Tales of Berseria

New English trailer with wub dub music.


This is not from the game's original soundtrack, right?
Doesn't sound like JRPG at all.


no thanks

luckily berseria at least seems to have original JP audio, unlike certain shitty bamco games (God Eater)

I thought dubstep dropped off the earth after 2010. Why the hell is it still being used in trailers? And in a fantasy game no less?

Dub sounds surprisingly alright, but then again my expectations weren't that high.

Nah dude, that just generic trailer wub music. Bamco probably exported this out to a trailer production company and they threw on "Action Theme Track #28"

what gets to me more is when dubstep bass drops are used as sound effects in trailers.

>This is not from the game's original soundtrack, right?

No, Bamco usually use production tracks for their english trailers

I can ignore the bass drops. What gets me is they did the whole "Show spoilers and quotes out of context for cool trailer shots" thing.

To be honest, I can't remember if Innominat playing a role in the game is a spoiler or revealed early on.

>rub a dub dub thank you for the wub
preorder canceled

The Authur scene looks less threatening now when they use the censored version.

Now it looks silly.

I have no idea what or who Innominat is, and I played through the Japanese game.

Probably some rename, from the moment in the trailer my guess is カノヌシ
Don't google this you'll see spoilers.

About how long is this game?

A good 60 hours for the main story.


So he/she have a major role in Berseria? I remember hearing that name several times in Zestiria

Where does it rate compared to others like Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, Zesteria?

Looks kinda fun.

He has a big role yes.

Between Good and Great tier.

Gameplay was good, story and characters were surprisingly good as well.
You can feel that was the main focus of the developers.

Everything else is just okay. Certainly not a perfect game but very enjoyable.

Can this get any worse?

Well that's because, like all other Tales games, it's not a JRPG.
It's a pile of shit.

Just wait for the release to find out it uses denuvo

That trailer tries to be a movietrailer a bit too much for my liking.

The soundtrack is very movietrailer-esque imo.
