Why is this game so overrated? It's not bad but it certainly didn't deserve GOTY

Why is this game so overrated? It's not bad but it certainly didn't deserve GOTY.


This. Blizzard can put out anything and their legion of drones will defend/hype it to high heaven.

But overwatch is my first blizzard game, i like it and still play it

There weren't many games released in 2016 and overwatch was by a huge margin the most popular and widely received. Like really what other options were there?

Dark Souls 3, maybe, but its hard to get goty when the game's not even better than the ones that game out before it. The same goes for final fantasy, deus ex, the division, doom, farcry, etc. This was the year of milking old franchises for every last cent they have left

DOOM was the best game this year, it should have won GOTY

hard to be really bad at
vibrant roster
extremely well polished

Memes. Reddit loves memes.

Blizzard and sfm porn

its extremely easy to be bad at the game, its just that you're guaranteed to at least get a kill every ultimate. The teams with the worst players tend to lose though.

The concept of cooldown management is really easy for RTS/RPG/MMO players to grasp, but for people who strictly play FPS its a little foreign and seems gimmicky. When they use their cooldowns wrong and get beat in the long run, they think its "cheap", when really they just made a strategic error and deserve to lose.

Guess I kind of agree. Maybe.

This plus pandering to normalfags. Just look at how popular it is around here


It's easy to pick up and play, you can learn most of the character's moves and timing from just practice on the training ground.

But let's be serious here the game has an extreme skill ceiling for most of their character roster.

so it's a highly polished single player vs a highly polished multiplayer

they both sound pretty deserving to me but one of them is going to be played for years

>extreme skill ceiling
ha ha. no

marketing and internet presence

When you have these two things, the quality of your game honestly doesn't matter too much.

D44M is not a bad game, just very boring

Mankind Divided is my personal GOTY

who cares
goty by definition already implies the game that wins will be a casual masses pandering fanservice heavy "accessable" pseudo-competitive modern progressive sjw bullshit filled teen-humor cringefest.

Your right about cooldown management and I see why Blizz put it in but still it really pisses me off.

I would rather learn a character specific skill than learn when to press a button every 12 seconds.

but pressing it every 12 seconds is no where close to the optimal strategy, and there are lots of character specific skills to learn (well not lots, but in terms of fps games anything more than 0 is quite a bit)

>extreme skill ceiling
>in OW

Dude tell me you are joking

because it's an extremely easy to pick up game that makes you feel good even if you're a total and complete shitter
see: play of the game system and post-game commends

>extreme skill ceiling

You mean TF2 right?

Same shit as witcher 3 last year

Literally why Witcher 3 gets hyped to all hell. It's a mediocre game released in a mediocre year for games and people praise it as the second coming of Jesus

Because a million retarded normies believe they have good taste by playing the new hip FPS game that will be dead in a year.
inb4 Overwatch f2p

I liked Diablo 1.

who claimed it was GOTY other than normies on Sup Forums?


>"The" Game Awards

that still doesnt tell me who either

>Not him

>because I said so

>a committee of execs selects their favorite journalists and e-celebs
>those journalists and e-celebs make the votes

Blizzdrones and normies love their multiplayer matchmaking + loot bland timewasters.