So we can all agree, right?
So we can all agree, right?
>no SOMA even though it's LITERALLY all story no substance: the game
>no ever 17
None of these are better than Fallout 1.
>no Gone Home
Into the trash.
Missing the witcher 3 there m8
I know this is bait but
>no planescape torment
You forgot Monster Girl Quest.
>le weeb shit
Fuck off
Absolute garbage list.
>Final Fantasy X
So many manipulative and cheesy stories.
VNs aren't games and it's shit compared to actually good VNs
Weeb list that misses most of the actual best stories. Nice effort come back when you've actually played the classics.
>ghost trick
>good story
i love the game, but the story was medicore, it was the execution of the story that was great
>good story
come on
>cave story
the game is praised for the gameplay, not the story
shit list
>no Silent Hill: Homecoming
How embarrassing.
>no DQ5
it's trash
>no MGS V
Where's Heavy Rain, though?
>implying the witcher 3 has a good story
>no GTA IV
>He hasn't played the Mystery Dungeon games
why are half of these furry?
>Silent Hill: Homecoming
Do you eat shit?
>hurr you guys, humans are real monsters! >:(
Filthy xeno-loving scum, purge yourself so the entire human race can collectively benefit from your eternal absence
i have played all of the games i listed
>everything is weeaboo dhit except Tumblrtale
nah not really
the story us FO1 basically just amounts to a big fetch quest and then a "kill all the bad guys"
generic action kind of plot
its a fun game because of how the player can approach the story but the story is not really very creative or unique on its own
the story in NV is much better
>Ghost Trick
>weeaboo shit
Wow, way to out yourself you utter pleb.
>Final Fantasy X
It was a tragic tale that delved into the human mind and what it means to be family. Stop hating it just because it's not weeb enough for you.
Where's Planescape Torment you dicksniffer?
right where it belongs, in garbage
Persona 3?
>no Starship Troopers (2005)
It's a convoluted hack job that doesn't even begin to grasp the symbolism and subtlety of the originals. Kill yourself.
>go find water
>found water
>"I play video games for the story!"
>mfw atleast everyone can agree these games had the best stories
>games where the stories rely on hours of cutscenes and dialogue
Throw them into the trash. The only games with good stories are the ones with no stories.
I only agree with Mother3. The test is absolute trash.
>Build one of the best stories in vidya with .Hack
>Fuck it all up with G.U.
God damn it why.
Are you actually stupid enough to believe that? It's worse than Downpour and one of the most embarrassing games I've ever witnessed.
>no Silent Hill: Homecoming
Shit list.
>>Fuck it all up with G.U.
But G.U. had a good story, it just wasnt as good as the origonals. I think if they had maybe delved more into the fact that sora and haseo were the same person and had him remember his past the story would have been perfect.
>no RE4
>no way fag
>Silent Hill: Homecoming
Is this a new meme I'm not aware of?
What are you, a Pretendo?
.hack, PSMD, FFX, and Undertale need to be removed.
Talking about quality video games is a meme? Well, on Sup Forums I guess it is, actually.
>no Bioshock: Infinite
Shit opinions general.
Video game stories I've enjoyed:
>Halo 1
>Kotor 1 & 2
>Deus Ex
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Metal Gear Solid
>Metro 2033
>Binary Domain
Storytelling is more important than story complexity.
Solatorobo had a beautiful world but boring story
>Silent Hill: Homecoming
>quality video game
Stop posting right now.
Fuck off with that garbage.
Fuck no
Wait, this is a fucking bait thread, isn't it, nobody has taste this shit, unless this is a list composed by Anthony Burch.
>best stories
>no Age of Mythology
>Cave Story
The story was serviceable and had decent moments but it's hardly anything above an above average
0/10 bait
Put some effort next time
>Fuck off with that garbage.
But I wanna keep talking about video games.
This is post post ironic memery. The best Silent Hill story is SM
Are the mystery dungeon games actually good? I played the demo for one and it seemed really underwhelming.
Dumb weeaboo
>Hurrr durrr the story was too complex for me to keep up with it so I didn't notice how retardedly contrived and full of plotholes it was great story 10/10
its basically just wish fulfullment for weebs who hate their lives and wish they were pokemon.
They arent terrible but they really arent that good either
>Good story
A lot of these aren't good stories as much as well written characters and events. Change the titles to games with best writing or something, not stories.
Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate is better than half the shit on that list. What other game has Joan of Arc and Momiji together?
>The story is complex in any way
This picture says otherwise.
The games are good, explorers of the sky have a nice plot twist and get dark pretty quickly.
VLR was better than 999
>no Dang It Romper
>the story was too complex for me to keep up
Would you stop projecting please
>any Silent Hill having a better story than 2
>Storytelling is more important than story complexity.
I don't think one is more important than the other, they're just different ways the developers can choose to focus while doing the story. I value them both equally.
It's like writing a script as story-driven or character-driven. It's a matter of preferences and approaches of the writer rather than importance or quality.
Similar thing goes with the games that rely on cutscenes and dialogues to do all the story-telling, you may not like it, but it's a pretty easy, effective and valid way of doing it. The real problem is that most of the time the story they're telling is pretty bad to begin with.
>ghost trick
Cave Story's gameplay is mediocre.
Add Persona 4 and you're golden.
I compiled a better list/image but the file is slightly too large, anyone know how to get the file size down just enough to post? Not too well versed in this stuff
I would argue that the methodology of storytelling precedes the story itself in importance. Crysis 2 has a potentially interesting story, but it sucks balls at telling it. Certainly, though, I more complex story may be more rewarding than a less complex one so long as it's told well.
Only one I agree with on that list is hack and not because of it's main plot but because of how deep and developed the world is
save as a jaypeg
Makes it fucking impossible to read
Confirmed for never having played either fallout 1 or 2.
Those two games alone shit all over this list of weeb shit
god dammit. I'm 15 hours in .hack infection part 1 and I really don't want to continue. It just feels like a chore.
Is the story really that good? It hasn't blown me away so far, but if it gets better I'll continue.
are you using mspaint or something
99% quality jpeg makes close to no difference
They don't. Fallout 1's story is very simple, hell even The Master is very one dimensional and kind of a joke. Fallout 2's story is a mess. The games excell at setting and gameplay-related stuff like exploration and build variety, not just because of their stories.
>Is the story really that good?
desu the first 4 games have the best story but the most grindy gameplay. I almost reccomend just watching all of the story on youtube.
the gameplay is the GU trilogy was a lot more engaging
Thanks. That's primarily the issue I'm having, I'm just not enjoying the dungeons.
But user MGS3 isn't there
>all that shit taste
lmao at ur lif kiss urself famalam gaiboi ass ohpee
I have an image titled "Sup Forums's Favorite Stories in Vidya" with the following games on it based on like ten threads a long while back in August.
>Grim Fandango
>Layton & The Unwound Future
>Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection (since no one can agree which is best)
>Deus Ex
>Ghost Trick
>Mother 3
>Neverwinter Nights 2: MotB
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>The World Ends With You
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Starwars: KOTOR II
>Silent Hill 2
>Vampire Bloodlines: The Masquerade
>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: EoS
>Planescape Torment
>Red Dead Redemption
>Final Fantasy VII
>The Longest Journeym
>The Witcher 3
>Mass Effect
>Cave Story
>Max Payne
Honestly I think Undertale deserves a spot too but too many people opposed it and it didn't fit well with the setup I made.
Can we agree or no? It took me a long fucking time for it since I'm shit with image editing but it looks pretty nice so long as it's not turned into a shitty JPG, but it's too large to post. Anyone have a way to lower the file size enough to post without making it total shit?
pretty much. questionable additions:
>Fallout 1
>Shadow of the Colossus
That seems fairly accurate. Even if I don't agree with some of them, at least I can see the appeal they have for some.
I think Soul Reaver 2 (or at least one LoK) should be there too though.
> Weeb shit
>Final Fntasy X
>Anything good at all