Who here /literallyinlovewithWidowmaker/?

Who here /literallyinlovewithWidowmaker/?

She is so beautiful...

what part about her do you love the most???

>mfw had a dream I got ntred by Widow
>mfw I ended up with Tracer and Sombra instead.

You fuckers nearly ruined my dream with all your cuck speech.

Because the artist designed her to have all the features that a wide number of people like

Her voice.

Pretty good choice, but I like someone else better.

Pharah and Ana are way cuter.
Brown girls > weird purple bitches > white girls > asians

She is the most boring and dull character in both design and personality.

>fucked up spine
I'll pass.

Why is she purple? Humans aren't purple.

And I swear to god, if you make a Willy Wonka joke...

not really, it's hard to consider the shallow OW characters waifu material

Silly thread

i say that goes to like princess peach or something

Her butt

Symmetra is the one I've fapped to the most.


how does widowmaker hide that huge horse cock in her skintight suit?

Why is Sombra an offense character?

I meant, within the realm of Overwatch, she is the most forgettable. I mean shit, I forget that she even exists as a character most of the time. All the other characters are more interesting in design, character, and ingame. Along with her general uninterestingness, I can't remember a single time where I smiled after watching someone pick Widowmaker, because she is always ass.

She, like Pharah but to an infinitely more severe extent, feels like a character that didn't belong in the game but was added due to mass fan appeal and were dumbed down as a result.

shes a real pro

I want Widowmaker's butt on my face

i think this is mostly cause shes not too useful in the meta right now. maybe someday though.

I'd say Pharah is the most boring character. What else is there to her other than MUH DUTY.

>What else is there to her other than MUH DUTY?
Her autism ;)

A design focus that didn't try to resort to tits and ass for appeal. Widowmaker's design didn't even revolve around tits and ass, they just had it. If you're going to include something in a design, you work with it, make it part of the character. Pic related.

Being Egyptian Samus?

A deals a deal!

this thread just made me go fap to that sfm video where widowmaker mouth fucks upside down tracer. any1 else? it's my most watched OW porn video, wish there was more of futa widow

From what I recall, she was brainwashed and her heartrate was slowed down (causing the purpleness of her skin hue) to help her with her killing effectiveness.

That one is great. Have you watched Sins of the Mistress? Its futa Widow on Tracer(with some other characters). Tries being 2deep4you shit though.

Her husband.

she became a beautiful blueberry

she has a husband?

She did :^)

And he was literallytumblr4her right up until he was murdered in his sleep.

HAD a husband

So in love that I get reported for playing her in that shit game because she's not meta enough

i'd berry my dick so deep inside that ass, that the man who could pull me out would be crowned the king of england

If you like any of the overwatch characters, then you're a mentally deficent child who fell for blizzard's manufactured "fun" pile of shit game. Every female in it is made so that you can jerk off to it and they have absolutely no redeeming qualities, nor can they be raised above that.

>people can report you for playing the character you want
What the fuck?