burch can be assumed to be rejects themselves

league is fun
1 in 500 matches, that is

League is a shit game, only acceptable mode is aram because it doesn' try to pretend it's balanced.

it'd be better if retards didn't make accounts with certain champs to have an inherit advantage, but it's still fun

>all the anally anguished LoL haters on Sup Forums are literally low elo shitters or banned or aram players; the laughing stock of the high elo league community

Like pottery

When a game is balanced around the lower end, it should be expected that they'll be whiny and act entitled about their opinions mattering, it's called the burden of being a popular game