Ywn impregnate her

>ywn impregnate her
why live?

why is she so qt?

What game

Until dawn, but Ashley was nowhere near best girl

I prefer Sam.

Until Dawn

It's actually a movie.

>trying to get in the way of best ship

Colossal dork and lifetime bro Chris gets to hit that regularly, and that's all I need.

How did her towel not fall off?

Make way for the real best girl


That bitch is fugly.

> people unironically like worst girl

She was a manipulative backstabbing bitch who was just pretending to be the nice one. She would throw literally everybody under the bus if it meant she survived.

It's odd how the actress looks better in the game than irl.

Jesus Christ, how ugly is this actress?

This. Ashley was a cunt.

I know. Her irl actress is a fucking stacey cheerleader sorority pres who looks 10 years older
I know she's terrible but she's just so qt more than any girl ever

He saved Ashley over Josh.

He was willing to kill himself than shoot Ashley.

>not opting for punished Jessica
Awful taste lads, just awful.

This post is a little too /r9k/ for me

Can you save the blonde girl?

This. Damaged Jessica really is top tier.

And that worries me that I see a brutalized woman as top tier but I do.

>impregnating a sociopath
shiggy diggy goo

You can save everyone although Mr. Robot guy is only technically saved

And you can also get everyone killed.

Sam was best.

Good game actually, from a studio who hasn't even tried a game like this before, and does it better than Telltale in every regard.

Done 3 playthroughs (First for anything goes, then saved them all, and then killed them all) and Platinum'd it.

>Good game actually,


how can you bear the walking sections 3 times all the way through? I shouldn't even have played this desu I hate horror movies

I also wanted to do this but there is no way to skip cinematics that I've already seen, I eventually gave up.

Fine, cinematic cancer. Still enjoyed it.

Well I played it once with mates which was a pretty fun night, few drinks etc, and then twice on my own.

If I get a game on GOG, can I save it on flash drive or something and install it on how many different computers I want or is it assigned to my computer?

She looks like that goblin from DAI

Emily has the most fuckable face/voice and I don't even like Asians.

The most punchable face/voice you mean? I'm sure the modelling was off with her, because her actor doesn't match really.

>Matt got killed in my playthrough so far
Kinda wanna restart to see if I can save him desu.

Nah, for me, there's something about Emily that really gets my blood going. I may just want to facially abuse her.

best hatefuck